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Everything posted by Benway

  1. i lol'd @v.196.75 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/bug-drivers-t107404.html/page__view__getlastpost > 186 already smelled of fried silicon
  2. this ban is 2 years old and the guid/cdkey is leaked. kicks of this guid are a result of the server being MBi protected.
  3. Problem a.) GUID authentication: this is what the PunkBuster MasterServers are required for. So the problem is rather if 1. client will be a allowed to connect to a server 2. the pb server log will show a guid that is valid* rather than if pb server and client will communicate (e.g. pbss requests). PB MasterServers are still online and my guess is, they will stay as long BFV or even BF2 is around. Problem b.) Gamespy MasterServer does the ingame browser, so noobs (and statwhores) will need it ;P imo won't happen they go offline as long there are BF-Series servers (see BF2 master servers http://d3.jpn.org/wiki/GyaASE:Master_Servers .:dead link) * As a last resort servers could run as LAN servers pb_sv_gameauth 0 ... in result any valid or invalid guid would be allowed to connect. as stated we will continue support for BF1942 as long as ... it makes sense. ____ P.S.: on a personal note: Proof once and forever: why newer doesn't mean better, go figure the difference between Sound and Noise enemy forces spotted, orly
  4. likely some company wants to sell new games ... anyway, there are no new hacks for BF1942, the last cheat site coding/selling some is offline for quite a while. So there were no pb updates and will be v. likely/hopefully no need for any. Just keep a clean installation copy of /pb for backup pb_BF1942_2-2010_fresh.rar pb_BF1942_all_htm.rar pb_BF1942_all_dll.rar ^Windows 32^, would be great if somebody could upload pb-linux/server-files, pbsv.so etc.
  5. might be another PunkBuster-"Light"-integration (no console echos like BF2* and AA) as well, no admin manual yet http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-farcry2.php so god knows.
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pb-et-linux-uploading-sss-to-website-t21020.html http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pb-sv-getss-command-help-t52873.html http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pb-sv-sspath-t60502.html
  7. you bought a copy with a key that is not unique. in fact all copies since 2007 come with the same key. fix: none (unless digging out old valid key), workaround(?): http://www.pbbans.com/forums/help-me-please-t78576.html http://www.pbbans.com/forums/soldier-of-fortune-ii-authentication-server-disabled-t23137.html
  8. We will not comment on screens from cracked servers , nor will we allow cracked servers to stream thus any evidence from these servers is not trustable, see http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php#Bansubmission As well all these screens are tampered. Topic closed.
  9. i wish we knew an answer. Nevertheless i would suggest to disable all in-game notifications, popups and overlays e.g. as well make sure steam, xfire etc. is updated. delete /pb directory and make a fresh install using pbsetup.exe
  10. this advantage was random at best. imo caching of pbss was introduced to reduce the "omg black pbss" whine in the first place, so admins will get a cached instead of a black ss :P
  11. you might notice the cached ss bug explains wrong map as well.
  12. das lumpige an BF* ist, dass die Konsole keinerlei echos auf PB_ Befehle ausgibt. PB-WebTool ist ein pb feature, heißt, gebannt/gekickt wird immer die pb-Guid, BF-Hash ist hier nutzlos. Bans/Kicks, die über das Webtool "List Players Screen" http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf2-ad/index.htm#webtool gemacht werden enden in der 'pbbans.dat' im aktiven /pb Verzeichnis des Servers. Entsprechend landen alle Konsolen-echos auf PB_SV-Befehle und WebTool-Aktionen in den PB-Server logs /pb/svlogs/00001234.log usw., wo man alles nachlesen kann*, z.B. die pb-guid aller Player, Befehle in diesem Zusammenhang sind [exec] pb_sv_PList , [exec] pb_sv_BanList , http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf2-ad/index.htm#commands *Voraussetzung ist allerdings FTP Zugriff. Andere Möglichkeit: http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php und man kann die GUIDs der Player, die aktuell auf dem Server sind, über die [Hub Live] Schaltfläche einsehen. Noch ne Möglichkeit: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/index.php Search [Alias], ist aber mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Außerdem kann man aus bekanntem bf2-hash die pb-guid errechnen klick (ohne Gewähr)
  13. pb_sv_unbanGuid **edit*guid** exec pb_sv_unbanGuid **edit*guid** ins WebTool, command screen, [To console-->] EingabeFeld (weiß nicht mehr genau ob webtool 'to console' das 'exec ' das BF2 rcon (ohne deamon) braucht automatisch davor setzt, eins von beiden aber sollte funzen) in BF2CC: exec pb_sv_unbanGuid **edit*guid** [C:\]icon
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=108734
  15. crashware it is. edit: Beta>2 fixes
  16. ... oh was in the mood for long posts B)
  17. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=announce.php
  18. this starts to go mental ... how about : Psycho Kid Reviews Call of Duty Modern Warfare
  19. Benway

    Bug drivers

    vista 191 drivers are a different DL, so cant/didnt comment on that. This would make sense, the errors always set in after several minutes and alt-tabbing out fixed it - well, sort of. Was thinking of overheating as well, as the evga FTW layouts are clocked to the utmost possible/stable in 3D-performance mode ex factory, though with 180.87 (stock drivers), 185 and 186 all ran rock-solid stable; So i rechecked and indeed: NV 191.07 WinXP whql will create 10+x °C higher GPU and GDDR Temperature levels : [Everest UE 5.30.1900 System Stability Test] remark: too pricey to 'burn in' Resident Evil5 Benchmark ;P
  20. Benway

    Bug drivers

    SysEvent log says: [20:51:02] Event ID: 108, Source: nv, Type: Error The driver nv4_disp for the display device \Device\Video0 got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates a problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates. [20:51:05] Event ID: 26 , Source: Application Popup, Type: Information :P Application popup: Windows - Display Driver Stopped Responding : The nv4_disp.dll display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. ... in retrospect i wonder how i was able to get this reproducible w/h a single BSOD or freeze :rolleyes:
  21. Benway

    Bug drivers

    so i'm back to my old boilerplate "newer != better", as you might read recommendations "try the latest WHQL drivers" on this forums, rather skip latest 191 geforce whql http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx (i do not refer to black pbss and other nuisances, rather to working/not working). No idea about 195 Beta though, i just rolled back to GeForce 185.85 WHQL. Here is what i got (with xp32bit, i7 + evga GTX285 ftw) with the sparkling latest 191.07_whql: all DirectX (updated ofc) games quit running on a regular base for ~ 1/2 minute, followed by a windows popup "nv4_disp.dll took a piss, consider to reboot" the Pisa-Skyscrapers are supposed to be trees, the floorboards are supposed to be a snowy landscape another one, oops ...
  22. We did not ban you. We ban GUIDs. Solely. This guid was used to cheat and was subsequently banned. The ban is valid and will not be removed. This cd-key is leaked = valueless and would be used to cheat again, if it was not banned. Return the game for a refund.
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