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Everything posted by Merlintime

  1. Since one of the servers listed for this team is actively streaming, I manually upgraded forum status to SGA. This is usually an automated process which runs every couple hours.
  2. ** Update ** Added: pb_sv_protecttag 2 -=US=- //[ Expires 2010-05-18 ][ BF2 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =]ES[= //[ Expires 2010-07-29 ][ AA, AA3 ] pb_sv_protecttag 2 [RS] //[ Expires 2010-04-03 ][ BF2, COD4, AA3 ] Removed: //pb_sv_protecttag 1 ENGLISH- //[ Expires 2009-08-15 ][ BF2142, CoDWW ] <<-- No Match Found //pb_sv_protecttag 1 =TR= //[ Expires 2009-07-04 ][ CoD4, CoDWW ] <<-- No Match Found //pb_sv_protecttag 1 FF| //[ Expires 2009-07-07 ][ BF2, CoD, ET ] <<--No Match Found //pb_sv_protecttag 1 {AOW} //[ Expires 2009-07-09 ][ CoD, CoD:UO, CoD4, CoDWW ] <<--No Match Found //pb_sv_protecttag 3 -}SN@FU{- //[ Expires 2009-08-15 ][ AA ] <<--No Match Found pb_sv_protectname 1 ShootMe //[ Expires 2009-06-08 ] <<--No Match Found Not Added due to no SGA status: pb_sv_protecttag 1 .-=( pb_sv_protecttag 1 ADF -->> protected.cfg
  3. You will need to have a server actively streaming to PBBans to have SGA (Streaming Game Admin) access. SGA access will allow the viewing of clean players. Please review the Streaming Application Requirements along with the PBBans Terms of Service prior to submitting an Account Application
  4. That server is showing as offline (as fozzer previously stated). You'll need to ensure the server is properly running, has Punkbuster enabled, and streaming entered in your configs.
  5. I also have the Logitech G15 Keyboard. I've not configured any macros for the extra keys when playing FPS games.
  6. Make sure the read the application denial posts as they give insight as to what must be change to in order to submit a successful application. Please review the Streaming Application Requirements along with the PBBans Terms of Service prior to re-submitting an Account Application.
  7. Are you requesting for a background check on this particular player? Access to the PBBans MPi is reserved for SGA (Streaming Game Admin) members. Please review the Streaming Application Requirements along with the PBBans Terms of Service. Once reviewed please proceed to Account Application.
  8. Another way is to enable PB Client Logging. Follow the steps listed in the guide. Once you've joined a PB enabled server, your GUID will be in the client log. You can then copy & paste your GUID.
  9. Once the commands have been entered you should only need to restart Punkbuster but a server restart should do it also. The Automated HUB Setup should also work with BF2142. The PBBans HUB Streaming Guide is very helpful if there are additional questions.
  10. Once your server is streaming your forum status will be upgraded to SGA. Once that has been completed please post any change requests in the Account Change Request forum.
  11. Server IP would be a great start.
  12. The server isn't streaming. *************************************************************** Team: KmA Knife4LiFe () Account ID: 6886 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- BF2142 - Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix
  13. Sorted via PM. Clan already has a team account. TA Master can added DarkFOOT to the TA via the Account Manager.
  14. According to the notes on the Team Account the suspension has been lifted. You simply need to configure the server(s) for streaming (if not already) and add your server(s) back to your Team Account.
  15. Also, prior to submitting your application please review the Streaming Application Requirements along with the PBBans Terms of Service.
  16. We'll need additional information. Currently, your forum account is not associated with a team account nor is there a team account with similar name to "The High Henchmen". Are you certain the team account was with PBBans? If yes, what clan name (if different than The High Henchmen) , website, applicant, server IP, etc? Just for informational purposes, there are two Inactive PsB accounts for "The High Henchmen". {HHx}b14ze is listed as admin on one account and lushkill is listed as admin on the other.
  17. Please don't take offense to the statement. We've heard (or had implied to us) many times in various situations "We donated so you should approve the application, lift the ban, etc, etc" and the list goes on. I simply wanted to quickly clarify.
  18. The Members List is generally a list of everyone registered with the site (clan member or not). We require a clearly defined list of clan members. It can be a Clan Roster list or a Clan Roster forum post. It's up to you how to present this information. Additional note, donations are greatly appreciated however, please do not expect an account application to be 'slid' through due to a donation.
  19. If you haven't already, please review the Streaming Application Requirements along with the PBBans Terms of Service.
  20. Here's what the team account you applied for looks like currently: *************************************************************** Team: Clan Team Xtreme ([cTx]) Account ID: 4092 Streaming Status: Streaming (9 / 9) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- REDRAT6 (133586) cTx Kali (138954) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix You are not currently listed on the team account. Please contact REDRAT6 (133586) to request addition to the team account.
  21. Glad to see you've got it worked out and back on as SGA. The second account you created will need to be dealt with as we only allow one member account per person. The account will show as banned. Don't be alarmed as that is normal procedure.
  22. You should be able to request to recover you lost password. Just need to know your forum name or email address. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=10
  23. You can also enable PB Client logging which will allow you go copy & paste your GUID from the PB Client log. Punkbuster Client Logging
  24. Final Thought: Yes, we've heard this over and over from multiple members of the NoBS clan. Because we are not offering the NoBS clan the opportunity to stream with PBBans you find us disappointing? Because we are not quick to trust your word the NoBS clan is no longer running cracked servers you find us disappointing? It appears this clan has been running cracked servers since it was conceived. Now after years of running cracked server and finding/teaching ways to bypass bans on cracked servers you go clean for maybe a few months? Everyone is simply suppose to trust this is the truth? Has the NoBS clan honestly dropped every single cracked server and has no involvement with any cracked server? You cannot wipe years of actions away in a matter of days, months, etc. Actions can speak louder than words. Do not expect an instant turn around from other gamers or us through simple 'lip service'. It will take much, much more to gain the trust of the community, the trust of PBBans.
  25. You'll need to add the server back to your team account. If the server still have the PBBans PBUCON command configured, the servers will automatically start streaming again once approved.
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