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Everything posted by Benway

  1. disallowed = anything. (nothing/kick/restriction//violation) practical: use at own risk ;p
  2. i already knew you love steam-talk about stuff you have zero information about. Note you will not get any either. On that note, one topic soaked wet by your tearful cluelessness is enough.
  3. We have setup our own workaround. On policy, information about cheat detection methods we use is private to Streaming Admins, sorry. No comment in public forums. P.S.: old news.
  4. i did some research at the time about the the bright green models / glow effect, case your about this, your up a wrong end with cvarunlockers. All that is required is the game console. Its a combination of veil and two game cvars. It is glitching / a game exploit and there is no fix. pb_sv_cvar r_*** IN 1 ... is still exploitable, so it 'almost' works and there is nothing better (restricting the second cvar involved in the glitch is no use). i will not repost any details in public forums. This thread will be wiped within 1 week (hello Google)
  5. No point for phantom limb pain about our 'for SA use only' policy really, i own this game and i hardly supported it - which means quite a few things, amongst others: it was dead on release. In other words: You do not miss much, there is one (almost working) cvar restriction and two outdated md5tool checks for pb detected cheats, there are no new cheats around as hack coders are just as uninterested as online-players. We did no updates since ~1/2 year after release date. There will be no new researches.
  6. *triple posts (not bad!) merged* :whistling_and_rolling_eyes: most helpful link: https://twitter.com/#!/PBBans
  7. i suspect some ppl don't get what game this / any similar topic is about :P http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfenstein_(series)
  8. that was already yesterday, the good thing: mass-auto-deletion of Hack Trojan submissions :P
  9. no ingame browser = no masterserver , that is wolfmaster.idsoftware.com being unresponsive. External Browsers that support RtCW are GS or QT
  10. - client logging is useful to trace errors, not more or less. So the Q would be: what is the kick reason when you connect to a server - it does no harm to add and update both /pb locations in pbsetup+legacy - common issue under vista/w7 is either the Game.exe or PnkBstrA.exe / PnkBstrB.exe are not running with admin rights. Google & Google - ofc there are no working 64 bit versions for discontinued legacy games if a game does not run w/h pb this will lead to nothing; i'd rather delete pb and get the game to run first, drivers, DX configuration etc.
  11. That is what discontiued support means; thus there is nothing to 'fix', it is a workaround. Create two folders pbsetup_new (contains pbsetup.exe) pbsetup_legacy (contains legacy.rar, extract again if needed).
  12. thats what happens if someone thinks it was a good idea to listen to cheat site-vips/staff etc. personnel what could be done against their exploits "Oh, nothing? Too bad" instead of keeping them outdoors on policy and beforehand where ever possible. That is their choice. My choice at this point is, i quit taking anything seriously what comes from a source considering that a policy suitable for AC . BTW: Still encouraging to stream Home-Servers to pimp up numbers? Or EA/Dice fixed that misconception accidentally?
  13. http://support.asus.com/powersupply.aspx?SLanguage=en-us
  14. The pleb-version is already pretty smooth, i got one as an on the fly replacement (blackscreen + musical MoBo Saturday afternoon) for 1 evga_GTX285_FTW for twice+ the juice. To give a few tendencies, it "performs" not as good in benchmarks (285 result with maxed out memory timings though (dominator @1600 XMP) couldn't be arsed with the 560), but under practical conditions the 560 returns rather higher but first and foremost more stable FPS rates; this as well with old and new games, in paricular it's way smoother in RO2, 90fps almost constant vs. 60-68 ish. It's cooler and more silent, 40°C vs. 52°C idle. Stable and solid. Bottomline thumbs up. And for the future i'd rather get another mass product from a mass brand rather than a nifty-pricey niche product of a - still - mass brand, marginal performance gain plus more noise isn't really worth the less marginally higher price. Only pro was if you get 10 years RMA - not here, PartNo.-KR is 3 years anyway.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfenstein 1. no luck is a Shrug-report, fix: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html 2. make sure pbsrv are properly installed http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsvc.html 3. simplest way to pbupdate is the old console version pbweb.exe , run from ET/pb/ pbweb.rar
  16. try \Mods\ModWarfare\demos
  17. 1. go to games /pb folder, create a text-file named pbcl.cfg , file contents: // // filename: pbcl.cfg -- goes to game's /pb/ // pb_MsgPrefix "^5PunkBuster Client" pb_Sleep 500 pb_LogToFile 1 pb_SsLog 1 pb_SsSave 1 PB_LogMD5Tool 1 pb_Security 0 // allow pb-update downloads from ANY (game-)server this enables client logging as well; to retrieve information like GUID, exact kick reasons and violation numbers etc. refer to: /pb/pbcl.log for further information see: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html 2. update client pb using this workaround, contains old Backup of 'pbgame.htm' for legacy games : LEAKED! pbsetup+legacy.rar 3. check this out http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsvc.html as well.
  18. we are not punkbuster ... but i'm guessing you mean this: PBSetup.exe still works for legacy games, but you will need an old backup copy of pbgame.htm to run it pbsetup+legacy.rar
  19. i tried this bfhd exploit (bfhd map in dc levels/) on a DC online server, result(s): empty/grey map-loading screen & crash to desktop - as expected and as it should. It only "works" (with weapons etc. of the wrong mod) on local servers, but this only as server and client are using the same wrong map-file. for #9013 kicks, practically pb_sv_md5toolfreq is a timeout. Usually clients are kicked shortly after connecting if the server issued a md5tool check (note there is a random factor) while clients are still initializing (or worse: updating) pb. This can get worse if the servers network connection gets weak - i used to run md5toolfreq 50 but during weekends 120 ish. Opposed to that, if there are individual clients always getting kicked, they have update, init or firewall issues, no overall admin rights (vista) - i never found a fix though. As a practical approach: the list contains a lot of dated items, i'd run a high setting, but 300 is already maxed out. If there are still mass kicks, my only idea is, its a legacy game pb-wise, and apparently stuff starts to break.
  20. Conspiracy. All you get from that is a game crash (i tried, you?) as client's and server's map+mod do not match*. Even if this not the case: checking for the existence of a mod (mods/BFHD/Archives/Objects.rfa NOT_FOUND) would not change an overwritten map-file (rename /BFHD/, fixed?) *(local server w/ same broke-joke-map) What type of kicks? violation logs? there is no md5t related kick in the streamed logs back to Nov.7, 4-5 kicks for #9013 Ignoring MD5Tool Queries. Usual fix for #9013 is a higher md5toolfreq setting, a few random #9013 viols. are common.
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