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Everything posted by Merlintime

  1. My personal opinion is it's best to get all coverage possible. Bandwidth usage is minimal from what I've seen the and hasn't affected server performance. Punksbusted operations appear to be a bit slower however, they are a decent AC site and you shouldn't give up. You may have already tried but attempt to contact a PSB admin for information regarding your application. There are lots of COD4 servers out there. Perhaps you can try to run mods, custom maps, etc to make your server stand out. Also if you have a group of friends to play on the server with you can help. Best of Luck :)
  2. My GSP offers a free website with a game server which I plan to use for the redirect. I had the structure set up incorrectly which (I'm assuming) caused slow downloads when pulling mod files. After more reading, I adjusted the structure which seems to have resolved the slow download speeds. I certainly appreciate the responses. Thanks,
  3. How much will the FTP configuration affect the server performance?
  4. What sort of file re-direct services are most COD4 server admins using for modded servers? Example: When player A connects to the modded server and needs to download the files, the server allows the player to download via a re-direct site (not directly from the game server). Thanks,
  5. Just be aware that some of the messages you see in your logs may be announcements. If you have the Announce New Bans checked, you will see that information in your PB Logs. I find this post helpful with Hub Options: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/Team-Account-...ned-t49924.html A good place to check the bans credited to your group is in your Account Manager -> View My Bans.
  6. When it comes to overall service of an AC site, you can't get any better than here at PBBans. They have a nice site, good information, the Live Hub, and best off all.....a great staff. :) If you are looking to dual stream then I recommend you head over to Airdale Ops Network (AON, http://airdaleops.com) and register to utilize their admin panel. You should be able to stream to PBBans and AON with no issue. If PSB gets back to with a positive answer, you can certainly stream to them in parallel with PBBans and AON. PSB uses the log repository method of streaming. Best of Luck.
  7. Anti, I'm not certain the link is correct. It takes me to your cpanel. :)
  8. I know this has been mentioned previously and understand it may be difficult with thousands of servers however, I would still like to add it to the 'wish list'. :) Bad Language Filter: Chat filter with the ability for the SGA to have a customized list of words they wish to filter. Ban List Download (including external bans): The ability to download ban lists which contain the PBBans MBI and External bans. Perhaps the download page can have check boxes for External ban lists you want to include. The current page allows one to paste in a list of banned GUIDs and create a single ban file however with a large list of bans the page can sometimes time out. Web Based Update Tool: A web based update tool for the SGA who isn't comfortable using the CVAR/MD5 Autoupdates. The tool can provide the ability to update their server(s) with PBBans current list of CVAR/MD5 checks, Ban List (with or without external bans included), and include customized configs wanted by the SGA. Basically a web based admin panel. That's all the crazy ideas I can think of for now. Thanks PBBans!!
  9. I have no idea of the financial situation of your clan however, Gameservers is running a sale on servers located in the New York/New Jersey datacenter (32 Slot for $29.95 a month). http://www.gameservers.com Just a thought.
  10. Punkbuster Registered Name: [iHS]Merlintime pb_sv_protectname 1 [IHS]Merlintime //[ Expires 2009-04-17 ] Thanks,
  11. Signed up and using this tool. Working great so far! Certainly worth checking out!! Thanks for the work SOS Projects!!! :D
  12. =BLACKWOLF= and =GG= RocknRoll are very knowledable and among the many people around willing to help out. I recommend following their guidance. You can also jump in the PBBans IRC for help. Just need a little patience at times since most everyone around has other 'full time' obligations. About 2000+ COD4 servers streaming to PBBans so yours shouldn't be an impossible task. No reason to give up just yet! :)
  13. In my opinion, why not!! I stream to PBBans, PSB, and AON with no issues. The more coverage the better.
  14. I currently stream to PBBans, AON, and PSB with no issues and use the AON Admin Panel (for AA and COD4). It isn't very difficult to get everything working together. Welcome aboard! :D
  15. The TWL Config we run for AA matches contains streaming information for PBBans, AON, and PSB. The pbucon for PBBans in the TWL config is set to 0 instead of 1.
  16. Received this response from yapple2 on AON: *Update* Just checked my server and the CALM system is working again for me. If you decided to utlize CALM, it just a click in the AON COD4 Admin Panel.
  17. I used the AON Admin panel to enable CALM. I noticed the pb_sv_ucon_add had changed from 1 to 3. I'm thinking just making the change from 1 to 3 will enable it. pb_sv_uconadd 3 AONLIVE LIVEBETA I also noticed this line: pb_sv_task 630 850 pb_sv_filewhitelist "Sounds " However, I'm not certain if it is involved. Once the line had been updated from 1 to 3, I logged into my server and typed a bad word and received a warning so it appeared to be working correctly. *Update* I'm not certain if they have disabled CALM. I just checked my server and received no warnings. No changes have been made on the server side. Researching at AON.
  18. Correct. It should be set to 1. If you are running a COD4 server and utilizing the AON(CALM) Common Acceptable Language Monitor then it will need to be set to 3 (for AON only).
  19. I found this description: 9003 - IGNORING QUERIES Losing Key Packets, players connection is loosing packets that are sent to PB Perhaps your PB client is out of date? Have you attempted to manually update? PBSetup.exe
  20. That is a lot of excellent information. Your status currently appears to be a 'Member'. I'm guessing one of the first steps to getting rid of this person is to start streaming to PBBans, if your group isn't already, and add another cheater to the list of bans. :) PBBans Hub Streaming Guide PBBans Starters Guide PBBans Team Application
  21. I also MordernRcon v.06 along with the AON COD4 Admin panel to view screenshots. Click here for more information (Download link is farther down on the main page). There is also Rcon Commander Pro (Beta). Click Here. I found the PSB wiki very helpful with PB messages and other PB related settings. Click Here. In your server config you probably specified the COD4 master server which should automaticlly put your server on the list. However, there were issues with servers not displayed on the list but hopefully future patches will correct any issues. You can register your server with COD4 Tracker. Not sure if that is what you were looking for. Also, here are some links to help get your server streaming to PBBans. :) Hub Streaming Guide Master Config Index PBBans Application (If you haven't already applied.) If you have additional questions, there is an abundance of great people here to help out.
  22. Interesting. :) I use a Logitech mouse which also has on the fly sensitivity adjustments. Wonder how many times your screenshots will get submitted with someone wondering what the bars are. :)
  23. You can also check your servers PB logs (ususally located in pb/svlogs). Look for something along the lines of: PB UCON "pbbanshub"@ [say ^7|^5PBBHub^7| Player ^2Cheating Player ^3(51c693bd) ^7banned for ^1MD5TOOL(9002)] If your log(s) has lines similar to the above, I guess to say your announce bans is working correctly.
  24. I use Enforce Bans, Announce New Bans, Allow Hub Greetings, and Enforce RA SBL Bans. Use caution with Enable CVAR AutoUpdates and Enable MD5 AutoUpdates. The two settings will overwrite your pbsv.cfg or pbsvuser.cfg. Sorry I can't remember which since I currently do not use those settings. Here is a link to the Hub Flags Guide. http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#hubflags Hope that helps! :) Best of Luck!
  25. I am certainly grateful to have PBBans around and you have our support. Merlintime [iHS] International Hit Squad
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