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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Thanks to the new version of IPB that MaydaX installed - I can now do this: +rep for you! :D
  2. I like this forum. Much easier to do moderation etc now.
  3. Man those are some mad props!
  4. New DLC isn't bad.
  5. Duality

    Ed Freeman

    And the British media too.
  6. One thing you will notice about 2142 - is that you don't need to hack. The game provides a variety of hacks for you in the form of unlocks :lol:
  7. Shot is clean as a whistle :)
  8. You are mistaken. It is obviously me.
  9. Dice are cashing in on IW's cockup like any other company would. DICE have shafted the PC platform while IW cultivated it, now they are just swapping places. I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully DICE will prove me wrong.
  10. It is a stolen key, you will need to purchase a new key from a legitimate source.
  11. 16 player limit will pretty much triple the fury they have seen so far... I'd hate to be a mod on their forums.
  12. This PM was sent to the account owner:
  13. +1 on all the points in this thread. However am I the only one that actually didn't mind the food in the British 24hr rat-packs at least? :P I can only really speak from a cadet corps standpoint (and regardless of what is going on I still fully wish to sign up into the forces once I have finished my degree), but it seems all too common that in civilian life - everyone's priorities are all messed up. The limited military experience I had completely changed my life and my way of thinking. It makes me sick every time someone "famous" does something stupid and passes away - and the whole damn country goes into mourning, and when another serviceman dies thousands of miles from home they get a small side column in the news that barely anyone looks twice at.
  14. Maybe we are throwing our toys out of the pram somewhat, and maybe some PC players do need to grow up (having seen the quality of some posts on forums other than this one...), but the fact is that IW are tearing down a massive worldwide community that we built for ourselves. Imagine if a games company decided that XBL is a waste of time on the 360 and only allowed play on dedicated servers that they hosted and controlled. I can imagine the fury now, especially if it was a game as hotly anticipated as MW2.
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-cfe78820-vb54181.html If you are getting kicked, this is your GUID. The GUID you are supplying is yours as well it seems, and is clean. Ninja Edit: The ban I linked above is yours. The appealers full name matches the name in the e-mail you used to register here.
  16. That actually made me seriously angry in RL.
  17. The console trolls are starting to get a rise out of me on some sites. I honestly don't care about the whole "console/pc" rivalry thing that this situation seems to be bringing up - all I want is a decent game for my chosen platform. So, why, even on large sites, are there people just basically trolling the shit out of PC Gamers? I just find it completely unnecessary.
  18. Petition or no petition, nothing is going to change. Bring on BF:BC2!
  19. Surfy is handling this particular suspension - so you will have to wait for her to reply. Suffice to say that it is very, very unlikely that your account access will be restored.
  20. As far as I am concerned you are very much aware of the reason why your account is suspended.
  21. Exactly. Its nice to come together as a community but we all know that shite-all will happen. IW are not going to change their tune, and people are going to buy the game anyway. We are the minority here, just a very vocal one.
  22. Nice to see you around again Earzz!
  23. I just saw the petition posted on 4chan. Inb4 shitstorm for IW...
  24. They just will. They planned to give us the shaft from the very beginning imo. I had never pre-ordered it, now I won't be doing it in the future either :)
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