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Everything posted by Crazzie_Canuck

  1. For those who say nothing read here....... http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbbans-closure-t169356.html
  2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Everyone!
  3. Good to see you back! All the staff here enjoy a 2 week vacation :biglol: it was long overdue.......
  4. They where in BF3 in alpha & beta so no surprise on the hacks
  5. http://store.steampowered.com/ has there cut rate summer sale on ;)
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDUx9pk5Ps0
  7. MayDax it seems they always listen to the whinners, not the true hardcore gamers.
  8. Yes as that is the only way most of us that use gameservers.com can add the list. Then do a quick restart of server.
  9. What 2 people watchin tv in a back room somewhere......
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/mpi-guid-search-04436c49-41.html&showLG=yes&showAT=yes&safeview=no Globally banned by Evenbalance!
  11. Same thing here thanks to Insane Limits! Click on his profile in battlelog and report him there.
  12. Evenbalance never lets anyone know anything other then if a ban is valid or not.
  13. Also http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbguid-is-now-ea-guid-minus-ea-prefix-t158853.html
  14. I didnt touch Vista and stayed with Xp. From what i have seen and read i will hope that staying with seven is an option for awhile to come.
  15. Is it not already built into the game? It can be enabled and disabled through ingame console. Is it same thing?
  16. customize, then pick your loadout from there.... ;)
  17. Funny if people checked, evenbalance has removed bans and converted to kicks. So if GGC still enforcing them somethings wrong! Read latest update.
  18. How would you know Surfy? You been taking a peek!
  19. Part 1 2012 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0903624/ Part 2 2013 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1170358/
  20. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone! Best Wishes to all in the New Year!
  21. A few guys i know want to use this program from iobit site gamebooster an are nervous about the PB side of things. http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html I have never personelly used it as i have a decent rig an above average connection. Is it safe to use with pb enabled games. I will link this thread for them to check back. Any input would be appreciated.
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