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Everything posted by Benway

  1. fugnick 'About' Tab ... /|\ was sposed to be default

  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/NOTICE-Streaming-LAN-or-PC-Servers-t51092.html
  3. Per policy we will not comment on pbss from non streaming servers. http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php#Bansubmission (Русский) you may refer to this information as well: http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html
  4. guid (auth:unkn) is common during clients pb autoupdate and pb init. there is a grace period / a timeout, after that a #101 - #141 kick (click) would follow.
  5. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq.php "What is a guid?" Wir bannen GUIDs, keine Personen. Wer behauptet, er könnte das (Personen bannen), hat ein Problem mit dem Realitätsbezug, Recherche zum Stichwort "Internet" wäre angezeigt. Der Unterschied ist, eine GUID ist das Spiel an sich (früher mal: die CD, daher auch der CD-Key). Ein Spiel kann zumindest potentiell durch beliebig viele Hände gehen oder auf beliebig vielen Rechnern installiert werden, und dementsprechend könnte eine GUID (das selbe Spiel/CD) n-Mal benutzt werden, um einen Account zu generieren. Spielernamen, Accounts und dergleichen Pillefitz sich etwas ausgesprochen Volatiles (kann man vergessen). Wer Trödel kauft, darf keine Neuware erwarten und muß im Übrigen auf Überraschungen gefasst sein. Lohnt bei dem Neupreis
  6. we are aware of this. i'll give you an example that would be rated bannable offense for obvious reasons
  7. still wasted ammo to get BF2 off steam for a tenner :P so
  8. I'm sorry, we do not accept ET demos anymore as the validity of evidence can only be verified for automated bans. (leave alone MAC etproguid) if you have some cheat-related information to submit (cheat, not cheater, means: no demos, no pbss) feel free to use : http://www.pbbans.com/submit_cheat.php we will not leave cheat related information in public forums. locked.
  9. looks like somebody has a omg all hax cept me problem :P
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php#Bansubmission
  11. it's the failed attempt to speed camper games up.
  12. kein ban, so? die übermittelten pbss sind in der Review-Wartehalle (wenn's den die sind), ich entnehme mal aus der Annahme kein Ban, dass ohnehin schon klar ist, dass die 3 Screens bestenfalls unklar sind, also: Nein.
  13. On one side cheats will be detected by punkbuster regardless what mod is run. On the other side exploits of game/mod flaws are no cheats, so the answer is no.
  14. this http://www.anythingbutiphone.com/
  15. most of the times it's already hard enough from 1st person PoV. imo EB focuses it's resources on direct detections rather than on working around DirectX (thank M$) related pbss issues, not uncomprehensible to wait and see if there will be DirectX 27 soon with new marketing drivel benefits rendering 10-26 useless.
  16. you didn't come across "log only detections & global guid bans" concept yet, did you? http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-search.html (note MBi will show in result you will host cheaters with "undetected" (=logging) pay-hacks LoL, just check the guid in MPi two weeks later again. there never was a demo facility (3rd person videos are useless) in BF series and it's obvious there will be none in the future. Coming from the quake3engine world i can tell this is not quite trivial, any patch will break demo code (source: J.D.Carmack, keynotes on Quake4, QuakeCon 2005) thus the development effort for version updates will be ~ doubled. Newer more complex games will not change this situation to the better. ... merging all topics on that subject, that would be ... epic
  17. as you know support is discontinued, thus there will be no bf42 pb update whatsoever; i doubt there ever was a 64-bit version of bf1942 pb. only idea was to run anything bf1942 related (incl. pb-services PnkBstrA.exe PnkBstrB.exe) in 32-bit compatibility mode.
  18. you can finally ignore it, it means zero, nothing, nada. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/anyone-knows-about-my-dx-it-is-t118829.html
  19. in case you'r talking about CoD2 (always helpful to know) you had to start the the server with PunkBuster enabled first (i see it off in HLSW). After that you might try rcon setup http://www.pbbans.com/forums/hub-streaming-fixsetup-via-rcon-t29047.html (its easy) as well
  20. we will not discuss any cheat related question in public.
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