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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. Edit :// nvm... Lijk... this hasn't got anything to do with the cvar. Answered to you here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...=102614&hl=
  2. You need a team account to be able to stream your server. The only application you've made was denied due to not meeting the requirements. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=102371 ~ /*Pisi*/
  3. Try clearing out cache and cookies. If that fails... Try using a different browser... to see if it works.
  4. Bufffyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  5. Der admin fozzer hat die daten f
  6. He stole my cookies :'(

  7. Also, "Server IP: Port 28960" is not streaming to PBBans.
  8. GL to you in RL :p


  9. Hub seems to be down atm... They're working on it, be patient ^^
  10. She knows too much...... 0.o

  11. Server ip+port? Spiel? Hast du den server auch restartet nachdem du die linie in der pbsv.cfg ge
  12. Don't you just love the smell of disappointed script kiddies in the morning? :P
  13. CentOS or Debian ;) Edit:// DAMNIT... didn't notice the post date... sowwy
  14. He's just advertising a good friend's company, which produces customized high-quality pc cases ( amongst other things ). :)
  15. Entferne die beiden server von deinem team account. Dann kann ein admin dich entfernen und das team schliessen. mfg, /*Pisi*/
  16. [21:30:26] [+Pisi-Deff] !server [21:30:27] (@PBBansBot) Data last received 17 secs ago BattleField 2 Server is streaming via HUB. [21:30:27] (@PBBansBot) Hub Live is currently tracking 2 players on this server [21:30:28] (@PBBansBot) PB Version Server: 1.738 | Client: 2.194 | Client A: 1392 [21:30:28] (@PBBansBot) MSI Link: http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-62-104-17-220-16567.html Streamt doch ^^
  17. Der admin UrGonnaDie hat dich von dem team entfernt :) Also kannst du dich jetzt f
  18. Server IP+port? Team account number? Have you changed the ucon profile to the new one yet? (It was changed after the PBBans servers moved to New York)
  19. Evenbalance does global GUID bans and hardware bans. Global GUID bans only ban the GUID, which is a hash of the cd-key. Hardware bans are based on components' ids of the player's computer. PBBans only bans by guid.
  20. Kein problem. ^^ Und viel spa
  21. Wenn du die eine linie (die richtige lol) schon in deiner config ge
  22. Sorry, ich hab nen kleinen fehler gemacht. PB_SV_UConAdd 0 pbbhub1 pbbanshub sollte eigentlich PB_SV_UConAdd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub sein. Wenn du wissen willst, wie du durch BF2CC rcon benutzen kannst, schau hier: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide...p;lang=de#bf2cc
  23. Bitte erst im forum suchen bevor du fragst :P
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