:( thanks for the quick response how ever i do feel a bit let down now as i can no longer keep this unranked server streaming, ie basicly if i leave it up & runing im saying come in cheat if you like my clan dont care, & i personaly cant stand cheats & i run ENGLISH- caln to those values as well ,this is why i stream to you guys in the first place in the hope i will make people think twice!.
as we admin know cheating in BF is a major pain in the butt but a least we had a little hope that they one day might be caught out by a dodgy PBSS, because as far as i can tell most of these hack sites pride thereselves on being Pb proof!! but now i cant stream said server i cant do that so ive had to shut it down as i dont want hackers / cheats /scumbags on my servers !.
is there away without streaming to run the hack checks & take the PBSS without it streaming to you & manualy updating md5 & cvar myself ??..
your guttedly
jim :(