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Everything posted by Merlintime

  1. Since the server continues to stream after a restart is seems the PBBans Ucon profile would certainly be somewhere in the pbsv.cfg file. I'm not certain if it has anything to do with the game the server is running (BF2). I'm not familiar with BF2 server administration however, it seems the PB administration would be similar to other games. Game Server Provider?
  2. What is the path of the pbsv.file you are viewing? Verify you are viewing the PB config file(s) located in the pb folder. Example path (/userid/BF2/pb). The path your provider has for you may be different but should have a similar folder structure. Basically, if the server continues to streaming after a restart the PBBans Ucon profile is read in from somewhere. Either from the pbsv.cfg or some other file. Check if your pbsv.cfg reads in additional files (pb_sv_load filename). Also check your pbsvuser.cfg or pbsvlog.cfg if they exist.
  3. The server currently shows as streaming. http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-62-104-179-111-16567.html On server restart it continues streaming? What method are you using to view the pbsv.cfg file?
  4. Server information (IP:Port)?
  5. Badlizzard already detailed how to add a server join greeting but here are some links if interested. Hub Greeting Feature: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?s=&...ost&p=77388 Server Join Greeting: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?s=&...st&p=136582
  6. If using Windows XP see sample path below ('Show Hidden Files and folders' must be enabled to see the Application Data folder): C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\players\profiles Replace 'your_username' with the username used to log into your computer.
  7. This is the server info, If yes, it does not appear to be streaming. Consider setting up your server(s) for streaming to PBBans. :) http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  8. The server which had been added to your account was found to be a home server. Please review the PBBans Terms of Service. Please establish a game server with a Game Service Provider (GSP) or relocate your server to a data center to resume streaming. Regards,
  9. Welcome to you also!! Looking forward to working along side you. :)

  10. Do a PB_SV_TList command and view the results. Verify you do not have any duplicate tasks.
  11. I believe this is correct. InActive servers just need to have streaming re-established. Once re-established, no need to 'Activate' the server. Deactivated servers will need to be re-activated once streaming has been re-established.
  12. I certainly appreciate the welcome hugin!

    I very much look forward to working with PBBans as a Staff member. :)

  13. Honestly it is irrelevant if the IP addresses are close. The GUID has triggered a violation which has been determined as valid thus banned by PBBans. You should not be upset with PBBans for not lifting the ban. There is no reason to lift a valid ban despite a change of ownership of the CD-Key/GUID. That of course is my opinion. :)
  14. I really don't think PBBans will lift the ban so your friend can play. Your friend bought a used game, the GUID is based off the CD-Key which has been banned. It is honestly best not to ever purchase used PC games if you wish to play online with them. In my opinion the best course of action is to purchase a new game from a reputable source. :)
  15. Originally I did not have the file structure on the web redirect site set up the same as the game server. Once I made the web redirect site match, the downloads worked correctly. Example: Game server File structure: /cod4/mods /cod4/usermaps Web redirect site; /cod4/mods /cod4/usermaps
  16. Server Join Greetings: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?s=&...st&p=136582 The server join greeting will greeting everyone who joins. Individual Hub Greetings: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27872 The individual Hub Greeting will greet a specific player. This is based on in game GUID and will greet that player on any PBBans streaming server with the 'Allow Hub Greetings' flag enabled. If you want to greet a player who player on your AA and COD4 server you'll need to make two greetings, one for AA and one for COD4. Be careful when using the Individual Hub Greeting. It cannot be used to harass a player. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=65742
  17. You'll need to request the current SGA on your team account to add you.
  18. Here is a discussion which seems to be related to what you are seeking. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21020
  19. Before evidence can be submitted and a ban issued a few prerequisites must be met. 1. Was the server streaming to PBBans at the time the incident occured and evidence collected? 2. Do you have a PBBans Team Account? If your server was streaming at the time and you have a team account, get the person who is listed as the Streaming Game Admin (SGA) on the account to submit the demos. Follow the Demo Submission guide found in the SGA Private area of the forums. If your server was not streaming at the time I don't imagine PBBans will accept the demos as evidence. PBBans requires streamed logs along with the evidence. Streaming Guide: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html Team Account Application: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php Just like Uthog said:
  20. When you add a new server, the PBBans Admins/Staff must review and approve the server. If you just recently added the server it may take a little time for the review/approval process to complete. If it has been several days perhaps you could get on the PBBans IRC and present your issue to the PBBans Admins/Staff there.
  21. The server does not seem to have streamed since September 15, 2008 10:24pm. If that is your only server in the account most likely your forum status was automatically downgraded due to the server not streaming for an extended period of time. Once your server starts streaming again the PBBans system should upgrade your forum status.
  22. I have BF2 but have not played online in quite some time. I performed the following to get my BF2 GUID: # Enter a BF2 Server that is using Punk Buster. # Hit the (`~) key to bring up the console. # Type in pb_myguid # Copy down the result. This will be letters AND numbers. Hope that helps. * Edit * Additionally, you can place the attached file (pbcl.cfg) in your pb folder which will enable Punkbuster client logging. When you join a server, it will capture your GUID (when you enter the pb_myguid command). If using Windows XP the game install path is probably C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\pb. pbcl.cfg
  23. A GUID is a unique ID assigned to each player. This is typically based off a CD-Key. Generally this can be found by typing pb_myguid in the game console. What game are you referring to?
  24. What you saw in game could have been a PBBans Hub Ban Announcement. At the time of the post your server has that option enabled. Your logs should have something similar to the example below. PB UCON "pbbanshub"@ [say ^7|^5PBBHub^7| Player ^2XD ^3(557ed686) ^7banned for ^1MULTIHACK(70532)]
  25. MaydaX explains. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?s=&...st&p=173406
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