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Everything posted by Benway

  1. das war ein Shrug Report :P im Übrigen sehe ich 5 von 5 streamende Server.
  2. it's not our ban nor our scan, so rather ask where this came from.
  3. don't mess with iPad printers http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/15/ipad-printing-solved/
  4. whoever feels the need to join the mighty BS-test0rs-Clan clicks here
  5. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/bonuses-of-departed-iw-employees-will-be-redistributed ^_^ Seems project follow-ups and continuous support will complicate things alot for "gaming industry", if there is none, rather just a one-year-"project", Activision has proven to get off way cheaper and simpler: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/endrant-studios-opens-doors (16/07/2008) http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/wolfenstein-multiplayer-team-axed-on-release-day (18/08/2009)
  6. we won't interfere in handbag battles. our policies
  7. Though this is (again) nothing but fishing in troubled waters, you are mistaken cheaters would "keep own legit keys", proven fact is rather "borrowed keys" were used as refund for banned pay-cheat customers. Subsequently these keys are/will be banned again, just like their legit ones. I do understand you want "another system". this wont happen. anything but banning guids is arbitrary at best. How come here are countless players who never ran into issues of that kind - i lost my key - luck? i doubt it. I had numerous GUIDs since 2002 and each of them is 'unique' up to today. PS: what you consider logic is a lack of concept what punkbuster is and how it works. "Auto-kick", as you call it, is punkbuster standalone - no streaming at all - so you request rather "no system". and no, we will not waste our time with silly "watch-lists", fyi this was in effect a "warn cheaters system", we do not suspect cheaters, we ban them. evidence is given by streamed genuine punkbuster server logs. We are an AC organization, no cheater support site. But again, in this case all that would not matter anyway :) as "your guid is globally banned by evenbalance"; here your 'ideas' are a plain illusion. Misconception to throw smoke alarms into the ashes when the house is already burned down. i presume a flawed system as well, yours. step 1 low level format
  8. nice pic, source of information? Obviously guesswork. Your guid is globally banned by evenbalance, i.e.: wrong forum, wrong site, point missed - bottomline: Re all other misconceptions see post #6. Just in case you still miss the point: "We ban GUIDs, not Persons" ... though: it is not our ban :) fyi evenbalance only bans a guid after they have logged it with a cheat in use ... multiple times from min. 2 different servers :P Public keys will always stay banned and for good reasons, there is nothing like a "suspect" CD-Key.
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php#Bansubmission on that note, post #1 is accusation without proof. It's just not edited out, as it accuses sb. random of nothing. Funny how BF ppl think putting a name - that is nothing but random - into a textbox was "hacking" ... not really that it changed to the better with later versions, bbq2 hinthint.
  10. Thema verfehlt. Neues Spiel, neue Installation mit neuem CD-Key = neue GUID. Der ganze Rest (s.u.) ist davon unberührt. Und geht uns nichts an. Wir sind nicht EA* (dort fragen) osä. Wir bannen GUIDs Keine Personen oder sonstwas, wie beispielsweise: a.) dumme BetaField acunts, b.) eure tollen Stats (post #9) oder c.) "Namen". Weil selbige sind: 1.) uns piepe. 2.) ungefähr so "persönlich", "sicher" :lol: und "einzigartig" wie ein Bierdeckel *3.) : Eine GUID, die zum Cheaten benutzt wurde/wird - von wem auch immer, "wer was war" oder "nicht war" ist ebenso unerheblich wie nicht nachweisbar - bleibt gebannt, ohne jede Disukssion. Ende der selbigen.
