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Everything posted by CosmicBlue

  1. I have been using EVGA Precision Tool for the past year or so, with the Call of Duty series, and haven't encountered any problems. I don't use it to overclock though - just to monitor temps in-game and control fan speed. Are you using steam? It has been known to cause "Disallowed Driver" issues. If so, in "settings", turn off "Community Chat" or something to that effect.
  2. This is very interesting. It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad! :scratchchin: I'm really interested in IW's response to this. Then again, they prolly won't respond, or will say something stupid like "IW.net is great - it's the way of the future". Because they obviously DON'T CARE about the consumer's issues!
  3. Ah, okay! Just let me know if you want me to do any testing of the Call of Duty series for you - be happy to do it.
  4. Great! I just tried CoD2 and CoD:WaW. Neither worked - "waiting for supported game to start" message. So, I figured that you hadn't added them yet....... lol - ya. ` opens the console command line, and ~ (shift + `) opens full console. :blink: edit: oops! Just noticed I left out the "mp" on this one: CoD:WaW = codwawmp.exe * Note: In the CoD Series, you need to "Enable" the console first in the Main Menu, under "Game Options". I don't know if that will affect what you're doing, but thought I'd mention it, just in case..... Thanks, CB
  5. Excellent, PartyPooper! :) I'm very happy to see all the games which you have included!!! :D For the Call of Duty Series: - what key do you press to activate the console: Console command line = Grave Accent ` Full console = Tilde ~ - do you have to prefix console commands with a backslash (eg. \pb_plist) to get them to work ? Console commands must be prefaced by a "Forward slash" eg. /pb_plist - what is the game's executable (eg. Battlefield 2 = BF2.exe) ? CoD = codmp.exe CoD:UO = coduomp.exe CoD2 = cod2mp_s.exe CoD4 = iw3mp.exe CoD:WaW = CoDWaW.exe CoD:MW2 = xbox360.exe +IW.net<----------- Just kidding, lol! :P I'll do some testing of GUIDTracker with Call of Duty games and give you some feedback.
  6. The Respected Admins site is back up and restored. They had moved the site from www.respectedadmins.com to a new site at www.respectedadmins.net. Initially, the new site was created from scratch and required previous members to re-register. However, due to the hard work and efforts of RA staff, they were able to restore and integrate from a backup. Previous members do not have to re-register now, and old posts have been recovered. They have also implemented a redirect from respectedadmins.com to respectedadmins.net Good Job, GuitarSkater and staff! :D
  7. MaydaX - LMAO @ the "MW2 Source Code"! :biglol: #include "infinite_greed.h" #include "DLC.h" // NOTE: Requires infinite_greed.h :money_mouth:
  8. GET YOUR MONEY BACK FOR MW2, AND SEND A MESSAGE TO IW/ACTIVISION? I found this on another forum - Interesting idea. I haven't bought the game, so I can't try it, but it sounds like it would work for those that did.....
  9. HOORAY! :D Hopefully, this will be a replacement for the CoD:Modern Warfare series which has been ruined by IW/Activision. I own, and have enjoyed the single player of every MoH game: Allied Assault Spearhead Breakthrough Pacific Assault AirBorne I've never cared much for the MoH multiplayer, though. Hopefully, the MP of the new game will be better. btw - EA has a "10th Anniversary Edition" out which sells for only $19.95 USD! That's 4 bucks a game, plus it includes extras! If you've never played the SP, I would recommend them, especially at that price. Perhaps they are going to use the revenue from this edition to fund the development of the upcoming game... http://eastore.ea.com/DRHM/servlet/ControllerServlet?Action=DisplayProductDetailsPage&SiteID=ea&Locale=en_US&productID=106131200&resid=vW@djgoBAkgAAEgUhucAAAAO&rests=1259785805287
  10. +1 Good review! Unfortunately, this is the part that many people don't seem to get: "IW is trying to set a precedent of removing all control from PC gamers and forcing us into the same category as console gamers. They're raising prices on us while removing features, preparing us to be forced to buy their DLC instead of creating our own maps, and limiting the amount of enjoyment we can derive from the game. Not only that, but since the game is tied to their controversial and deeply hated IW.net service, they can pull the plug when Modern Warfare 3 comes out to ensure gamers can't continue playing the old product." Many just think "no dedicated servers - no big deal", "no mods - no big deal", no lean - no big deal"...............Sad :(
  11. Hi Squealer,

    Just started using your PBBans FireFox toolbar.

