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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=


    uk drivers


    uk drivers

    That's because it's a joke website.
  3. 1) Download the .zip folder from here: Click. 2) Unzip it, and upload the two contained files to your server's pb directory. 3) Restart PunkBuster ([/rcon] pb_sv_restart). Your server is then configured to stream :)
  4. Are you saying that the following team has the same details as the clan you are trying to set up streaming for? *************************************************************** Team: Lotus Jungs ([LJ]) Account ID: 781 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- Hobbit75 (109646) If so, you can contact Hobbit75 in order to be added to the team account. If they are NOT the same clan (and just share a name), you will need to change your tag a little (i.e. add a '.' after it in your application) in order to proceed. Tags and team names are on a first come, first serve basis.
  5. This is a local ban from that server. You will need to contact the server administrator in order to have your ban removed. Closing this thread now, since these type of threads inevitably turn into flame threads, even if the original poster did not intend for it to do so.
  6. Which files are you referring to, the PBBans streaming files (pbsv.cfg + pbucon.use)? If so, place them in your server's 'pb' directory.
  7. PBBans checks are not available via the PunksBusted Auto-MBL. It's up to you who's checks you use. You can also combine both if you have time to do so. PunksBusted MD5 tool checks list is generally longer and contains more checks. At PBBans, older checks are removed when the cheats are natively detected by PunkBuster, keeping the list shorter. Remember, by default, PunkBuster performs an MD5 tool check once every 50 seconds. So if you have a massively long list, it will take a long time to carry out all checks.
  8. You do not have a team account here at PBBans. However, the server is streaming under: *************************************************************** Team: The Fighting 69th Infantry Division (=|69th|=) Account ID: 7204 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- CODWW - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- DeadSnipe (121516) If you are an administrator for the server, you can issue this command via RCON: [/rcon] pb_sv_md5toollist Multiple entries should be returned. If you get such a response, checks are correctly in place.
  9. It is PunkBuster which kicks for ASCII characters, not streaming. You can fix it by changing the valid of 'pb_sv_extchar': Set it to '1' to allow players with ASCII characters in their name to play. Streaming has no effect with this kick.
  10. You need to have at least 1 server streaming to PBBans to be able to access the MCi.
  11. Your server is not streaming: *************************************************************** Team: Home Of The Warriors (=HOTW=) Account ID: 4911 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- BF2 -
  12. I bet it's just an excuse fat people use to avoid the inevitable realisation that they really are just too in love with food.
  13. I never knew you could sing :o

  14. It's mediocre IMO. You have to download a 6 MB file, then, you have to wait for it to update before you can play the practice level. That's easily 20 minutes. Then, on top of that, you have to wait another 6 hours for it to update some more before you can play online. If there's so much to download, why not make it a stand alone game?
  15. Got my key, and created an account. Still waiting for the activation email though, 3 attempts and 3 email addresses later :(
  16. The PBBans HUB does not have functions which allow you to set up server scrolling messages. You can, however, set up the messages on your own server using the pb_sv_task options.
  17. Insulting others over the internet + accusations of no life = hypocritical :) Closed.
  18. PBBans has zero tolerance when it comes to cheaters. Any clans harbouring cheaters will have their streaming accounts suspended, and their servers blacklisted. There does not need to be a better appeal process. Those who are wrongly banned (i.e. a false positive is raised) have their bans lifted as soon as we can. We will not lift a valid ban just because someone cheated, and everyone feels it's a mistake to ban someone for a one-off violation. All cheaters are banned permanently. All reputable anti-cheat organisations take this stance. If you dislike the streaming services provided here, you are free to remove your streaming here and try your luck with another anti-cheat organisation. Be warned, however, that all other reputable anti-cheat sites (e.g PunksBusted) will take a stance similar to ours, where you will NOT be permitted to stream if you harbour cheaters within your ranks. Since you have refused to remove the cheater from your clan, your account will be suspended and your streaming access will be revoked. You, clearly, do not support a zero tolerance policy.
  19. What is the response to this command: [/rcon] pb_sv_uconlist
  20. "You are a nut-licking ringtail fucker who loves to swallow octupi".
  21. "You are a fucking hot biscuit who loves to hug lanterns" :huh:
  22. Bans for the team are as follows: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-accbans-ab6428.html Screenshot posted shows no evidence. Only streamed evidence (PunkBuster screenshots, bannable MD5 tool violations and 50,000+ EB violations) is accepted.
  23. If you are using Internet Explorer, refresh that page once you receive the error message. If you are using Firefox, hit CTRL + F5.
  24. IRATA has been removed from the account he belonged to. snl//lucel, you can now add him to your account.
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