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Everything posted by Merlintime

  1. Your GUID appears to have a Global GUID ban. Only Evenbalance issue Global GUID bans. http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php There is a link on the above page to submit an Evenbalance support ticket.
  2. Often when making a boot the disc, the files that do the work will not be visible when viewing the disc in the Windows OS. If you have additional data on the disc it will be visible. Example: Create a Ghost boot disk. The boot files are configured to boot the system and automatically launch ghost and start imaging the system. The image file is included on the disc. In that scenario you would only see the image file on the disc. All the files needed to boot the disc are not visible. I'm not an expert with boot disc however, that's been my experience with the Ghost boot discs I've made.
  3. Welcome aboard!! :)

  4. No Problem. Glad it's sorted.
  5. GFWL-ID: Merlintime Amazon currently has the game for $38.99 USD (Free Shipping). http://www.amazon.com/Warhammer-Dawn-War-I...7722&sr=8-1 If you use Steam I think it can be activated through/played through Steam. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article...=1783-EYZN-9672
  6. Please review the PBBans Terms of Service. As Duality stated, get the server(s) co-located in a data center or rent a game server from a GSP.
  7. You will need to re-apply and include the new information.
  8. Look in the previous posts and download the protected.cfg file. Put that on your server in the PB folder. In your config file (either pbsv.cfg or pbsvuser.cfg) add this line: pb_sv_load protected.cfg That should load the compiled list of protected names/tags (including yours).
  9. I bought the game and have been enjoying it. The game controls are a similar but improved over the Company of Heroes (also developed by Relic). I like the squad base setup, graphics, destructible environment, etc. Haven't gotten far in the game, only on Day 15. Most everyone else I know with the game is on Day 20+. In my opinion it's a good game and worth getting if you like RTS type games.
  10. It will not ask for a password. Here is the process: 1. Register name/tag with EB. 2. Enter command to register name/tag with the game. (will need to be done with each PB enabled game the name/tag registration to be used.) 3. Configure your server to check the name/tag. (Also includes submitting the name/tag for inclusion in a compiled list). Once the command is entered in your game console, a file will be created in the PB directory named regname.dat. This file contains the name/tag registration information. Good information to read up on: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=registry.php http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-namereg.php
  11. You do not need to enter a password each time. The registration command creates a regname.dat file in your PB directory which is scanned when you join a server. If the server is configured to check for the name/tag it will check if the entries in the regname.dat file are correct. If there is not a mach the server will remove you from the server.
  12. The name registry prevent a player from join the server with the registered name/tags without having properly registered the name/tag. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=registry.php You also need to register the tag with your game. You should get a message Punkbuster Client: 1 Registered Name Record.........etc etc....\pb\regname.dat. Then type in the console \pb_plist and you should see your name as you registered it. NOTE: Not all games need the preceding '\' or use Shift + ~ to open a full console.
  13. Last 8 of your GUID?
  14. Added pb_sv_protecttag 1 -=)TCC(=- //[ Expires 2010-02-27 ][ COD4] ==> protected.cfg
  15. Added: pb_sv_ProtectName 1 sC|Razzen|L //[ Expires 2010-03-06 ] ==> protected.cfg
  16. This is for a Call of Duty World at War server? You've listed as the server however, you have added to your team. Did you perhaps invert two octets of the IP address, 83 & 68? All the other servers listed on your team follow the format with different ports.
  17. Looks to be added and streaming. *************************************************************** Team: SKLD Gamers Clan (SKLD) Account ID: 613 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) SOF2 - (Streaming)
  18. The PB_GETSS command is used to manually request a screen shot from a player. To get the PBSS file(s) there are several different methods. [*]FTP the file from your server to your local system. [*]Use the pbsvss.htm file to review and use 'Right Click -> Save Image As' option to save the file to your system. [*]Use Main Stream Gamers' PunkBuster
  19. If looking for a web based solution with a privileged system is of interest take a look at ClanRcon by SOS Projects.
  20. Pulled from the Evenbalance BF2142 Server Admin Manual. You can also review the information in the PBBans PBSS Guide. When a PBSS is taken (manually or automatically) you should be able to find it in the pb/svss directory. IMPORTANT: PunkBuster will only allow 3 screenshots to be taken every 10 minutes per player.
  21. Congrats!! :) I have a Min Pin also. She's a quick little thief. Can't turn your back or your food is gone!! :) I enjoy having her around despite guarding my food. :D
  22. The first step is to configure your servers for streaming to PBBans and apply for a Team Account. Once you've been upgraded to SGA status you'll have access to the PBBans CVAR/MD5 checks. The following is a list of links to help with streaming to PBBans Starters Guide: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html Web Guide: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html PDF Version: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...s&showcat=1 Sample Configs: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...s&showcat=3 Account Application: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php Automated Hub Setup: http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  23. If you did not crack the server then perhaps you should contact your Game Server Provider and not vent your frustrations toward PBBans.
  24. Is this the last 8 of your GUID (aa632311)? That GUID (at this time) has not been banned by PBBans nor does it appear to have a Evenbalance Global GUID ban. This appear to be a case of a local server ban. You will need to contact the server admins who run the server to resolve the issue.
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