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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. Namehacks in BF2 sind nichts neues, passiert ma jedem. Jeder gute serveradmin wird sehen, dass es nicht du bist. Leider kann PBBans nur was gegen namehacks machen, wenn der gehackte name nicht erlaubte zeichen enth
  2. FireStorm hat es f
  3. Squealer a.k.a. WNxSquealer has a nifty php script, that will do exactly what you want. In fact, it checks PsB too. You should ask him for the source. (which i have :P)
  4. I catched on 19 minutes after the post was made (and 1 minute after i read it :P ). Duality even tried to convince me otherwise lol... Last one is a notice I sent to D. We actually talked more in private (with him trying to convince me with stuff like "i would be in on it" and "trust me" ) but I don't log private chats :P
  5. I have 5 Quake Live beta invites to give out ^^ If anybody wants one, PM me with your e-mail.
  6. From what I could gather, the backup HDD failed too. Maydy still has a backup on his PC though, so we'll be alrighty once the new HDD gets shipped.
  7. Just take it as a compliment :D I love being called an aimbotter, makes me feel all pro :P
  8. Maybe AcE... but it's more fun the other way :P "what your servers GUID and IP" Your server has a guid? And... you want to know it's IP? I presume you're hosting it on your own PC... If you're not behind a router or if your ports are properly forwarded (one of those two is needed for somebody outside your Local Network to be able to connect), you'll get your external ip at http://whatsmyip.org Otherwise, for your internal IP , open the Command Prompt ( windows-logo-button + R -> type "cmd" (without quotes) -> press enter) -> type "ipconfig" ((again, without quotes)) -> press Enter and it will show you your IP. Edit@youredit :// the pb_sv_myguid command isn't supposed to exist. The pb_myguid command is for the client (player). And I'm pretty sure a server isn't supposed to (and doesn't) have a PBGuid.....
  9. Klar. Man muss kein clan sein. Der name und der tag sind nur da f
  10. I agree with Benway... Based on my experience, it's either a player you last aimed at or the last player you spectated. Don't know which and it's not important enough to try find out ;P
  11. Get your server(s) streaming to PBBans and all the love and support of the SGAs and Staff will be available to you. Have a nice day.
  12. http://www.xfire.com/about_live/ ^^
  13. Thanks! Totally forgot... due to WaW beta and FC2 :>
  14. Admin#1 ?!? Are you trying to apply for PsB streaming? If yes: http://www.punksbusted.com/forums This is the forum for PBBans - an other, also privately run, anti-cheat organization, which is in no way afflicted with PunksBusted.
  15. You could either leave it the same and add a pb_sv_banload whatever-the-file-name-is.dat to your pbsv.cfg or you could rename it to pbbans.dat and it will load automatically. :) Either way, personally I'd advise (and so will probably everyone else) you to just start streaming your server(s) to PBBans. This way, you'd get access to a friendly AC community's private forums, HUB Live features and AC configs. Getting your server to stream is easy, just read these guides: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html /*Pisi-Deff*/
  16. You're totally right. I'm sure the admins have nothing better to do than test cheats on totally random servers and then brag about how powerful/almighty they are. Yeah, it totally makes sense... [/sarcasm] Edit:// Thank you Silence... I had a crappy day today and this really cheered me up. :)
  17. If someone get's their cd-key stolen or keygenned, there's nothing PBB nor EB can do about it... Unbanning isn't an option, since together with the innocent person, also the cheaters using the key will be unleashed. For example for CoD 4 there are very many such scams... Some disguise themselves as hacks, some call themselves lvl-55-cheats or whatever else comes to mind. And many SoF2 copys are being sold with keys, that were generated with keygens and banned.
  18. Tags are only for administrative purposes btw... You could just as easily choose something like -ABC- or .=DO=. or whatever you'd like.
  19. I have a friend who plays the bass... his fingers are fast as hell... I made him try the old ET, without the time limit for akimbo shots and it was amazing :D
  20. Ja, bin sicher... zB bei ET k
  21. [quote name='n1o
  22. You need to wait until it get's approved.
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