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Everything posted by 5chaap2k
I Think all the points have been made now.. It's up to CoDleague to decide how they want to profile themselves within the AC Community..
i think most serveradmins keep theirs pbss folder protected due to privacy
de meeste nederlanders spreken vloeiend engels daar dat er vanaf de basisschool al bij ons ingestampt word. dit gebeurd in duitsland en frankrijk duidelijk niet, vandaar dat het in die forums wat drukker is :)
als een guid is gebanned blijft die gekicked worden.. al is ie in 2003 gepakt dan nog kan ie met die guid nu niet spelen.. PBBans bant permanent niet tijdelijk. dus die kick kan ook voortkomen uit zijn voorgaande convictie Je weet nu dat je een cheater in je clan hebt en het is aan jou wat je ermee doet.. Iemand die 3 jaar geleden een oud vrouwtje beroofde is nu toch ook nog een crimineel? info-link: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...amp;safeview=no
dat kun je met de MPI tool zelf uitzoeken natuurlijk ;) als streaming admin heb je daar toegang toe :) Ik zelf kan natuurlijk niets vinden aangezien je me totaal geen info geeft ;) (PBguid, ip, alias, game?) zie: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi daar kun je zelf je onderzoek beginnen PBBans doet in ieder geval niet aan temp bans ;) En ik zou ook een beetje oppassen met cheaters in je clan.. zodra er ook maar iets gebeurd waardoor hij met jou of een andere SGA onder je account gelinkt word ben je je PBBans account kwijt. Zie ook de Tos (Terms of Service) http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php
ask your GSP to enable the PB webtool :)
vanwaar een nieuwe ik had er ook al eentje gemaakt? :) maargoed ik zet hem erbij (pinned)
dont use the gameport lol :D
recheck your cfg's check if the port u set for webtool isnt blocked on a firewall and try restarting the server
Because alot of people still dont know where to look for the fixes ill try it this way by creating one sticky with all the info. Punkbuster support ended (Evenbalance/PBBans december 2007) This means the following services will not be available for FEAR Combat/Retail: - Evenbalance's PBSetup to autoupdate your PB Client/Server - Evenbalance's manual update downloads for your PB Client/Server - Evenbalance's Troubletickets about errors updating - PBBans will no longer allow FEAR servers to stream - PBBans will no longer update MD5tool scans - PBBans will no longer add FEAR catches to MBI So what do i need to play on PB Enabled servers if I just installed/re-installed the game? 1) Update your FEAR Combat/Retail to the most current version (v1.08) 2) Install the Punkbuster Services (not included with the game setup) download it here: http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe 3) rename the original PB folders in BOTH your gamedir, asswell as your fear userdir. This so u can replace the /PB/ folders with the PBdir included in my PBfix WinRAR archive Gamedir is most likely in c:\Program Files\sierra\FEAR User Directory can be found through: Start > Programs > FEAR > Shortcut to Userdirectory Download the PBfix at this url (file at the bottom) http://games.xs4all.nl/downloads.php?gt=31 And now? Now you should be able to play just fine. If u still run into PB Errors please write down the exact error and include it in your reply :)
You have no servers added to your teamaccount. Add the server in your team account and it will be looked into. if it doesn't get accepted it not properly configured for streaming, and you will be informed of the status via forum pm.
but then please remove the taskempty command or ad another task to issue a pb_sv_ver after the taskempty line as stated in the hubstreaming setup manuals
i can't read that reply :/ please use the enter key between sections of the story.. i tried to read it twice but keep loosing track of the actual story. Im not trying to be funne here.. im a bit dyslectic and this is totally unreadable to me..
punksbusted does the same as pbbans, only with a different approach. However i don't think they will keep fear support either, because evenbalance no longer has a running contract for the game like us, also their hands are tied
On behalf of the entire PBBans staff i'd like to thank all FEAR admins for the participation on the anti-cheat side of this game's community. There have been numerous developments and i've seen alot of ingenious actions by other admins. Also the support and feedback has always been great! We all hope to see such participation back in other games, and hopefully (if sierra soon releases the serversoftware) on Perseus mandate! Merry christmass and a fragfull 2008! Click here for some nice christmass carols! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsHtNZzpzcI With kind regards, Johan (5chaap2k) Schaap PBBans Administrator PBBans F.E.A.R./BF-Series Moderator/Support XS4ALL Games Administrator
offtopic.. holy sh.. how much servers are u cramming on one box there.. with a 2142 server even.. damn :/ i have tried 2 bf2142 pubs on a dual xeon 3ghz with 8gb ram and even that doesnt go smoothly :/ also.. firewall your server abit better.. i can easily login to it try RDP u dont want ppl to hammer it with password guesses dont u?
ask one of the GPK admins to rar their PBdir.. they run on linux :) i believe they hangout on the lithfaq.com forums
in server console Say "Your message here" without the "" it wont work :) I have updated tha PB rar with that file :)
i made it myself so.. sure :)
fear has no console make a file called pbcl.cfg and add the line in it. that should work
p.s. in this newspost i linked to a temp fix http://games.xs4all.nl
complain to sierra they're the one's that litterally killed their own games.. some more info: http://games.xs4all.nl/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3848
as soon as PB stops working on fear (it still works now just no masterservers anymore) ill shutdown the lot and look into another game (without PB) to host on the boxes. This has nothing to do with evenbalance btw. Sierra/VU just had a contract for a period of time wich ran out. Now that sierra/vu refuses to come up with proper dedicated serversoftware they litterrally killed their own game :) in my opinion, as long as PB keeps working all streaming should be kept possible. However withouth eledgible support on PB Client problems like disallowed program/driver kicks and bogus PB Client files this game will slowly but certainly die.