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Everything posted by Buff

  1. Die Server -Signatur gebt der letzten gebannte hacker auf deine Server und das ist dein alter Server. Warte f
  2. I'm running on Vista Ultimate 64-bit too and I don't run it in capability mode, admin yes!!
  3. Done, you are set as Master. I removed Milesmori account, just need a new e-mail.
  4. Could be the Vista bug, showing desktop background.
  5. Fertig!! *************************************************************** Team: Band of Brotherz (]BoB[) Account ID: 2862 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) ***************************************************************
  6. Buff


    If it is a local ban, go to the clans website and try to talk to the admins by x-fire, forum, teamspeak or ventrilo about you're not hacking. It's their server, so nothing we can do about it.
  7. Done. *************************************************************** Team: United Hit Squad ({UHS}) Account ID: 2810 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming)
  8. Fertig, viel spass! *************************************************************** Team: Homi
  9. You can do it with Clanforge too. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#clanforge
  10. ?? Goed we moeten je status dus maar even aanpassen naar streaming game admin (SGA) Heb je op het forum al toegang tot SGA's topics? De server moet inderdaad gebruik maken van de anti-cheat Punkbuster.
  11. Het probleem zit 'm denk ik naar je status, je staat als gewone member en niet als streaming game admin. Je hebt waarschijnlijk dus ook geen toegang tot AccCP (Account Manager) of wel?
  12. Geen enkel probleem, ik ken de frustraties als iets niet lukt Zal even het een en ander nakijken voor je.
  13. Ik weet niet wat je allemaal geprobeerd hebt, maar ga hier eens naar toe: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  14. Please let an admin of your clan contact us in IRC: http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php or irc.quakenet.org #pbbans or irc.us.gamesurge.net #pbbans. I went to your website and I see the following admins: {BdG}Soldier of Misfortune {BdG}Guy Sajer {BdG}Midget_Idjit {BdG}DooM
  15. Welcome to the staff! Nice to have you around.

  16. Thank you Hugin.

    It's a great honor and I hope I can make myself usefull.


  17. Hahaha this is funny shit! Get a life man, you don't know what you are saying. I don't give a damn about your site, I can go to PsB, CCG or BP when ever I want with MY servers. I choose PBBans and like it very much so far --> don't need others to tell me what to do. PBBans is a mature AC with hard working admins, good help and very usefull information. I can tell ya, you don't get the same at PsB. But what I don't understand of the above, your saying that BP are actualy test these cheats/hacks and they are the experts. In my eyes your a bunch of hackers, cause they do the same thing over and over again --> testing cheats!! Maybe PBBans do the same thing, but they don't tell us --> never seen it on the forum and that's a big difference too. On the other hand on the website of BP there's this: "Never download cheats or test them, send them to Even Balance and let them deal with them. Many of the cheats have hidden CD key stealers, key-loggers, Trojans, and viruses." I'm confused now, who are the experts BP or EB?? We had enough of you guys, flaming around the internet. So f*ck off!! Sorry for my language.
  18. Well I have great RESPECT for you guys too!! Keep up the good work, so we can wipe a few more hackers in the future. I don't give a damn what other (former) SGA's/members think of you guys and that's why I don't get involved in the many flame wars. I'm here to protect my servers from these f*ck ups. I have learned a lot since we became member in April and I like the community here. Most SGA's are mature, post good stuff in here and there's a lot of help around. For the Staff there's only 1 BIG A+
  19. I agree with you, check out these busted GUID's to see if the player is there.
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