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hellreturn last won the day on July 27 2019

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About hellreturn

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    Fearless Assassins
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    Enemy Territory
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  1. I see more business for Sony in long run if they allow to play games without internet and I guess once they mentioned that. Not sure if that will change or not.
  2. Finally some statistics to improve game play rather then some show off....
  3. Prices of HD are going down overall and also cos of SSD. I have seen most of the new website hosting companies have started using SSD. If I had money, I would use SSD, Raptor in RAID -1 and Hybrid for storage. :) That would be rock and roll for my personal usage.
  4. I believe FB pages have option so that regular users can't post.
  5. I believe they where using old IPB 2.x series, iirc.
  6. Their are few available: Please check out this link: http://www.pbbans.com/link-to-us.html
  7. IIRC, Referenced pk3 files at the server are major contributors to the gamestate characters. Depending on mod and number of players playing I wouldn't suggest more then 10 (obj cycle) -32 (map voting gametype) maps. 32 is the max limit in map voting feature of any mod afaik.
  8. Those ET.exe are perfectly fine. You can play without any problem. Better to change the host file directly. Option 1 is much better.
  9. Game is dead and complete failure. Sooner or later they should make it free like ET or TF2.
  10. Try what Maydax said: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-offline-nov-6-2011-t149700.html/page__view__findpost__p__388535
  11. Wait for 6 months and game will be available in 19.99$ and in 6 months major bugs will be also fixed. That's what I am gonna do. More or less, till then I will enjoy COD4 MW3 probably because we will be starting 3 servers for it in different locations. Looks like EA doesn't understand that PC community revolves around clans and communities and without server files less admins are going to host server. Less admins hosting server = less communities participating in new games causing new games to die faster. I am not sure how many are like me but I would prefer to play games with my online friends. There is no fun to play FPS games without your friends... Keep removing sever files, keep increasing server cost and sooner or later, admins will stop renting/starting new servers. COD4 still has approximate 10,000 servers and I guess Activision learned the lesson from Black ops.
  12. hi just joined up nice to see other f|a members here :)

    just added you

  13. Happy B'day champ :) This time, I am right on time! :)

  14. It's 98F outside but it feels like 105F.... Got skin burn all over the hand and pollen's make it worse.
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