  11. BTW Everson, what Google translat0r returns is Gobbl di Gook, and deutsch ---> engrish is way better than the other way round :D
  12. Antwort in Idioten Deutsch? Namen sind Schall und Rauch. Meine persönliche Ansicht ist, der name-search hier sollte ersatzlos gestrichen werden. Grund: fortgesetzter Mis-brauch. (freundlich formuliert: Missdeutung) Wir sind eine PunkBuster Support Seite, wir bannen PunkBuster GUIDs. Die Datenbasis ist auf PunkBuster GUIDs aufgebaut, Namen, IPs usw. sind nur zusätzliche - uns zwar weiche! - Informationen. Heisst, keine der zusätzlichen Informationen wird - ganz im Gegensatz zur Punkbuster GUID [PunkBuster© Client-Server Authentifizierung] - authentifiziert. Eine nächträgliche Überprüfung oder Nachbearbeitung findet (prinzipiell) nicht statt. Folglich führen wir keine Player Accounts, schon gar keine Online-Player-Name basierten. Mit den ganzen EA-Login Krempel haben wir (oder Punkbuster) nichts zu tun, geschweige denn irgendeinen Zugriff darauf. Wir bannen Guids, keine Namen. Alle GUIDs zu bannen, die irgendwann mit dem gleichen Namen gesehen worden sind, ist grenzdebil, scheint, nur mit account & hashkey weichgespühlte BF2-Hirne kommen auf derart bizarre Ideen. Keine der MPi Informationen wird verändert werden, die richtige Anwendung & Interpretation von Information ist eine Sache, die Integrität einer Datenbasis eine andere. In Zusammenhang mit dem PBBans MPi von "Account" zu sprechen ist schlicht falsch. Davon abgesehen ist ein Name immer noch kein BF2-Account (Hash?), das Maß der Zuverlässigkeit bzw. Sicherheit von BetaField2 Accounts (und somit auch von "Namen" in BF2) sollte mittlerweile hinreichend bekannt sein, also in etwa ... so in der Größenordnung von: Null. Wie sich die Ban Information ... ->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAME HOOK) #125109: Mr.1NV1S1BLE (slot #10) [1551abeaf8c2c0515c60b576129630f7(-)] ... einem sog. "Account" zuordnen lässt, müsste man mir erst noch zeigen, eventuell auf einem dieser "gehackte-BF2-accounts" Server? Man weiß es nicht. Hier bei uns auf jeden Fall und mit Sicherheit jedenfalls: NICHT. Wenn man schon den name-search benutzt, und daraus fälschlicherweise einen "Account" (wie auch immer) ableitet, ... dann bitte gleich richtig falsch und von fünf "Accounts" Agent_Luke sprechen, ... und nicht von "Account Mr.1NV1S1BLE", denn sonst sähe das Suchergebnis ja wohl auch so aus: nicht wahr? Ich mache mir ausnahmsweise mal die Mühe und gebe die simple (und vollständig hinreichende) Aussage: "diese beiden GUIDs [7c09f8c9 bzw 129630f7] sind nichtmal über IPs verlinkt" ( = es gibt keinen Nachweis, oder auch nur ein Indiz dafür, dass diese beiden GUIDs (und somit CD-Keys) vom selben Internet-Anschluss aus benutzt worden sind. Jedenfalls nicht hier.) ... als Bildchen wieder: guidhistory_129630f7 guidhistory_7c09f8c9 man beachte insbes. die Details der cleanen GUID an Datum des Bans (magenta) 13. April 2009 mit denen der gebannten. Berufspendler? Ausschlußkriterium, Alibi würden das Juristen nennen: DE Germany Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart Arcor AG DE Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen Düsseldorf Arcor AG Scenario: Wenn ein Namehack ( ... Auch wenn "Namehack" natürlich per se eine Albernheit ist, wer kann so naiv sein, ein läppisches /Nick (und genau das und nicht mehr ist es, wenn wir über Punkbuster logs/streaming reden, nochmal, wir sind nicht EA) für irgendetwas Belastbares zu halten? Wenn's denn stimmen würde oder darauf ankäme, würde ich sagen: ich "hacke" meinen Namen 2 mal am Tag. 1 mal "PunkBuster für Admins" und zurück Bitte! ____________________ PS: dieser Topic kann ganz oder in Auszügen ausserhalb von PBBans.com wiedergegeben werden, die verwendeten Grafiken dürfen heruntergeladen und auf dritten Seiten re-hosted werden. ____________________ transscription: In my opinion name-search here should be entirely disabled. Reason: it is mis- / abused ... (put friendly: misinterpretation / misconception) We are a PunkBuster support site, we ban PunkBuster GUIDs. The database is based on PunkBuster GUIDs. Names, IPs, etc., are only additional - weak! - Information. Means: no additional information is - in contrast to Punkbuster GUID [PunkBuster© Client-server authentication] - authenticated. MPi entries are not reviewed. Consequently, we hold no "player-accounts" based on player names. With all EA-Login clutter we (or Punkbuster) have nothing to do, let alone any access to it. We log and monitor GUIDs, not names. To ban all GUIDs that have been seen with the same name at some point is dopey, it seems, only BF2 brains think an account or hashkey would mean anything. None of the MPi information will be changed; the correct use and interpretation of information is one thing, the integrity of a database another. To speak about an "account" in connection with the PBBans MPi is simply wrong. Apart from that, a name still is no BF2 account (hash?), the degree of reliability and safety of BetaField2 Names