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Everything posted by Luk4ward

  1. can be: pb_sv_task 1 1200 "say welcome to server !" or it has to be a cmd about the ver of pb?
  2. Tuesday 02.06.2007 [5:15PM] Version 1.298 of the PB Client for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release. source How to update: 1) By running pbweb.exe from X:\path of your et's installation\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\pb 2) By pb setup which can autoupdate your client better then in game: link
  3. And what about the publish's file?
  4. geedoxx did u set any chmods? Its not working for me :/
  5. Luk4ward


    ups, i didnt spot, im blind and tired:P ban all ips or use the master player index to search his ips so u can find out the range. Then u can use the old method of banning players by ip http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...amp;hl=hardware http://www.rtcw.jolt.co.uk/content/enemy_t...ng_players.html
  6. Luk4ward


    type as a rcon: pb_sv_banmask it will ban the ip
  7. do in console: /clear /pb_myguid /condump pbguid.txt (a txt file will be saved in the folder of your mod played)
  8. Yep i know, but not 2 days ago eh :rolleyes:
  9. When? erm.. Its a guidage, not a minguidage.....The minguidage isnt working from etadmin
  10. Copy past your all settings(etpro), seems like u reached a limit of cvars. You should post it on bani's forum.
  11. and why this service isnt reliable for pbbans?
  12. k, thanks for explaining. Will have a look how the system works when u publish it :) regards
  13. thats a pseudo code ;). There is no 'how to' or better documentation..Well, i haven't found yet...
  14. like how? whats that? etc. ?
  15. eh...I can deduce myself too, really...Was asking for more info...
  16. eh...yes... btw did u read this: http://crossfire.nu/?x=column&mode=item&id=152 i havent knew about such system yet: regards if any1 gots some more info pls post then here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- btw have a look here: http://www.gamestv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=723
  17. First of all nice nick... Second of all...If u r getting this viol ull be autokicked by pb, so propably admin checked the logs and banned u with this reason: ("Punkbuster Banned ||DirectX|| Gamehacks Detected [Gamma]")... Third of all its up to the admin, so talk with him... Regards
  18. Maybe its a good idea to set min posts required to get SGA status...Its controversial and brutal but may work very well...Just my toughts...Making SGA via menu->account is a good thing, so some of the team mates won't have to posting to get SGA and they are trusted&checked by head admin, so theres no danger... Regards
  19. When ET will be a safe place :P, tbh as an et admin i cant find words to describe how this job is excellent :)
  20. g8 job, a big thank you
  21. Hi, some1 gave me the link to such article because of my lag spikes...But now it is very useful for players who are kicking by punkbuster with such errors: md5tool ignoring queries/cvars pb init failure com_maxfps: While this setting will not usually* improve your connection it does help stop the confusion between connection lag and graphics related lag when, for example, jumping from 85 FPS to 23 FPS. Set this by monitoring your FPS while playing using cg_drawFPS "1" and set com_maxfps to your average steady FPS rate It is also the case that as your FPS increases so does the data size of each packet sent to the server. In extreme cases with a very high FPS you could saturate your upstream connection. See snaps for another extreme case where reducing com_maxfps may help. snaps: The snaps setting is used to calculate how many gameworld updates you receive from the server. Usable range is 10 to 'server sv_fps setting' and defaults to 20. Version 1.17 of Quake3 forces snaps client side to a maximum of 25 or in some cases a maximum of 30. However the network code works in such a way that snaps should always be set to match or be above the server's sv_fps or a divisor of it. Leave snaps at your default until you encounter a server that needs a higher/lower setting My recommediation: snaps 20 cg_predictItems: Toggles whether the server or the client decides if an item has been picked up. I dislike this feature and set it to 0 so that the server determines if I have picked up an item and not my client. With this set to 1 sometimes you may think you have picked up an item when you have not. cg_nopredict: Best to leave this setting alone, defaults to 0 which enables client side prediction so that your client predicts gameworld updates such as player movement when information is lost or capped. Setting this to 