    Very nice! Thanks!

    btw - the Respected Admins link needs to be updated - they've changed to .net from .com.

  12. Sorry - the only drop-down I see is for country... I'm curious to see how many bans have been issued for MW2 on PC. It doesn't appear that you can see all of the relevant info like we can with PBBans But then again, there's nothing as good as PBBans! :D
  13. Thanks, SuperTaz! Interesting.......doesn't give much information though, does it? No date of ban, no reason for ban, no GUID, no IP, not even which game.....?
  14. LMAO @ the "birds in the tower" pic! :lol: Nice one, SixShot! How true! Even better and truer, MaydaX!
  15. Get a load of this BS! :o "Activision financial executive Thomas Tippl has said that there are plans to begin charging Call of Duty users for online services. " Full Story: http://bashandslash.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=804&Itemid=111 This prolly doesn't come as a surprise to many of us!
  16. Bummer! Since there is no way in hell I'm gonna buy this game for the multiplayer, I originally thought I could wait until a dissatisfied person wanted to sell it and I could buy it cheap just for the single player, and not give any more money to IW/Activision. :P I do have a Steam account from the Half-Life days, but it appears that the game is not transferable, from what you folks have said/confirmed. Thanks for the replies! Oh well, no big loss..... :rolleyes: Edit: lol - Well, I wouldn't use the crack anyway. I have no interest in playing the MP. But, thanks for the info - gave me a chuckle... :lol:
  17. If MW2 is re-sold, can the new owner play MP, or only SP, or neither? I've read that since the game has to be registered on Steam, only the original registered owner can use it. I dunno whether that is true or not...
  18. Great first-hand review MaydaX! I admit I considered buying the game for the same reasons that you did - to try it and judge for myself. Also, as a moderator on a popular Call of Duty forum, I could then educate other people there. But, I just couldn't bring myself to do it and give IW/Activision another dime!!! Now, I don't have to, you've done it for me! Thanks! btw - I've posted your review on the forum. Normally, I credit the original poster with anything I re-post on my forum. In this case, I left your name out, in case you didn't want the "credit". I just stated that it was from a "well-respected PC gamer". If you rather I credit you, just let me know. p.s. I hope you didn't pay more than a couple of bucks for it! :P
  19. How to determine Ping in IWNet
  20. New forums look and function great! Good job, MaydaX! :D Hi Mupps, No, I'm not experiencing that problem with FireFox. Have you upgraded to the latest version of FireFox? Are your plug-ins up-to-date? You can check here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ Regards, CB
  21. Newegg has already discounted the PC version to $52.99 with free shipping. Xbox and PS3 remain at full price of $59.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832133066&Tpk=32-133-066 Edit: Here is a very well written review of the PC version by Game Planet: http://www.gameplanet.co.nz/pc/games/158267/reviews/134131.Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2/ "The matchmaking appears to work largely based on your connection strength. Or, at least, if it's designed to work in any other manner it's broken, because the game thought nothing of placing me against other players that were twenty ranks ahead. I'd like to report on the latency with some actual figures, however they've removed numerical ping and replaced it with a signal bar not unlike that found on a mobile phone, so this arbitrary scale is irrelevant and yields no clues as to what sort of a compensatory game I need to play. My eye-chrometer suggests around 150msec across the board, however. Lag? You bet. Within a matter of minutes I'd been fragged by a bouncing avatar that transported itself across the map, and that doesn't include the noticeable banana bullets that occur just too frequently to ignore. Based on this, it's fairly clear to see why they've limited the game to nine per side, I'd hate to see what it looks like with Modern Warfare's original 64 player limit, presumably like a very tedious slide show from a trip to Borneo."
  22. Aha! So that's IW's strategy for controlling hackers! Give everybody built-in hacks! Therefore, no need for an anti-cheat system or admins! Brillant! NOT! :rolleyes:
  23. Looks Good! :D Good Job, MaydaX!
  24. I have been running this task via pbsv.cfg on my Call of Duty server: pb_sv_task 10 600 say ^1BOYCOTT Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2! - ^7No Dedicated Servers, No PunkBuster, No Mods & Forced Matches ^1= A BAD MULTIPLAYER EXPERIENCE! It puts out this message from the console every 600 seconds (10 minutes) console: BOYCOTT Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2! - No dedicated servers, No PunkBuster, No Mods & Forced Matches = A BAD MULTIPLAYER EXPERIENCE!
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