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Everything posted by hellreturn

  1. FYI :) Link Removed
  2. I wouldn't say they are insanely good prices. There are better deals out in market. I noticed Quad Core server comes with just 2TB BW. My last month BW usage was, 2,098.799 GByte. If you host some old games like W:ET or Quake3 engine based or so, it will use more BW. But again that's just my personal opinion.
  3. I have seen BC2 in 20$ couple of times. New game = 60$ = Tons of issue and patches to come. After 6 months, game becomes little stable and price drops to 20$. Simple maths tells me, I should buy stable game in 20$ and not beta versions in 60$. ;)
  4. Broke my remote desktop connection for some reason. As soon as I connect to my Win x64 server, it start beeping sound. Before it worked perfectly fine. On the side note update was smooth for me. Using 32 bit Windows 7 Professional. PS I think I am liking IE 9 RC but still Chrome is faster for me.
  5. I will pass over. To be honest, I had bought the BC2 the day it was released but I hardly played it much. Brink, will be my next buy. http://techland.time.com/2011/02/01/how-to-build-an-awesome-world-brink-devs-on-narrative-and-visuals-part-2/ http://www.splashdamage.com/node/749
  6. It get's done when staff completes there background check. It might take few more minutes or even a day but it's well worth the effort. :) Generally applications are approved within a day if requirements are met and player is clean. Thank you.
  7. Works good for me. BC2 uses 100% CPU usage and Black Ops I get little less around 90% or so. I lag on BC2 at random times but Black ops run smooth for me. Using E6850 3.0Ghz and XFX 5850. It's different story I get BSOD every 30 mins while playing game because of my 5850 (Recently updated) LOL
  8. You sure he is trying to launch game using ET.exe and not ETDED.exe ? Idle Server with no map - triggering
  9. +1. Nice addition!
  10. You should have filed charge back on that company. I had purchased IPB skin from them and support was horrible. They even removed my testimonial. I had asked them few things before I purchased there skin and during pre sale question, they said they would help me and once I purchased the skin no one was giving much support. Finally after many days, Oliver made tutorial for it. Overall, I am pretty happy with IPB. I like the new version IP.Gallery, IP.Download and IP.Nexus. Xenforo is also pretty interesting. http://xenforo.com/community/threads/server-load-vb-xf-joomla-proof-is-everything.8073/
  11. IPB is on 3.1.4 and they have 2.x series listed. More or less they should also add Xenforo once it's released. They should also consider, add ons provided by each company.
  12. Vote with your money and companies will understand. No buying game and no running servers. I still enjoy running my W:ET/COD4 servers. Different mods, maps, community support to fix issues and new things. Until you guys will not voice your opinion together with money, this companies will keep selling crap. If you guys will stop running server: 1. Not many will buy the game because there will not be much talk about this game on internet, any clan forums or anywhere. 2. No profit for company. 3. No profit for GSP. Move your clan server to other games. Remember, end user is the king of market.
  13. Hold on... if u want try u can use my key and/or I have 20% coupon also. :) Console players are happy but it's massive lag on PC side :P
  14. After v1.778: [11.07.2010 00:09:31] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9014: [11.07.2010 00:09:32] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9014: [11.07.2010 00:09:33] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9014: [11.07.2010 00:09:34] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9014: [11.07.2010 01:29:51] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9005: [11.07.2010 01:49:31] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9014: Ticket is open. I am amazed this time, EB replied to me within 1 day.
  15. They made it even more worse.......
  16. Thanks ordered COD BO from d2d. I wanted to buy something today and I ended up spending on game. Game better be good.
  17. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

  18. U da FBI of PBBans. :)

  19. That's the worst part after 18 slots :P
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