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Everything posted by Benway

  1. some minor evolution here, mainly Lian Li PC-A70 B, psu Zalman ZM850-HP DFI LANparty UT X58 T3eH8 Intel i7-975 xe 3,6 GHz (12 to 27 x 133 MHz) default, Corsair Hydro Series H75 feat. Silent Arctic F12 Pwm 3x4GB triple-chan Kit Mushkin 998991 Ridgeback CL9-9-9-24 CR1 DDR3-2000 EVGA consumertrash GTX 660 / Eizo FS2333 23'' Samsung 1 TB 850 EVO SSD @ Intel ICH10R AHCI [DOS/Boot / sysW7x64 / sysWxp / swap / game/Steam] WD VelociRaptor 1TB WD1000DHTZ @ Intel ICH10R AHCI [DOS/Boot / mirrored:sysWin* / data] HGST 3TB HUS724030ALE640 - full GPT @ Intel ICH10R AHCI [data grave / game2] LaCie Blade Runner 4TB [ Backup & style ;P ] QPAD MK-80 MX-Blue, HP X9000 OMEN Mouse (a remake of Ideazon Reaper Edge) 6.1 Sound: 2xMagnat (front) & 4xCreative GigaWorks2 T20 & Yamaha YSTmsw10 Sub @ Realtek ALC885 Bernstein HD-Audio Asus BW16d1HT, 4xPhobya NB-eLoop +1xRadial-Fan @ Scythe Kama SCKMPN-2000-BK, Wxp32_nlite, multi-boot w7_64 enterprise, FDD: yes
  2. True, but we all know the capitalist system will lead to nothing, so better get used to it things are always gonna be worse, pretty obvious why violations like this increased and will continue to increase.
  3. Not at all. For the last time: #38 sums it all up in a nutshell. No. Virus/Antivirus/Trojan etc. caused my cheat violation is an old and invalid cheaters excuse. Dead end. you agreed to the PB EULA by installing pb (for the latest version run pbsetup). We are not pb, see there
  4. Read it here & here. That is what we are here for and always were. Otherwise you had no forum but BetaFieldLog x) to vent your ignorance - just evenbalance trouble tickets, and once again to put it straight: Only a EB TT will resolve the situation you do not like; just mind to take this fact into consideration: calling CE "a non cheat application" is entirely ridiculous (see post #38, sentence 2) so nobody will take you for serious anymore. File a EB TT to get the default reply like "the use of CE is not allowed by PunkBuster ... " etcpp. Not doing homework (what pb is and how it works, for a shortcut read again post #38) first and moan afterwards is not a good position to be in, we run a clear cut policy for years (bannable violations see here) and no annoyance will change it. As well rest assured EvenBalance will ignore all (more or less) well meant petitions (random ex. for another dead end) or similar annoyances and that for good reasons. FYi our banlist is a service for server administrators and its use is entirely optional.
  5. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbbans-is-not-working-for-battlefield-4-official-servers-t178514.html
  6. not at all. [ IF keywords:'Youtube' OR 'rghost' DO move:TrashCan ] Apparently this is the hack for the Universe search identical DL link {lol, now they finally removed the user; Was: ~300 search Hits :P} , save my time to provide proof this is malware - as usual, rghost==Trojan-host - check it out yourself : https://malwr.com/analysis/ZjAyODYxMmJiZDQ1NDI4MGEwNGQ0MGJmYTJkZjE3OWY/#behavior 'Behavioral Analysis' and "abcww.exe" Tabs. http://www.google.com/search?q="abcww.exe" , random hit http://www.drwebhk.com/en/virus_techinfo/Trojan.DownLoader10.39556.html matching malwr.com 'Dropped Files' Tab: [ PE Disassembler: 'This is a compiled AutoIt script ] %Temp%aut3.tmp %Temp%aut6.tmp %Temp%abcww.exe %Temp%aut4.tmp %Temp%e123_appcompat.txt %Temp%msupd.exe %Temp%aut5.tmp what did you do here since 2011, play with your toes?
