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Everything posted by jimbouk1977

  1. Not sure if some one has put this link up before me but there is a petition going with over 165,000 sigs to date so add yours to http://www.petitiononline.com/dedis4mw/petition.html Community Feedback on this Decision The entire community is now up in arms about this, not least because of the insulting and condescending tone taken by the IW's top men in responding to this issue --> http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/200...r-response.aspx I think this will be the final Nail for alot of COD fans. If we on PC want to play like consoles we would by the games for console in the first place IW = EPIC FAIL & i thought Tryarch screewed us over with WaW how wrong , how wrong
  2. thanks guys !!! it was done through PP with was linked to my Bank account but i will try at the end off the day the guy has ripped me off so he owes me money but if he has gone Bank Rupt i dont see me getting any
  3. Yeah only went to him because i thought id made sence in the
  4. i've heard from another user with them that he was selling his servers on Ebay how true i dont know. But even his website is offline now im just glad i hadnt just signed up to him!. But does any one if you can still try to get money back with PayPal when its 2 months later ?? but the contract was for 3 months ?? but wuth 3 servers
  5. Has anyone in here got or had servers with WKD servers.co.uk ???? ifso have all yours gone offline & you cant for love nor money get hold of them to find out why !!.. ive lost all my CoD 5 servers & i think that WKD has gone BELLY UP taking all the servers & peoples money with them.. if anyone has servers with them can you let me know if yours are all down as well ? :angry:
  6. i use to use this tool untill i noticed after puting in messages it spammed my server with 3 x the same message but apart from that its OK but i think mini admin tool or RconMax are better !. I.M.O.
  7. since one of the patches cant remember which but all players should be set to 65 (fov) now no more no less ! if more unfair advantage if you ask me !. I see all tweaking of game files / cfg as cheating as its not how the game was intended to be played so in that respect they are cheating players who dont mess with game files are they not ?.
  8. PLEASe can a MOD lock or close this post as i keep reading it ;)
  9. Fozzer do you mean admin that use PBBANS scripts or go out there way to find more checks ?? IF so point me that way also ;)
  10. I would have to agree to remove it for the sake of one gametype just sucks I.M.O even if i didnt use it that much but I can see how it would be an annoyence to some !. just have to adapt to it im affraid, as its obvious Tryarch dont care what we gamers think LOL!.. But then again at least you wont get told your camping now HEE HEE
  11. :) LMAO OH if only Fr4gger if only !!... :unsure: As for the BIPOD issue you know why theyve done it don't you!! 3rd favourite gametype S&D and what happens if you go prone with a weapon with a bipod whilst trying to defuse or plant ?? ooppssyy bipod comes out LOL.. DER just BlO*DY CROUCH dont remove it ! is it so damn hard !!.. I LOVE TRYARCH !! FTW ( SARCASIM just in case )
  12. so if they have only fixed the logic on the new maps whats the point ? Yes the new maps are all quite good !.. & i think most servers are now patched !..
  13. +1 I agree If you want to back up just copy & paste it to another location easy as!. its worked fine for me on a reinstall & if your doing an OS install put it on a external sorce then just put back in (C /username/ app data / local / Activison / CODWAW / players / profile (replace)[vista] {need to show hiden files & folders....-> in your folder options}
  14. Well put it this way i kill some one they spawn in behind me 1 second later I dont call that fixed!.. oh yeah then i spawn in behind the guy who killed me !. hmm I see a patteren here! but no logic
  15. +1 I agree with all that! & why cant some one do an Rcon tool where you can force any player you like to swap sides ?(like BFCC)as it would be so much better I also have never seen the bayonet jump on my servers, has anyone ? (om PC)
  16. He was recorded & has been banned from a demo !.. on that server(which was & is streaming) in that video Well done for spoting it mate !..
  17. I thought the SPAWN LOGIC was on the FIX i cant see any fixes in there !. can you ??.[i.M.O.] New maps look reall good, great in fact Marty on hardcore good fix :) [ I hate Martrydom] RPG duds for 15 sec good fix [s&D only :(] Players who equip a Bouncing Betty and melee teammates in Hardcore game modes are now credited with a team kill penalty [good fix for server on reflect & ff on of course] Players are now deducted 200 points for team killing the bomb planter/defuser in Hardcore Search & Destroy [good fix] Auto balancing improvements [good fix] & thats my 2p worth on the matter oh yeah & just to add better late than nether & Map Pack 1 Free lol consoles UL ;)
  18. as does tryarch Hmm what do you mean??
  19. isnt it just binding more than one key you need worry about ?! for cod 4 & 5
  20. not trying to be a git but if it was me i wouldnt let you in my clan either sharing CD keys is wrong in my books ! you got banned you tried to sidestep it & jumped straight from the fire into the pan!.Buy a new game & learn from your mistakes!. I wouldnt even bother to goto AON as i dont think they would clear your name as it shows bove You got caught deal with it!.. P.S. Sorry if i sound harsh but the truth hurts some times!. :rulez:
  21. Yeah PsB & AON still good though but i miss my HUB :( Good luck & god speed in geting up and running!!
  22. Its still down so i guess the back up HDD didnt work then ? & if not are you so sure its the HDD ?? & if the HDD all messed up was all INFO backed up or are you starting FROM SCRTACH (ouchy) ? also i hope its only streams to pbbans thats messed up or thats ont great big whole been opened !! P.S I have a big hammer do you want to borrow it ? "if in doubt give it a clout" :P
  23. sorry should have posted in sga board (my bad) have posted there straight after so can you lock or delete this one please
  24. Hi any one got a list of commands including cavar search one to check if they are changing game files ? thanks :)
  25. Sounds like your fishing for info to see if you can get away with anything. or am i reading in between the lines a bit to much here ?.
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