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Everything posted by Benway

  1. /me wonders why all this fuss, irrelevant details spam about a non-pb game that will just take a little more time to die than comparable "releases", that only down to the size of the pissed off community; its just another modern game with crippled mp, so bear it resignedly and buy it ... [at least if you have a grip to the cod sucks! series - just cause there was a slip-upwards, well, left aside the sad mess the implementation is, for better chances to end up with a unique guid rather google a cod4-key than buy one] ... play it ... bury it. After that start to consider if there might be a game worth playing twice within ... say ... less than 10 years, i.e. that is not just another piece of consumer junk, i.e. more than another box in the shelf 2-3 days later. The only silver lining on the horizon was a browser based free game :S mainly just because it came without a damn SP, just i'm done with it cause i've played the exact same game 10 years ago already ... when it was new ;P When groundbreaking Quake 3 Arena was released, all Critics had to do was moaning it didn't have "a Story". Result (really?): see above, Critics will continue to play stupid game's SP solely, on consoles ofc (and i reckon watching Pron with "a Story"), along with a billion chinese kids possibly. So don't be old fashioned and join in: "200 billion flies cant be wrong! eat shit!" Though i wonder if this really can be the point, the ridiculous bias for "enjoyable" (yeah right ... Bah! waste of time and 25GB HD space), "awesome", etc. BS SinglePlayer, ofc with the inevitable "awesome graphics", leave me alone it was all new here, i have eyes to see, at the latest when it comes to MP you are back to the usual Grey brown greenish (lights off for a change) "bit more of reality" rubbish seen 10.000 times before since cod0 or whatever, its all the same boring jizz. Q3 had factor 0.5 less textures resolution maybe, just what it had was: factor 2.7*103 more fantasy. But that is history.
  2. go and whine where you bought the cheat. Old news = LOCKED
  3. we could not find why the team account was suspended, only idea is an 1 1/2 year old suspension might have been reinstated during the recent forums update/migration; anyway, we are sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=106292
  5. Benway

    Hiding Pb guid ?

    i remember the same report from a Q4 server 1-2 years ago, so likely a bug; could be an exploit (rather than a cheat/hack) as well, e.g. fake clients or a flooded rcon (DOS), maybe you find something here http://aluigi.altervista.org/search.php?src=Doom+3+engine. Note you cannot say a certain player was - actively - hiding his guid, anybody could be initiator, some exploits will not even require to be connected to a server as a player ... I would suggest always to use the PB server-sided tools and commands i.e. /Rcon pb_sv_PList , incase Rcon is unresponsive (DOS / Rcon PW-brute force) it's always handy to have the pb WebTool http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/q4...dex.htm#webtool setup, that will still work nonetheless ;)
  6. overlays are not recommendable in any pb enabled game unless the developers contacted evenbalance to use a method pb wont pick ... so are beta OS :P
  7. Zum Thema "Schwierigkeiten", es gibt hier (pbbans.com) keine. Wenn, dann wären diese bereits sichtbar, in der Form, dass BlackDragon2009 Gelogt auf diversen streamenden Servern ist die zugehörige GUID seit 2 Jahren -- Dez. 2007 bis Okt. 2008 Polen -- Sept. 2008 BRD (NRW) -- Jan. 2009 Israel -- Okt. 2009 BRD (RLP). Soweit, was wir von hier aus dazu sagen können. Zu den Bans von anderen AC-Orgs sag ich nichts (z.B. wer/woher die Verursacher waren), das wäre nur heiße Luft, davon haben wir keine Logs; entsprechende Fragen sind daher sinnvollerweise bei den Urheber-Sites zu behandeln. Verbraucherberatung machen wir hier zwar nicht, man muss nur einigermaßen blauäugig sein um hinter einem "Angebot" wie Keys/Prepaid > BackUP > Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare BackUp Key 10,99 € irgendein seriöses Produkt zu vermuten, oder? umsonst ist der Tod Um den Rest kurz zu machen, den Key und die Kohle könnt ihr abschreiben. Merke: wer mit halbgaren Ossis Geschäfte macht, braucht u.a. eine RSV. Da ich außerdem für offensichtliche Nepper, die geerntete Keys n-mal verticken nix übrig habe (geschenkt): auf Wiedersehen; das ganze dann "BackUP Keys/Prepaid" zu nennen entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Komik, prepaid = ein anderer hat schonmal dafür bezahlt? xD pay-hack Seiten verteilen derartigen Müll als "borrowed key that might be in use" Bei etwaigen Einwendungen gegen diese Moderation empfehle ich die Beachtung von http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php#ger 13.3. Vielen Dank für die beispielgebenden Beiträge in diesem Thread (Stickied), die Sachlage ist, was unser Betätigungsfeld anbelangt, hiermit erschöpfend behandelt. Weitere Streitigkeiten, ob nun aus der Sparte justistisch oder auch nur chickenfight : closed.
  8. http://windows7forums.com/windows-7-games/...n-131124-a.html and btw: pb + 64bit OS = issues
  9. sounds like pbsv.cfg is overwritten with a default one on schedule, better contact the server host to make a long story short(er) if you have ftp access, could try to save the streaming setup to pb/pbsvuser.cfg first
  10. different OS versions (xp sp1-3, vista, w7, not to mention w2k) and DirectX versions (minor updates as well DX9 vs DX10 plus bugfixes for certain games) will cause this, e.g. d3d9.dll size=1826304 http://www.google.com/#q=d3d9.dll++1826304...;fp=1&cad=b http://www.hoodcheck.com/system/check/syst...tml?3800=112167
  11. you added what is a timeout ofc says: Anti Cheat Tool: None
  12. ja, esp, wall und aim im tag hat so seine Nachteile ^_^
  13. http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php?action=addserver
  14. pb_sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015 ist nur ziemlich aus der Mode gekommen, weil, heutzutage geht es auch so Die Erwartungshaltung halte ich f
  15. noch eine Variante ist, der Server hat zum Zeitpunkt des Bans nicht gestreamt, und es gab danach kein manuelles Banlist-update. Gegen solche F
  16. basicly ... the only way. Leaked keys would be used to cheat - if they wouldn't stay banned - again. On another note: Only buy games off reputable vendors, no online-key-traders, no discount offers etc., several are notorious to sell the same key n-times.
  17. security is a policy, no piece of software whatsoever.
  18. this link explains everything. locked.
  19. http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-62-104-17-220-16567.html Signaturen sind dynamisch, update alle paar Stunden
  20. We ban punkbuster GUIDs off streaming servers. This based on evidence incl. PunkBuster server Logs. Go figure.
  21. i paid 60 euros incl. shipping 8/3/09 ;P System Requirements PC Wolfenstein: # Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 3400+ # 1 GB RAM # GeForce 6800 GT 256MB or Radeon X800 256MB # 8 GB HD PS: Bah ET :P
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