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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. do you have a team account here? Joining PBBans Joining PBBans as a Streaming Game Admin can be achieved in 3 easy steps: Create a forums account. (If you have one goto step 2) Setup your servers to stream using thePBBans Hub Guide. Signup for a Team Account. Verify your account has been setup by visiting theForums.
  2. HSMagnet

    Ban :S

    buying a key and installing the game from a torrent or buying a used game, almost always has this result
  3. how so? never used it old TS was sheetay and you say that " sucks' like it is a bad thing :P
  4. ventrilo 3.0.5 (win-x64) is very nice :P
  5. amazingly, i saw no reason to support MoH period
  6. obviously, there is much lost in translation. how can you not make another EA account? if it is still giving you "Punkbuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'KUCHARCHUCK' ... GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN e5205d77" then make a new EA account (different name, etc) and then enter the new key in the game see what happens basically though you are having all these problems because you cheated.
  7. so you did not create a new EA account for the new cd-key? did you check in game to see what it says your cd-key is? games are notorious for reverting to a key used before because they are written to registry that is why it is always a good idea to format the HDD and reinstall the OS to be sure all traces of cheats/virus/etc are gone before reinstalling game with new cd-key
  8. GUID is a hash of the cd-key go into settings and re-enter the new cd-key also is it a new legit copy or a used one? most used ones you buy are sold over and over and end up being banned anyway
  9. ty

    happy holidays

  10. that is a global ban issued by Even Balance who developed PunkBuster try here http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  11. that is basically the same ones from beta iirc
  12. appreciate you and your time, as always Kalms i know you take all this to heart and i am sorry, as it isn't directed at you per se thanks for the information
  13. i thought i used to like to change aliases ;-)

  14. was it DICE/EA that started this RSP/locked server file BS? seems we are all feeling the fallout of the ignorant trend of stats being the be all/end all thanks
  15. :sign0109: local ban is about the best you can do need verifiable proof from a streaming server to ban just like i can say i murdered someone and no one will do anything
  16. HSMagnet


    damn, i want to see it rain while the sea is frozen......
  17. not sure if it is in BO. hell so many things useful are locked anyway here is some light reading http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Pure_Servers http://www.fpsadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13725 not sure what the cod4 outcome was i do know the modded textures and whatnot were a huge problem for VAC/Steam/VaLve in the past
  18. HSMagnet


    everson did you get permission to use magenta in those pics?
  19. no reason to cover it as VAC doesn't detect it afaik that was why sv_pure was added to many games as a assbackwards attempt to address the VAC shortcomings oh and
  20. yes as always local bans are up to individual servers admins but, without streamed data, i can't see having "so and so said they hack" list
  21. lol "I'll keep it quick..." i can't lower my requirements for banning someone because the devs are stupid & lazy some the clips i am in, that are from my theatre, bear little resemblance to what actually happened now, as far as i can tell /record demos are ok. however, there is no spectate accept when you are dead of a team mate. killing yourself at the start of each round gets pretty damn suspicious to your intended target. theatre mode is not frame per frame what happened. it just seems wrong to go by what it shows
  22. HSMagnet


    all this talk of snow reminds me of the '80s
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