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Everything posted by surfy

  1. Do you have a link for a roster please?
  2. We introduced streaming requirements some years ago. Upon your account being reactivated we always check if teams still meet those requirements. In your case the supplied website http://0xfe.weebly.com/ is no longer accessible. Do you have a new one so that we can update the information?
  3. Accounts belong to teams, not individuals so I have transferred the existing account over to acting members of this team and removed you from it. If you wish to set up a new team in future you will simply need to apply :)
  4. I think I might have to book that day off... not that I'm a fan or anything... *whistles innocently*
  5. Well then I'm definitely saying no to battlefront. Kthxbye ;)
  6. Just when I fancy the look of an online game again... the brown stuff lands all over it. Probably won't bother now. Don't think they've even announced if you can rent servers?
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?app=tickets&showticket=5641
  8. If webtool doesn't do the job I always, Check port is correct - shouldn't be an issue in your case as your server did stream at one point. Next I would manually add the pbsv.cfg to your server. You should have access to your file in your server control panel. Contents should look something like this: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-bf4-pbsv-44.html (copy and paste will do!) Then restart pb or restart the server completely.
  9. Looks fine at the moment, ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Clan THOR Brazil (|THOR|) Website: http://www.thoresports.com/ Account ID: 12443 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) ---------- Server List ---------- BF4 - (Streaming) If you have to run the webtool each time you restart your server it may that your GSP is overwriting the settings. I would recommend manually adding the pbsv.cfg to your server if this is the case.
  10. lol... the world is too cynical a place to buy into that these days surely? However, wouldn't it be nice??
  11. As asked before what kind of review? We only accept PB Screenshots from streaming servers. We don't accept stats info or youtube videos.
  12. You should be able to create the pbsv.cfg which should contain all your streaming configurations for various anti cheat sites. Our config can be found here: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-aapg-pbsv-43.html These lines should be present in your config The pbsvuser.cfg should be reserved for MD5 detections etc.
  13. oh dear what a catastrophe lol.
  14. It's Star Wars... Take my money.
  15. Then said person would be banned officially, not out of spite. ;)
  16. I was added to metabans by someone once, which was kind of annoying since I haven't actually played properly for ages! When I did play I didn't join any servers but my own clans and if I'm brutally honest.. I was crap! :fryingpan: To the clan that are adding these bans elsewhere, just be glad if it never happens to you. Wouldn't be so fun on the receiving end.
  17. This!
  18. This topic simply annoys me.
  19. Nice work! :)
  20. The problem turned out to be that this persons provider only allowed one streaming service....
  21. I've given up on it all now. Can't keep spending money on games I'll only play for a few days.
  22. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?app=tickets&showticket=5279
  23. Always remember, when you add a server to your team account you need the join/server port, to use the automated setup you need the rcon port ;) Anyway looks like all is streaming fine now.
  24. Odd, what does your control panel say the query/join port and rcon ports are?
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