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Everything posted by Big_Guy21

  1. Joined the only server I found with that name and got: [03.07.2010 21:08:00] Connected to Server
  2. Things to check: 1. Make sure punkbuster is running. You can do this by sending a vars.punkBuster via console (See BC2 Guardian), or using the automated hub setup. 2. Make sure you are using the right IP and port for your server (on your team account). Enable client logging and join your server and you can retrieve from there: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html 3. Make sure the settings did get written to the files. If you have access to the pbsv.cfg through a control panel with your provider, make sure the appropriate lines are added. 4. Check to see if a pbucon.use file was written.
  3. Unfortunately, right now any pb_uconlist will return empty due to a bug the admin interface. Make sure you have the right IP and port. Also, make sure that a vars.punkBuster command to the server returns true.
  4. Make sure you are using the right IP and port. RCON port is generally 48888. Otherwise, make sure your server is running.
  5. You are describing the MOTD (or welcome message) which can be modified in the ServerOptions.ini.
  6. At this point you are better off finding another server to play. Don't waste your time if they don't want to listen.
  7. My provider sent this message out earlier: So, that may help some other people who stop streaming every so often. Every time my server crashed, punkbuster would end up off again.
  8. Well I did have access to pbsv.cfg, pbsvuser.cfg and pbbans.dat for a short while. Guess my provider took access back away. Most providers will upload a pbsv.cfg file to the server if you provide them with one.
  9. We will not modify any MPi or MBi data. If you have any trouble feel free to point them at this topic.
  10. Don't worry about it too much. On the ban you posted, the player was caught while playing on an IP from Sweden while you play in the US. Quite obvious that you did not cause the ban if anybody takes the time to look. It does however look like the banned GUID was used in the US with one of your aliases, which is probably why people are giving you a hard time with it.
  11. Best part about that hill is that you can run up there, knife someone and then jump back down before you die for being out of bounds. :D
  12. Someone from the team you are on has set you as inactive. Talk to wolf101st or elmo and have them reactivate you on the team account.
  13. Done. You should try waiting MORE than 28 seconds when you come on IRC. ;)
  14. I only found one greeting that I think is yours on the GUID eed8287d "WELCOME HOF_ODIN website DEFENDERS OF RESPECTFUL GAMING!" This greeting has been removed. I could not find a greeting on the GUID you posted.
  15. Random awesome video from a not so awesome game: http://www.break.com/game-trailers/game/modern-warfare-2/the-most-amazing-mw2-knife-kill.html?res=1
  16. Sounds like a buddy of Agent47's (or whatever his name was).
  17. Padding is meh, you can do it in just about any game that has stats involved. Not too hard to figure out. Modded servers (particularly those that inflate scores to the millions) could have been rendered ineffective by a simple check when the stats came back to their servers throwing out anything outrageous. It wouldn't have been 100% effective since people would have just pushed to that limit, but it would have eliminated the 1 million point jumps. It only took them 3 years to implement this.
  18. You have no servers on your team account. You can add a server here: http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php
  19. Don't hold your breath. It hasn't been fixed in over two years so it is unlikely that it will get fixed anytime soon.
  20. The ban you appealed ( http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-1bc171ab-vb42066.html ) does not even appear to be your ban at all. I'm not sure how anyone even came up with that being you either. From what I can find, you have 1 bf2142 GUID that is clean and is not associated in any way with the banned GUID. If you could, join a PB enabled server, bring down the console with ~ and type pb_myguid. Write down the last 8 characters and post it here.
  21. Bug as said above. Might try turning off anti-aliasing, doubt it will work but worth a try.
  22. Server shows as streaming as of my posting.
  23. Stop making duplicate posts please.
  24. Looks like fun. Can't wait to play it.
  25. Fixed, you should be able to add it now.
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