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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. co-op would fall into that too, i suppose. zombies ftw
  2. http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/cod4-ad/index.htm
  3. calm down ffs why did you delete it in the first place, just to re add it? you do realize you messed it up?
  4. obviously you changed something rerun auto setup verify IP:port etc
  5. tbh they don't even look that good and the resource hogness just points to poor coding imo. the damn games don't look much different no matter what kind of rig you have. when a couple of default cvars being brought over from the console port unchanged makes a lot of difference in CPU/GPU utilization, then it is just asinine. there is no testing being done or any one eyed, lobotomized crack head would have grunted and slapped the monitor if that was their elite QA tester
  6. ah so he needs to follow the instructions @ the link
  7. i prefer not to have "friends" that are untrustworthy. cheating is right there with stealing imo i might be able to trust a murderer, thieves? never but it is your server/community/reputation, have at it
  8. lulz it is a GGC one to boot. amazing they let people they caught in their skivvies
  9. with it being used in 20+ countries (i stopped counting) and 1k IPs, "leaked" is a huge understatement does gamestation sell crack and bad cams of movies too?
  10. you can apply for a league account if i remember correctly then the league is responsible for things
  11. sounds like you are banned at one of the A/C sites that PBBans gives the option to enforce their bans
  12. yep, it was only a little cheat......:lol:
  13. you need to post some real information a screen shot of the message you get when attempting to join that server the last 8 characters of your GUID what server are you talking about? what is the name you use ingame?
  14. because they make as much money dumping the half finished crap and then they get to half finish another in a year
  15. http://twitter.com/#!/JD_2020/status/36598534362890241 http://twitter.com/#!/HSMagnet/status/36600201963765760
  16. lol, sir, i am no mere troll +1 and good on you, i half expected a poorly worded, all caps tirade as a response B)
  17. EggZachary for whatever reason ( publicity, disgruntled employee.....) this is like charlie sheen's cars mysteriously rolling off the side of malibu when you stay drunk and coked up for a week and yell at the hookers "hey watch this!" your car ends up on the news
  18. @lionthetiger Adam C Why would they care if Crysis 2 leaked? They haven't built a fast enough computer to play it yet.
  19. you sir are quite sensitive to criticism to be telling me to take a chill pill i commented how i saw fit on a post i saw if your panties got knotted over that, please hold on to your kotex, cause it is going to get rough!
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