1 disables all client side prediction. pb_sleep: This setting is related to Punkbuster, setting the period of time that PunkBuster "sleeps" between processing, defaults to 60. Players with slow (modem) to medium (ISDN) connections should set this between 300 and 500 to reduce 'lag spikes' . rate: it controls packets so that your downstream connection bandwidth does not get saturated. Setting controls maximum bytes per second. Servers limit maximum rate so there really is no point in setting it higher than the server you are playing on allows cl_timenudge: This is similar to pushlatency in HalfLife, defaults to 0 which is our suggested setting for online play. In Quake3 it is normally used for offline bot practice by using a positive value that is the same as average ping. However, a positive value can also be used to stabilize displayed frames with gameworld updates(snaps) and negative values are reported to adjust client side prediction. We strongly suggest you leave cl_timenudge at 0 for online play. However If you do wish to alter cl_timenudge to adjust client side prediction then try a negative value that is 25% to 50% of your average ping. Example if you are currently pinging 100 to the server then experiment with a setting between -25 to -50 as your cl_timenudge value. Note that if you are using a negative value for cl_timenudge the top graph in cg_lagometer may be mostly yellow. A positive value may help if you have problems with gameworld updates (snaps) not being rendered in time. Try a small positive cl_timenudge value of 5,10,15 or 20 never higher. See cg_lagometer for an explanation of how to determine if gameworld updates are not being rendered in time. *note: Some admins force to have set this to 0, because server allows dialup connections or because that they want to do that :P, as suggest punkbuster... cl_packetdup: This setting determines if duplicate commands are sent, range is 1 to 5 and is 1 as default. if a packet gets lost then a 'backup' command may still be received. Set to 1 as default which is recommended if you have packet loss. If you have an excellent connection with very little or no packetloss at all then this could be set to 0 and cl_maxpackets possibly raised. However, as with all settings experiment to see which is best suited for your connection - See cg_lagometer for a guide on how to determine if you need to adjust this setting. cl_maxpackets: The cl_maxpackets setting restricts the number of packets being sent to the server by your client and can be used to help connection bandwidth related problems for those with low upload bandwidth. The default setting for cl_maxpackets is 30, usable range is 15 to 100 on the Internet, maximum 125 under point release 1.32 or above. id software force a higher value when playing over a LAN. * As your FPS increases so does the data size of each packet sent to the server. In extreme cases with a very high FPS you could saturate your upstream connection. In all cases try to set cl_maxpackets to equal your average framerate or your com_maxfps setting or a divisor of it without saturating your upstream bandwidth. Use the FPS figure displayed using cg_drawFPS "1" as a guideline for actual FPS. For Example if you are currently at com_maxfps "76" then try a value of 38 or 76 for cl_maxpackets. If you have set your FPS above 100 then use a divisor of your FPS, for example if you are currently capped at 125 FPS then try 31/32 or 62/63 as a cl_maxpackets setting. See the note about packetloss in the cl_packetdup entry. When playing on a Punkbuster enabled server you may need to reduce cl_maxpackets and/or adjust pb_sleep to reduce lag spikes. cg_lagometer: Set this to 1 to monitor your connection - The first line is related to your graphics card updating displayed frames in time with received gameworld updates from the server. It will be blue if frames are being rendered in time with the world updates. If it has a lot of yellow then gameworld updates are not being displayed and are being dropped. In this case reduce your snaps or tweak your visual settings to raise your average framerate so it is always above your snaps setting. Another option is to increase cl_timenudge by a very small value, note that if you are using a negative value for cl_timenudge the first line of the graph may be mostly yellow. See cl_timenudge section for more information. The second line is similar to the Quake2 netgraph in that green means packets are being received okay, yellow that capping is causing your client to reject packets and red that the packet was lost. In the case of yellow increase your rate or try lowering your snaps. If you have a lot of red then change ISP or server. If you