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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. that server does not stream here you need to talk to the server admin and see if they wish to apply for streaming
  2. that GUID has not been seen on a PBBans streaming server. do you have the entire string of 32?
  3. why all the fuss? just draw whatever you want on your monitor with a sharpie.... oh, at least two. one for full screen and one for windowed ;)
  4. lots of problems with the 1.7.2 build
  5. right after EA said the no deep discount thing, they were deep discounting on origin....
  6. what Twiebie said, a 1200 minute kick is the normal way bans are enforced now
  7. lol i guess he yanked it after i tweeted about it
  8. what fozzer said. it has to be an issue with the ban list(s) on that one server and only they can fix it
  9. there was a tweet...... https://twitter.com/Treyarch/status/212659542171987968 the pic is now missing.... oh wait! https://p.twimg.com/AvOEuhWCMAAW29e.jpg:large
  10. they need to check the banlists on that particular server. when did this occur? first and most recent instances
  11. glad to hear it still is the beta was fun for me i just played the beta like there was no esp, for the most part
  12. went ahead and bought from the dev -25% sale https://store.bistudio.com/index.php
  13. the game already has walls/ESP ffs....
  14. since there are almost innumerable kicks for things as mundane as communication failure, i am not sure this would be the best use of resources
  15. loved me2, but, when the complete me3 pack is in the bargain bin, call me
  16. sorry, it seems there is a language barrier what is your native language? if you have a previous BF3 ban you must, at the very least, 1.uninstall BF3 2.make a new email 3.make a new origin account 4.purchase a new bf3 5.install new bf3 no way to insure cheats/keyloggers are gone if you do not do a HDD format and OS install
  17. well you see it is like this. the MPi has data collected from streaming servers. it is what it is. you are linked by IP to many bans the GUID has been used in several states still studying this atm
  18. when a thread gets hijacked, time to lock it
  19. add a message like you have done before. today you have done this
  20. reformat HDD reinstall OS install Origin start a new Origin account with a new email purchase BF3 (again) do not cheat
  21. you do not have a team account. please do not hijack threads Joining PBBans Joining PBBans as a Streaming Game Admin can be achieved in 3 easy steps: Create a forums account. (If you have one goto step 2) Setup your servers to stream using the PBBans Hub Guide. Signup for a Team Account. Verify your account has been setup by visiting the Forums. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html
  22. you're member of a lot of cheat sites to be saying that
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