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Everything posted by Duality

  1. I just listened to it as well... I have made a mental note not to visit any server of theirs. It is a real shame that people who have next to no knowledge about what they are doing can actually get their own servers. I think I got about half way through the video before I quit out of sheer frustration.
  2. I have contacted the master user of the Bm account, to see what explanation he has for this. Also the current server name is ".[e]S TWL Host", not anything to do with MwA?
  3. Oh holback, we love you :D
  4. Why are you even still posting here? We cannot tell our members what to do outside of this organisation. Remove the lies and misinformation and then they wouldn't have reason to even visit your site. It's not hard. We never asked them to post, and no staff member would ever post. Also, PBBans members are not childish. Generalisations are bad, m'kay? I'm closing this now - maybe you will have the intelligence to let this sorry debacle die and remove the posts on your site which are, quite frankly, a load of bollocks.
  5. What on earth? Is that a threat of an internet smear campaign? :o God help us, not another one! :lol:
  6. You are making quite the fool of yourself with what you have written - take out the incorrect facts and terrible reasoning, and all you are left with is an incomprehensible rant that makes you look like a child with a vendetta against us.
  7. We do not delete accounts, so it is most likely around somewhere under a different name or something like that. As for your question - it is for us to keep track of clan members and ensure that members using our services are not harbouring cheaters. Yes, you would need to keep it updated.
  8. You get SGA status when you stream. This is why I made a comment about your reasons for streaming - if you are serious about anti-cheat then you need the bundle, not just the streaming bit. That includes MPI, MCI, server tools, private forums, demo/screenshot submission etc. This whole thing has grown from streaming and now is a lot more than just that imo.
  9. When you are the accounts manager here, then you can tell us how we should be doing things here. Surfy followed the PBBans account management SOP to the letter, she did nothing wrong. Standard procedure is to deny and lock the application - and then allow the applicant to create a thread to discuss it if needs be. It is neither intrusive, nor does it create lag. I believe you are severely mis-informed. If you are only coming here to get streaming so you can run AiX - then you need to reconsider your actions here. I would rather have 10 people streaming who did it because they support what streaming is and anti-cheat in general, than 1000 who do it "because they have to". I appreciate it is frustrating having your application denied, but you seriously need to evaluate both your reasons for being here, and how you are approaching the situation. I and the rest of the staff are happy to discuss this to reach a conclusion - but if it is met by posts exclaiming how we are "doing it wrong" - you will not get anywhere... and the chances are you will be met with a less than friendly reception from the site membership, not just the administrators.
  10. Pure comedy gold! :lol: My mum says hi :D
  11. I think you answered your own question there. Why stream if you support hackers? Because that is what you are doing. You are not only wasting your time, but ours as well.
  12. No comment will be made on screenshots generated by 3rd party client side anticheat programs. This is a Punkbuster support site - I suggest you make your queries on the xray site.
  13. If I want NVGs, I'll buy a set. I wouldn't pay over the odds for some random chinese crap with branded stickers on. It is most likely a rubbish 1st gen set. Sure its cool, but not worth the money at all.
  14. You don't get a reply within the timeframe you want, and you make a post like that... God forbid any of us have lives outside of PBBans :lol:
  15. Rendering error. The ground is black too.
  16. No, you will not be permitted to stream to this organisation.
  17. The key that is banned is a stolen key. Your current key is also stolen or resold. It was first used in France.
  18. Actually: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-1d581050-vb119812.html
  19. Steam is brilliant and completely legit :) Norton is not bad in its 2009 iteration - the only people who say its shite are the people who have not actually tried it. If you have paid for it, or still have an active subscription, stick with it. SpyBot is not so good - it has a lot of trouble picking up more recent stuff I have found. Try MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware - they are the best two out there. Shareware, but the free versions work just great - no need for on access spyware scans if you have Norton running. Just run those two once a week and they will clear out anything you get that Norton does not catch.
  20. This. Always practice safe hex.
  21. Not possible I'm afraid - the server needs to be streaming at the time the shot is taken.
  22. Welcome to the community :)
  23. No streaming, no second chances. My decision stands. If you want confirmation of this decision then please feel free to contact our founder and head administrator RodeoBob - who will gladly re-iterate the same decision I have posted here time and time again. Or, feel free to contact any other member of staff listed on this site. They will also gladly re-iterate my decision for you as many times as is required for it to sink in. Thread closed. p.s. Your accounts still have posting rights of course, but I would appreciate it if you did not give me a reason to take those rights away by posting any more regarding this matter. I would prefer to be able to draw this to a close without any staff member having to take any more action.
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