i do not see that an application was submitted
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first, this is not PunkBuster. PunkBuster is developed by Even Balance http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php
second, if you only get the message from that server, it is on their end. they may not know what to do
obviously the ban is still on their list, or you would not still be banned
yours is VIOLATION (AIMBOT) 50632.... and you have been globally banned by Even Balance themselves, which is totally out of our control.
i have a pot of gold waiting for me if i ever find the end to the damn rainbow
screw the oil industry. sell off the strategic reserves. we have contracts to replenish them for a small fraction of the going rate
i always assume overlays and macros may at least get me kicked.
the reason for overlays is simple - they "hack" the game
there is a general explanation of the violation numbers somewhere......(ninja anyone?)
a support ticket to Even Balance with specific programs/overlay/macro/etc questions is the only definitive answer
updates/patches/etc will change the answer