  7. ask here http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/
  8. you answered your question. it doesnot matter at all 'for what purpose/game/reason' you did. Gamehack violations are triggered by a certain pattern in system memory, pb does not see what caused the violation or for what purpose, so all questions 'what causes ...' are more or less futile. Yes CE is used in MP game hacks, though these are easy beef for pb. Anyway we will not give any cheat related information or allow discussions related to cheats. Bottomline your word stands against a punkbuster violation backed by streamed evidence.
  9. the screen you posted simply leaves no doubt you did, ... what i think, you really don't want to know.
  10. 1. you have to download pbsetup.run (not found) - DL link in post #2 , or inside CoD2_pb_linux.zip archive (CoD2 Linux v.1.760 A1383 C2.208) - link in post #4 2. pbsetup is always executed from the the game server root (not! /pb) http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsetup.html#usingpbsetupcon
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html&lang=fr http://www.pbbans.com/information-center.html
  12. I read many words around little content ("impossible") - granted, you do not tell your business concept. E.g. aimbot detection would require evaluation of "stats" quite different to the ones you might know; K/D, K/min., hits/shots etc. are arbitrary information and entirely useless. You rather needed monitoring of "uninteresting" stuff like target tracking speed, target tracking deviation, systematic or stochastic variance of tracking ... some basics of interest (a threshold concept still does not convince me, though): www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~cslui/PUBLICATION/detect_cheat.pdf (Yeung/Lui/Liu/Yan 2006); appsrv.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~cslui/PUBLICATION/mmsj_tr.pdf (Yeung/Lui 2008) - src http://appsrv.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~cslui/resume.html
  13. if you just saw a join greeting "Welcome to BRASIL AMERICA ARMY AAPG" it does, [09.06.2013 14:29:05] ->PBSV: PB UCON "pbbhub2-1"@ [say <pbbans.com> Welcome to BRASIL AMERICA ARMY AAPG] the equivalent RCon command should read : Admin say YourMSGhere respectively pb_sv_task 20 300 Admin say YourMSGhere with , no . and without(?) quotes
  14. no idea, AA2 syntax was http://battletracker.com/forum/america-s-army-2-x-forums/america-s-army-discussions/p590532-america-s-army-console-commands-how-to-bind/#post590532 ... but Admin say seems to work http://forum.americasarmy.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9255#p83700
  15. try here http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-aapg-pbsv-43.html and click the MCi link in my signature :) .... and before its getting dramatic again :P , a few facts if you dont mind : - we are not pb - there are no public cheats for this beta - we never buy payhacks (if you bought one, its useful to submit all details to EvenBalance).
  16. beat that http://bit.ly/14ohA0F (CDs only, i collected 'a few') it updates to IS 2013 4free and is pretty much the same as pricey Bitdefender (same engine, DLLs branded BitDefender) http://www.av-test.org/en/tests/home-user/
  17. we do not ban on request. http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php#Bansubmission
  18. the game console uses no cvar 'aimvec' (unknown command/setting). This cvar is set (imported to the game's console) by a cheat in use. In particular, the aimvectors of an aimbot - or aimbot as part of a multihack. This one is in an array format [1 0 0 60] for the more commonly used cheat-cvars aimvecX (1) aimvecY (0) aimvecZ (0). 60 is for common cheat-cvar aimFoV - 60°, the visible angle the aimbot will start to track targets. Settings mean, the aimbot was adjusted to slightly aim left under a tracking angle of 60° (high aimfov values result in snapping aim). some more random info . Just google "aimvec = 1 0 0 60" for the explicit answer.
  19. to make sure you could try pb client logging http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html (and it is useful anyway)
  20. yes it does http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/pbsetup-for-legacy-games-file80.html
  21. whîne & faîl ... you might bother to read the whole topic, in particular posts #5+6 (and i wont bother to repeat the point u keep missîng)
  22. happened all the time when cod/1/uo/2/4 was not discontinued ... so there is hope yet.
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