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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. You mean the missile silo icons....
  2. It's always nice to read the forums once in a while :)
  3. Piggy

    help my clan

    Ya kinda obvious there.
  4. There is a Private section for this, exactly why your a Streaming Admin. Plus it's not even a PBSS so.
  5. I've decided to sport a new name in COD4 http://i34.tinypic.com/20sshw9.jpg
  6. That will not help any, once they are on the MPI, they stay there. EA cannot remove them, it does not matter if your name spoof, if the admin does not take the time to compare info and do research, then find another server to play on.
  7. It's quite obvious that the subtitles are to be read not what he says. If you really that aggravated over it, go report the 500+ other videos that parody that scene.
  8. http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791430672591 Is the proper steam group.
  9. Hey look another hacker ramped game like BF:H T_T
  10. Spoofing was stopped as of patch 1.5, dunno what to tell you.
  11. Your not scanning him, or restricting CVARs from the looks of it.
  12. Looks like this got sorted, he's streaming now.
  13. I've had it crash several times on me, right in the middle of a game with friends. It also apparently has MASS issues with steam overlay.
  14. TSO works, just gotta set some setting in the debug, cant remember what its called.
  15. There is a private forum section for this. Also I believe the flickering is caused by your resolution, as smaller resolutions don't have this issue.
  16. And you just advertised it for him? I hope you changed the link.
  17. Run Bf2 on Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Compatibility mode, Problem solved. /thread.
  18. I believe that might be a limitation of the game itself.
  19. It works just fine, really wish they would fix the current issues with BF2cc though.
  20. I suggest banning the name as well as the GUID, since changing your IP is child's play.
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