should be well known by now, about ... : zero. the Ban Information ... ->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAME HOOK) #125109: Mr.1NV1S1BLE (slot #10) [1551abeaf8c2c0515c60b576129630f7(-)] ... how this could be assigned to a so-called "account", nobody knows, possibly on one of these "hacked-BF2-accounts" servers? Here in any case and certainly: NOT. If you already use the name-search, and misinterpret this as "Account" ... ... then at least do it "properly wrong" and talk about five "Accounts" Agent_Luke, ... and not 'one Mr.1NV1S1BLE Account', otherwise the result would look this way: right? For once the simple (and completely sufficient) statement: "these two GUIDs [7c09f8c9 or 129630f7] are not even linked by IPs" (= there is no evidence or even an indication that these two GUIDs (and hence CD-keys) have been used from the same Internet connection. ... again as a little picture: guidhistory_129630f7 guidhistory_7c09f8c9 note especially the details of the date of the clean GUID Bans (magenta) 13th April 2009 with those of the banned. Commuters? Exclusion criterion, lawyers would call it alibi: DE Germany Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart Arcor AG DE Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen Düsseldorf Arcor AG Scenario: If a name Hack ( ... Even if a "Name Hack" of course in itself is folly, who can be so naive to rate a silly Nick (and exactly that and nothing more than a TEXTSTRING it is when we talk about Punk Buster logs) conclusive? Again, we are not EA. Once and forever: ffs read Evenbalance.com "PunkBuster for Admins" and back please!
  13. somebody needs refund cd-keys for paying 501* customers ... ^_^
  14. look at it this way: you can use our banlist http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-latest50-etqw-lfb24.html (note a few recent EB catches?), streaming servers you will contribute to that list thus convicted cheaters will be kept off all streaming servers and all other servers using pbbans public MBi banlist. Up to you. We will continue support for ETQW as long it is supported by PB, personally i have no issues to do the same work for 1 server or for 1000, though there is not too much to do/support with the grade of current activity including (no) hack releases. No comments or discussion on cheats will be made or tolerated in public forums here.
  15. we are used to be named unprofessional, that is what hackers and lamers (with or without RCon) always will "claim" :)
  16. think what you wish, we ban based on evidence - provided by PunkBuster with streamed log evidence, as you can read up here: http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php 1.7, 4. f on that note, witch hunting topic, *closed*
  17. contact evenbalance then. nothing we could say or do here. *locked*
  18. join one of these servers http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-list-bfbc2-36.html
  19. we ignore stats (and stats whine on the same note), this is no valid evidence, ever. Random example how conclusive stats are: You can use a cheat only once and get banned for it.
  20. these are log-only detections collected over the last few weeks. stats are useless re AC (and other things :P)
  21. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html
  22. ... and check pb sevices http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsvc.html#troubleshooting VIOLATION (COMFAIL) #133: Coor (slot #4) No Packet Flow Check the console after connect for pb messages , master servers are up, try a ping in a cmd.exe (Start-->Run) box. pb update will still work (using an old pb-games list) PB_Update_bf1942.exe
  23. we can fix that, just go on here B) left this in SGA private areas though ('Streaming Related Qs and Troubleshooting' is public-visible) as, errm, honestly you should read disclaimers. update: Removed private information like phone numbers etc. from post #1 and moved topic to said forum visible to Members - thread "starter" has no streaming server left atpt, thus might be auto downgraded
  24. seems to get a more and more common issue, http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html to check server IP-Port
  25. Allgemeines Greeting (für alle): http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php (Modify Server) letzter Absatz: [ Join Greeting ] [Greeting:] ^1Welcome ^4$CURRENT_NICK ^1to (... was auch immer) [save Join Greeting] $CURRENT_NICK ... gegenwärtig benutzter /name , $Variable nur in Großbuchstaben! Für eine bestimmte GUID: http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php [Manage Personal Greetings] GUID, Bezeichnung, Game und spezielles Greeting ausfüllen und [x]Enable Greeting [save Greeting] Außerdem muß für jeden Server http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php (Modify Server) das [x] Allow Personal Greetings flag gesetzt werden, damit GUID-basierte Greetings (von allen Teams, die GUIDs/Greetings definiert haben) freigegeben sind.
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