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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. No, it will store the bans of those banned from your server AND those that are already on the Master Ban Index (from your team and from other teams both) and try to connect to your server. ;) You can just delete the pbbans.dat . ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  2. Streaming to both works fine. In fact, many SGAs do so. :) Personally, I'd use the PBBans configs and add the PsB streaming settings/commands into a pbsvlog.cfg file in the PB folder. The PBBans default configs include a loading/executing command for the pbsvlog.cfg . That's just me however ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  3. New servers first need to be approved by an orange or above staff member before they are let stream :) It usually doesn't take long so patience is all you need ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  4. Awesome dude :D
  5. The flags: Accept PB Bans Accept Cvar Bans Accept MD5 Bans send ban commands to the server as soon as a guid is added to the MBi. The flag Enforce Bans only sends a ban command when a guid that is on the MBi tries to connect to the server. Bans are only written to the pbbans.dat after a ban command happens when pb_sv_AutoUpdBan is set to 1. If you wish to disable bans being added to the file (and instead being written only into memory and wiped after a PB or server restart), then all you need to do is set the cvar to 0. (Setting can be found in the pbsv.cfg in the PB folder.) However, since the commands used by PBBans to ban are the same as commands you'd use to ban via rcon, those won't be then added to the pbbans.dat file either. You'd then need to manually add your own bans into the pbbans.dat ;) If anything stays ununderstood, feel free to ask ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  6. TOO MUCH INFORMATION... Weird fetish imo btw. :
  7. Lmao :D I just have to get this game...
  8. Framework Error Please check the Kohana documentation for information about the following error. /system/core/Kohana.php [554]: The log directory is not writable: /var/www/2009/html/registration/application/logs Loaded in {execution_time} seconds, using {memory_usage} of memory. Generated by Kohana v{kohana_version}. Might their HDD be full? O.o
  9. It means you have to wait until an admin checks your application. The admin will either deny it or allow it to stream. Also, next time please make a new topic to ask your own questions :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  10. Correct. ^^ Crysis Wars is the multiplayer of Crysis Warhead.
  11. By going to your profile. Your forum user ID will be in the uri. To go to your own profile, you can either click your username/picture on a post you've made or on the picture/username on the widget at the very top of the forum. ;) For example: when I go to your profile, the uri will be: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=144176 The red part is your forum user ID. ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  12. In FireFox, pressing the scroll wheel does just that without the trouble of right-clicking first ^^
  13. loves cookies...

  14. This will take a while to get used to ^^
  15. Do a pb_sv_uconlist command via rcon and copy the response here. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  16. Neither of the servers seems to be configured to stream properly. :) The easiest way to get them streaming is to use the webtool. If that fails: If you have FTP access, try the FTP method. If not, try the RCON method. If still no luck, come back here ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  17. Unfortunately, if your team does not meet our requirements, then you can not stream here. This means that you will need a homepage with forum and roster to be allowed to stream to us. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  18. You need to apply for a team account to be able to stream a server: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php Please read our Streaming Requirements before applying though :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  19. 500 posts yay :D

  20. Looking good ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  21. http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php Delete the old and add the new. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  22. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=105980
  23. The "Accept PB/MD5/Cvar Bans" flags add bans for the GUIDs directly to the pbbans.dat as they are added to the MBi ... no checking involved. The "Enforce Bans" flag checks the connecting player's GUID. If it's on the MBi, sends a ban command. If not, lets the player in. The Linked GUIDs feature is to help the server admin research the player on the MPi. ;) ~ /*Pisi*/
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