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Everything posted by jimbouk1977

  1. Shame it sucks! & if said beta is anything to go by it will not be in my list of to get PC gaming is just port heaven these days second-rate crap that don't work on PC properly !. Still the more that buy this trash the more we get it. Dice made it so same screwed up game engine that don't work enjoy
  2. Utrinque Paratus

  3. Good to see you around again :)

  4. Its March very nearly April LOL :P (Did this on the home page might be time for up date easte egg maybe ?:D)
  5. For bfbc2 you can also just use this link http://www.pbbans.com/sigs/YOUR_TEAM_ID_HERE.png Sorry removerd my link as I didnt realise it was non SGA boards :rolleyes::blink:
  6. can confirm this !# http://www.clan-vikings.com/modules.php?name=Forums
  7. Now if you were a suspicious type you might think he was the person in question lol (joke) {or is it}
  8. Great to see you on these boards

  9. it's nothing to worry about it is just away of others saying they like you or not lol at one point there was a + & a - but now just a plus sign as i can see. so if someone likes what youve posted they ccan big you up basicly (but its not that big a deal i was on minus points a one point until i asked what it was LOL. & there you go you got a +1 see dont mean nothing.
  10. No problem gald i was of some help & you are streaming now
  11. here you go --> *edit* & yeah he needs reporting to EA
  12. yeah as Piggy says its easy to do just get the SGA of 82nd to add you. I think if i remember he will need one of your guids to do so , So the staff can run the needed checks on you. But its simple & easy give him a shout before he hits the road again and ask him to set you up.
  13. There you go told you IRC would get the issue delt with
  14. I had this for GGC but not here goto here & just run this (again) & see how it goes (due to EA master server probs streaming has ben afected but should be sorted now) Run me ---> http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html
  15. get on irc they can help you in real time there http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php But be pattient as i said before staff are from all ove the globe so it might take time but they will help you. (and dont give out info to just anyone in irc either)
  16. also you only need a website & info of team members if you aint running a clan then just call your team noclan or whatever you feel like. You can make a free website quite easy just say you are not a clan or recruiting but you belive in cheat free gaming (my clan is small & we also play for fun)(theres loads of sites out there that allow free hosting. The rules are the rules & if you want to stream you servers stick by them!!! there are other AC orgs out there that allow you to add home servers & alike but if you ask me they are noway as good as PBBans So if you want to stream here that bad set a site (wont cost you a penny) then agree to TOS & away you go simple easy & most of all FAIR P.S rules / regs are tghere for a reason... they are not just put up to pee you & others off
  17. Ip resolving to wrong server has been an issue for some GSp & server admins but as you state I think R6 09/03/2010 fixed this issue.
  18. This issue was fixed with the BFBC2 R6 server update & enabling of PB shouldnt stop ranked servers as for one BFBC2 doesnt offer a non ranked option!.
  19. once PBBans ok's you.... You will see a team number in your AccCP just add that Team ID to Clanforge profiles / settings/ PBBans id (also one for Punksbusted)then save. After that goto console (live controll) & send (not say)this --> punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_restart but aswell as that goto hub setup in AccCP follow instruciotion (easy to do) and you will be streaming in under a min. (if you have any other issues im with multiplay/ clanforge I & others will be willing to help) that is if your application is all ok P.S. for others with Multiplay / clanforge Yes they have made it easy to setup but you also need to Register with the AC org in question be it here P's'B , GGC or AON ( A.O.N is not for BF serries games)
  20. @Silloconator you asked this already & i did reply to you. You dont show your port for your server for one, & as said in my first reply, if you need help & fast goto PBBans irc http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php as PBBANS is global so you have to take it in to account that staff are not here refreshing every 2 seconds 24hours a day 7days a week (shame but them the facts ). Also i did say in your thread if you want to PM a staff member & ask for help, they are more than helpfull all of them!. All you need do is scroll to the bottom of the forum & look at the Blue or Red names put your mouse over it & it will tell you when they were here! (if there names are here they have loged in within the last 30mins) then click on said name & you can see they are staff & then Pm them. sorry to OP for this.
  21. You might want to jump into IRC or PM a staff member here look and see if any are active in the bottom of the forum!.
  22. LOL action adventure ?? wt* & if its P2P nah bye bye i used to love cod but omg it just makes me rage these days lag migrates & dodgy gits every where. (but i cant help it i do still play )
  23. LOL thats dry joints for you but a soldering iron & some solder would have done it better LOL anyway yes the new drivers are causing some fan issue for some not all but if you use a programe to implement fan controll you shouldnt have any issues but it might be better to revert back to 196.21 or use this http://www.evga.com/PRecision/default.asp & then you can overide your factory settings & fan settings & all will be good in the world of GPU land again But Nvidia recommend a roll back to 196.21 (no need for the oven this time) But my asus ENGTX295's top editions(quad sli/gpu) & my XFX9800GTX+ black ediotion(physX) are hot enough to cook on any way I have to sit in shorts & Tshirt when i play in my sauna.... sorry office at least my heating bill is coming down LOL
  24. All other SGA do it you said yourself you can get a website for free so whats the big issue ? its not hard is it you want to join a group you do so under there rules & regs. Get a free website and all sortted (But it sounds like you got to clean up some tards first also) P.S. if they find your roster even us mear SGA can see if your members have been banned before & if your so against cheats & want to stream surely getting a website would be the easiest thing to do!. PBBans provide a great services for free & as they said above they are probally the best anticheat org out there. So i really dont see what you argument is conform to there TOS & then you can stream. simple really
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