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Everything posted by hellreturn

  1. Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?2015tycwbz3 http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=66011 Server IP : If you can add his ips in MBI related to old guid that would be great. PS Demo contains guid and ip.
  2. Anyways he is already on MBI but this time he was not kicked by PB.
  3. Nah lol if u change the .dat to .xml it gives error while importing to access and if txt its ok. Oh btw i did found the blue icon lol .. thanks for that.. and btw still it doesnt show all ips used by busted player. Is it that i have to look in master player index all the time?
  4. Is their anyway i can dowload the MBI list in the xml format with all the ips associated (dynamic) to busted cheater. The reason for this is : Player A is using dynamic ip range form 1 to 10. If he is busted on 3 MBI list only contains his 3rd ip. But when u do seach by banned ip on Master Player index his all range from which he played on is shown exception is his guid must be same. So, it makes the search easy and more robust to continous busted cheaters.
  5. As title says where should i submit the demo? Post here or send somewhere else? Thanks
  6. As the title says i want to change the alpha of my cross hair. From the view option its not enough and i always loose the track of my cross hair while shooting. Can anyone tell me the safe range of aplha?
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