While in game are you performing the following to open a full console:
1. Press and Hold the Shift key
2. Press and release the ~ key
3. Release the Shift key
This will open the full console. From there you can type this command.
Creating a personalized Join Greeting is a benefit reserved for PBBans SGAs. If you are a member of a clan and your clan streams to PBBans, your clan member who is an SGA here can configure a custom join greeting (based on your GUID) for you.
With COD4 you may need to use a "\" in front of the command.
\pb_regnamepartial TAG PASSWORD
You can also open the regname.dat file in a text editor to view the contents.
Should be something similar to this:
"TAG" "PASSWORD" Partial
As Iceman said previously, a search against your IP used here in the forums shows three BF2 GUIDs. All three GUIDs have matching aliases which leads one to believe all three GUIDs belong to the same person.
Demo Submission Requirements
Demo must be recorded via in-game recording utility. (Utility must be designed into the game. Demos not accepted from some games)
Server streaming to PBBans at the time which the demo was recorded
Demo Submitter must have SGA status with PBBans and the server listed in their Team Account.
Demos are only accepted from Streaming Game Admins (SGA) responsible for the server. The server must be streaming at the time which the time demo was recorded.
PBBans Starter Guide for more information about streaming to PBBans.
Here is a link to a generic COD4 pbsv.cfg file; http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-pbsv-id27.html
There are many resources on the internet for the COD series game. FPS Admin is an example such a resource.
After reviewing the PB log file, I do not see anything caused by streaming which would have attributed to the server crashing.
Along with the questions fozzer posted, please verify syntax/spelling of all commands in your configs (pb and server) are correct. Verify spelling of map names especially.
Also verify you have the correct PBucon profile. Only profiles of 0 or 1 are allowed.
The entry in the config file should be similar to the following:
PB_SV_UConAdd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub
What version is your COD4 server (v1.6, v1.7, etc)?
I'm unable to locate any logs for your server. According to your team account information it's listed as a new server and has not been added to the Hub at this time.
Other than the timing of adding the streaming, what other reason leads you to believe streaming is causing your server to crash?
Have you reviewed the PB Logs at around the time of the crashes? It would be helpful review the logs to around the time of the crash.
The actual GUIDs of you and your friend appear clean and not globally banned.
What's the IP:Port of the server you were on at the time of the messages?
Please read your account application post.
Since you have two forum accounts, one will need to be removed.
Send the following command to get the results of the PBUcon profiles loaded:
If the PBBans PBUcon profile has been loaded correctly you should see a listing similar to what is shown below: