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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. They just love to boost their own egos. I swear COD4 may not have had "more guns" or "more perks", but at least it has dedicated following and thousands upon thousands of dedicated servers. Hell I went and played some last night and I admit it's more fun then it is when I played MW2 online. The fact that I was able to open a server browser, play three maps without intermission, and then leave without the worry if I'm the host or not was wonderful. Sure MW2 may LOOK prettier, but really all I see is COD4 graphics with HDR and maybe an up on the texture resolution.
  2. Don't use HTML.... [url=http://www.hackhunters.com][img=http://www.hackhunters.com/1/ad.gif][/url] [url=http://www.pbbans.com/sig-allbans-ab3031.html][img=http://www.pbbans.com/sigs/3031b.png][/url]
  3. Ya got a bigger one than Duality ;)
  4. http://www.ggc-stream.com/index.php?area=guid_search&guid=1bd38ef2&action=do_search&do=guid_search I don't think that ban was in error.
  5. Give that guy a freaking medal, goddam I couldn't word it better myself.
  6. Didn't Crysis Wars come with Crysis Warhead as part of the Multiplayer?
  7. I have played some MP now, :unsure: kinda seems really imbalanced, if one person dominates the game, he will continue to dominate. Also really not liking Riot Sheilds.
  8. http://www.tek-9.org/articles/first_ever_modern_warfare_2_tournament_a_disaster-364/MW2%20A%20Disaster-1.html
  9. Tetris or GTFO
  10. The ban will not be removed, that's the risk you take with buying off of eGay.
  11. Which who I'm precisely talking to.....
  12. Where the heck did the monthly fee stuff from from? :blink:
  13. I did not buy it either, but it sounds like my friend might be getting it too me for free, so we can play co-op :) But I will not put money in InfinityWards pockets, just for the fact that they did not seem to give two shits about the PC community or it's opinion.
  14. Now that's quite awkward.
  15. Might help staff if you provided your team account number.
  16. Meh just buy keys, much simpler.
  17. Click here to change your Name
  18. You can right click off the menu or press ESC can't remember exactly. It's the console bullshit.
  19. VAC2 has a funny thing called "Delayed Bans". So all the hackers will get their fill before they buy another key.
  20. LMFAO, go figure
  21. Well didn't take the pirates long to do their work... I guess STEAM didn't fix that part.
  22. You probably tried to use a rank 55 hack you downloaded off the Net and it stole your key. :rolleyes:
  23. Right Click - Open in New Tab
  24. Your going to have to set it back up yourself. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html Good Luck.
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