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Everything posted by Merlintime

  1. It just couldn't be helped. :D
  2. Request update for tag [iHS] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [iHS] //[ Expires 2010-09-17 ][ AA, CoD4 ] Thanks,
  3. This discussion may help, http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21020.
  4. I know PSB uses the repository method of streaming. If ACI uses the same method I do not think you cannot stream to both. Punkbuster will only allow one configuration for the repository method, at least that is my understanding. You will need to choose to between ACI or PSB. If one is only needed for a match then possibly you could configure streaming during the match. Ex. PSB needed for matches. When server is in match mode, stream to PSB. When server is in public mode, stream to ACI. Server admins choice.
  5. Have you checked your PB logs? The log(s) should show if the order of the commands. Below are excerpts from my PB Log. EX: Near the beginning of the log shows the pb_sv_taskempty. [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Task List has been Emptied A little farther down the list. [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 10 310 say ^4WELCOME TO ^2[^1I^3H^5S^2] ^4COD4 SERVER [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 85 310 say ^5PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 85 310 say ^5BE KIND, RESPECT OTHERS [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 85 310 say ^1NO CHEATS, HACKS, ETC [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 160 310 say ^1STREAMING LIVE TO PBBANS [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 160 310 say ^1STREAMING LIVE TO AON [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 160 310 say ^1STREAMING LIVE TO PUNKSBUSTED [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 190 310 say ^5PlEASE NO SWEARING OR RACIAL REMARKS [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 190 310 say ^5UTILIZING AON CALM SYSTEM [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 235 310 say ^5HAVE FUN. COME BACK SOON! [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 5 60 pb_sv_GuidRelax 0 [08.22.2008 18:32:00] PB Scheduled Task Added: 30 620 say ^2[^1PBBans^2] ^6Server: Visit www.pbbans.com for more info. Look in the logs for 'PB Task List has been Emptied', 'PB Scheduled Task Added' and continue looking down the log for another 'PB Task List has been Emptied' (which you should not see if all is well). If you do not see any 'PB Scheduled Task Added' listings, then it must not be reading in the file lines from the config file or missing the config file completely (if you display task are in a separate file).
  6. Correct. The command would be: /rcon pb_sv_restart. I would start with the pbsv.cfg and pbsvuser.cfg files. Look for pb_sv_load. Look at what ever filenames are listed behind that command (there could be multiple lines with that command). Work through each entry you find.
  7. PBBans offers that option to streaming servers. This feature is usually a server side option and up to the server admin to configure. Additionally, there are some applications out there which will do the same. These are usually run from a client PC and configured to monitor the server. I'm not familiar with BF2/BF2142 server administration so the server greetings may function slightly different.
  8. Recommend running a pb_sv_tlist. This will give a list of tasks. If this list is empty, the tasks are not loaded initially or there is a pb_sv_taskempty somewhere else. You can also review the PB Logs to see if the tasks are loaded. In the PB Log search for "PB Task List has been Emptied" (without the quotes). This should be seen first, then the scheduled tasks. If you see "PB Task List has been Emptied" listed after the tasks are loaded then there is probably another pb_sv_taskempty command.
  9. The default setting for r_lodBiasRigid is '0'. So something probably modified the setting. You should be able to set it back to the default with this command in the console: Press the ~ key to open console type /seta r_lodBiasRigid 0 I believe that should update your mp_config.cfg file. If my syntax or command is incorrect, someone please correct me.
  10. The server you are attempting to play on has a check in place for the miles/mssvoice.asi file. The file size on your system does not match which is the cause for the kick.
  11. I have this configured for my GUID however, some servers do not allow Hub Greetings. But it's better than nothing. I like knowing if the server is streaming.
  12. That is up to you. I do not know exactly what binds are scanned for however, the documentation states it scans for cheat related binds so I have that enabled for my servers.
  13. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=49924 I do not believe you need to issue a pb_sv_restart, simply enable the option in the server management.
