/me sighs.....
Edit:// also apparently someone on the same IP as me (shared connection with static outer IP) has 9mbit download and 3,5 mbit upload...... FFFFUUU
It's not correct. The IP you have there is a typoed one. (Webtool has been fixed since then.)
You need to replace "" with "". Then restart PB by using pb_sv_restart via rcon.
Ask Syntax2112 to post here and request the master user status given to you...
Actually first of all, get him to add you into the team.
You might also want to get your servers to stream to the new IP...
For that you can try the webtool: http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php
I figured it out... he made a typo in the port... it's 28960 ... Did you perhaps also make the typo in the webtool? :P
edit :// codwaw... coduo..... never mind @ surfy >.
1) RCon means remote connection so... you're looking for a remote remote connection tool? :P
2) No rcon tools for wolfenstein yet afaik... but i've heard that etqw ones work partly.
Der einzige server auf deinem account ist dieser und er streamt ohne probleme :)
Streaming (BF2)
Nur dein status ist noch nicht SGA. Das geht aber automatisch. Man muss nur abwarten bis der script l
This means that the server is not configured to stream... either try the webtool again or follow the hub streaming guide's rcon section...
That should be all really...
1) Have you restarted PB? (pb_sv_restart)
2) check pb_sv_uconlist if it really shows this ucon profile (the last word ('pbbanshub') won't be shown)
3) Is PB running on the server?
what's the ip+port?
You do know, that with "aimbot IN 1 1", you are forcing everybody to have the 'aimbot' cvar on 1 or they'll be kicked, right? The correct would be pb_sv_cvar aimbot in 0 0