have to play on the server or use the ISP then make sure that your cl_packetdup is set to 1 and try adjusting snaps and cl_maxpackets to compensate for the lost packets. How to put these commands to your config: seta name of command "value" example seta snaps "30" Suggested settings are in the table that follows. They are however guidelines, adjust them as needed by monitoring your connection using cg_lagometer and alter settings based on its information. See the description of how to use and interpret the information that cg_lagometer shows in the above table. It is very important that you read the cg_lagometer, snaps and cl_packetdup notes before you use these settings. If you do not see an exact connection speed setting then use the closest. Example, perhaps you connect at 50000 or 52000 on modem, use the 48000 setting from the table. * Note: The snaps settings shown in the table are the suggested maximum for your connection type. Default is 20 and is the suggested setting. See the snaps description in the table above for a link to a snaps setting cycle script and information regarding some servers deviating from id software's standard server setting for sv_fps. ** Note: The cl_maxpackets settings shown in the table are the suggested maximum for your connection type, other settings may be optimal for your connection. See the cl_maxpackets description in the table above for more information on setting this cvar. LAN ** seta cl_maxpackets "125" seta cl_packetdup "0" * seta snaps "40" seta rate "25000" ADSL / Cable / Wireless ** seta cl_maxpackets "100" seta cl_packetdup "1" * seta snaps "40" seta rate "25000" ISDN Bonded ** seta cl_maxpackets "60" seta cl_packetdup "1" * seta snaps "40" seta rate "(See Table Below)" 128000 BPS: seta rate "14000" 112000 BPS: seta rate "12250" ISDN Single ** seta cl_maxpackets "60" seta cl_packetdup "1" * seta snaps "40" seta rate "(See Table Below)" 64000 BPS: seta rate "7000" 56000 BPS: seta rate "6200" 56K Modem seta cl_maxpackets "30" seta cl_packetdup "1" * seta snaps "20" seta rate "(See Table Below)" 50000 BPS: seta rate "5500" 48000 BPS: seta rate "5200" 46000 BPS: seta rate "5000" 44000 BPS: seta rate "4800" 42000 BPS: seta rate "4500" 40000 BPS: seta rate "4300" 38000 BPS: seta rate "4100" 36000 BPS: seta rate "4000" V34 Modem seta cl_maxpackets "25" seta cl_packetdup "1" * seta snaps "20" seta rate "(See Table Below)" 33600 BPS: seta rate "3500" 31200 BPS: seta rate "3300" 28000 BPS: seta rate "3000" 28.8 Modem seta cl_maxpackets "25" seta cl_packetdup "1" * seta snaps "10" seta rate "(See Table Below)" 28000 BPS: seta rate "3000" 26400 BPS: seta rate "2800" Minimum Bandwidth Settings - Testing purposes or temporary settings while lag settles. seta cl_maxpackets "15" seta cl_packetdup "0" seta snaps "10" seta rate "(See Table Below)" 64000 BPS: seta rate "6000" 56000 BPS: seta rate "5000" 50000 BPS: seta rate "4600" 48000 BPS: seta rate "4400" 46000 BPS: seta rate "4000" 44000 BPS: seta rate "3800" 42000 BPS: seta rate "3600" 40000 BPS: seta rate "3500" 38000 BPS: seta rate "3200" 36000 BPS: seta rate "3000" 34000 BPS: seta rate "3000" 33600 BPS: seta rate "3000" 31200 BPS: seta rate "2800" 28000 BPS: seta rate "2600" 26400 BPS: seta rate "2400" As for examples of settings, yes they are pointed to q3 so if u r lazy u can copy past, but i suggest to try individual values for all commands if u know what is your bandwitch (check your speed: link) and how many max fps u can get. In ET u can also see other internet settings by typing: /players source : http://ucguides.savagehelp.com/ConnectionFAQ/Quake3.htm ************other notes************** Some problems may cause other applications so i recommend to turn them off. You should get some good antivirus (like nod32) and firewall (like look n stop), because of their smallest size and power. They do not cause any lags. You have to remember to allow communication between you and punkbuster, so if u got some problems with some crappy firewall u should do this: 1) Open the port in firewall, for example: 16000 and call it PB. 2) Open notepad and write: pb_netport 160003) Save it for example: pbcl.cfg4)Put it in the wolfet/pb/ ************other notes************** You can also update your punkbuster: 1) By pbweb.exe from wolfet/pb 2) Or by: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php regards, hope i helped
  22. i havent got :(, yes they rocks :)
  23. as i saw in your profile u r playing aa..then u may want to see this
  24. hmm whats more the site: http://www.clanss.co.uk isnt done and as i think your tag is: =SS= ? What does means SS he? Smth is wrong imho, just my toughts regards
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