  14. If it were the protected name it would report that. Ex: (Some information modified) [05.29.2008 19:01:47] VIOLATION (PROTECTED NAME) #114: PlayerName (slot #6) Protected Name: [TAG] [369e59dffda0a641ac9815c5ce736f7d(-)] I really seems like the tag -=6thA=- has been added to the disallowed names list. Do you have access to the server (via FTP or some other method)? If yes, review the config files to see which has the bad names listed. Recommend starting with pbsv.cfg and/or pbsvuser.cfg. Also look for any lines with pb_sv_load and review those files also.
  15. You could have your configs set to stream to PBBans but when getting the server match ready execute the commands below: pb_sv_uconlist Sample list: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] 1 1 pbbanshub 2 3 AONLIVE 3 1 GVUCON In the list above PBBans has been assigned to slot 1. Execute this command to remove PBBans streaming info: pb_sv_ucondel 1 If you then execute another list command you should see this: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] 2 3 AONLIVE 3 1 GVUCON Note: The slot may not be the same on your server. It depends on the order in which the commands were processed. Once you restart PB streaming info for PBBans should be back. This of course is a manual approach. You could also configure separate configs for your server, one Public (which includes PBBans streaming) and one for competition. Swapping them out when needed.
  16. I don't think black screenshots are considered solid evidence of cheating. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41338 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41337
  17. If you haven't already, start with configuring your servers to stream to PBBans. Vist the Information Center for more information. Then fill out the Team Account Application.
  18. Just in case you weren't aware. All messages will display in 30 second intervals over a 2 minute period. The first line will display 30 seconds after PunkBuster starts. pb_sv_task 30 150 "say ^2Welcome to ^7<^2Westcoast^7> ^1Frag ^2Shack!" The second line will displayer 60 seconds after Punkbuster starts. pb_sv_task 60 150 "say ^2Please respect the other players." This continues until last message is displayed. Once the last message is displayed, the list will start over.
  19. I'm going to assume this is for COD4? If not then I apologize in advance. 1. You are sure you have the correct server IP and port entered? 2. The Rcon password has been entered correctly? 3. Can you enter rcon while in the game (entering /rcon login rconpwd on the console)? 4. Once logged into the in game rcon, can you issue server commands (/rcon map_restart)? 5. Do you have a firewall running which may be restricting traffic? Additionally you could consider using ClanRcon by SOS Projects. This allows you to manage your servers with nothing but an internet connection and a web browser. You can also create and assign permission to others giving them the ability to manage the server without revealing the Rcon password.
  20. Do you have 'Allow Hub Greetings' option selected for that server? Additionally, did you make a Server Join Greeting or a Hub Greeting (which is associated with a player's GUID)?
  21. The GUID you posted, 4dd66379f226ef744ffe109999999, seems to be invalid. Did you extract the GUID from the server logs? Also you aren't listed as an PBBans SGA. Has your server stopped streaming?
  22. I recommend get your servers streaming to PBBans. :) http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide Apply for a PBBans Team Account. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php Once you are an SGA (Streaming Game Admin), you can then enable the Hub Greetings for your server in the PBBans Account Manager. If you have questions about streaming there are many helpful people here at PBBans. :)
  23. I've not used these settings however, I found this at Raiders Game Net. // Call of Duty 4 "Server Bans" serverbans.cfg // ------------------------------------------- // IP Ban configuration set g_filterban "0" // 0 deny all users in g_banips to join server // 1 ban everyone except for ip in g_banips //Reset ip bans set g_banips "" // Leave as is to clear out bans BEFORE loadup // Add permanent IP bans below this line. In the format shown in example //set g_banips "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" // EXAMPLE - to add more IP's just seperate by comma , Here is a link to Raiders Game Net Post. http://forums.raidersmerciless.com/showthread.php?t=2465
  24. You can add the following command to your Punkbuster configs. PB_SV_BanMask [IP Address / Subnet Mask] Permanently bans players from joining the server from the specified IP Address / Subnet Mask; for example: issuing PB_SV_BanMask "12.34." will cause PB to deny access to all players trying to join from an IP Address that begins with "12.34."; These bans are written to the pbbans.dat file just like bans issued with the PB_SV_Ban command Retrieved from "http://www.punksbusted.com/wiki/index.php/PB_SV_BanMask"
  25. set scr_game_spectatetype "1" //free look set scr_game_spectatetype "2" //spectate team only set scr_game_spectatetype "3" //spectate, but dont look at anyone else at all
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