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Everything posted by hellreturn

  1. 18 slots max is the only boring part.. Need 40 slots min :D PS Pre Ordered.
  2. Mine is full dead since few weeks :P My members almost stop playing the game and went back to COD4.
  3. This will be issue on all W:ET servers which are not running Punkbuster. Most of the servers are disabling PB because of massive #9014 kicks by PB. Evenbalance, has not fixed the issue since more then 1 month. Most of W:ET server admins are having hard time to run there server because of Evenblance. It's over 1 month and nothing is yet fixed. There are many topics regarding #9014 kicks on different forums. http://forum.splatterladder.com/index.php?showtopic=12565 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/losing-key-packets-9014-violation-ignoring-queries-9006-t128720.html Admin system and XPsave is GUID based. Players without any GUID will be always linked in NQ and XP save will not work correctly. To solve your issue, make sure you don't give any admin level to player who is not having GUID.
  4. Most of the servers in W:ET are going NON PB just because of this very reason. Our members are getting kicked on daily basis. Now a days, most of us play on our non pb server. PS We have to disable PB on our servers, for same reason.
  5. Good luck with your family and next goals. You are good guy and success will follow you in whatever you will do. :)
  6. You can host your forums for free, if you are just starting clan. http://www.proboards.com/ http://forumwise.com/ http://www.forumotion.com/ (Got above links from Google Search) You will meet our requirements if you have forums + roster. With above free services, you can start your clan/community for no additional cost. It's just one few clicks work. Note: As far as I know, they don't give back up of your database(post+topics), if you need one in future. If you are interested in making your clan, I suggest you pay a little of 3-5$/month for webhosting and install forums on it. If you need any extra help regarding how to get your forums working, feel free to post here. Just ask the question and community members will help you. :) I hope it helps.
  7. Issue was reported on same day. Since 9.4.2010 massive kicks started. It's 9.18.2010. It's been 2 weeks. 1. Most of the admins dropped PB on there servers because after 12.09.2009 update it added massive lags. Few admins who hated cheaters kept on using PB because there was no other option left. Sure, admins complained on splashdamage forums and I 'guess' result is Brink is going to use VAC. 2. In there last update, PB is just actively kicking players for #9014 and now remaining server admins are also dropping PB because no server admin would like to run his server empty. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-et.php I have attached the timeline/# of kick for Ignoring Queries from one of my server log. pb kicks.txt
  8. Glenn, replied to my friends ticket, who also runs server for his clan. Till now PB have issued more then 1800 kicks for #9014 error on just one of my server. No matter what my members do, they are getting kicked every few minutes.
  9. Please make a ticket with Evenbalance: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php?game=et Supply them below information while making ticket so they can look into the issue a little faster:
  10. Screw CoDBO. I will happily play W:ET forever!
  11. Dedicated servers from gameservers.com only? :o
  12. Same :P Used to have our 6+ servers with them. Now only 3 and vent. Just had to make a ticket with them for our vent couple of days back. Our vent is at LA data center. My another ticket regarding lags on our NY W:ET server is still open with them.
  13. Howdy! and welcome :)

  14. If that happens, I will cancel my BC2 server for good. My BC2 server at gs.com still crashes like each day or so when server is full. Not going to miss BC2 anyways.
  15. Belated happy b'day :P Better late then never :)

  16. Nice one.. :)
  17. He was busted before on there server and then he joined your server. I guess what you saw was ban being enforced on your server. :)
  18. +3. :)
  19. If you feel someone's post is helpful or you agree with his post, you can give him + rep by pressing button located on right bottom side of each post. It's just e-way to say 'e-thanks'. :)
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