@Silloconator you asked this already & i did reply to you. You dont show your port for your server for one, & as said in my first reply, if you need help & fast goto PBBans irc http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php as PBBANS is global so you have to take it in to account that staff are not here refreshing every 2 seconds 24hours a day 7days a week (shame but them the facts ). Also i did say in your thread if you want to PM a staff member & ask for help, they are more than helpfull all of them!. All you need do is scroll to the bottom of the forum & look at the Blue or Red names put your mouse over it & it will tell you when they were here! (if there names are here they have loged in within the last 30mins) then click on said name & you can see they are staff & then Pm them.
sorry to OP for this.