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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. Also, for communitys, a list of admins will do fine afaik. ^^
  2. Something is overwriting pb_sv_usessionlimit to 0... Recheck all your configs... see if you can find another pb_sv_usessionlimit.
  3. You could have mentioned sooner that you were suspended :P An Accounts Staff will have to take a look for you... But in any case, your current account WILL NOT be deleted. ;) /me tries to get a hold of some acc staff dude.
  4. Just add the servers to this account... you can request a name- and tagchange once you're an SGA again... Deleting accounts just confuses the system...
  5. Umm... because the server they were banned on didn't stream to PsB..... and because CB hasn't added it?
  6. Riiiiiiiiight... YOU are the one who should be able to keep his PC clean of malware... YOU and nobody else...And since you say the key was stolen ..... what would prevent the same cheater to hack with this key again if we'd unban it? The spirit of human kindness? No? Didn't think so... Sidenote: The online translator you're using, sucks... Yeh? Good luck then :)
  7. Try reinstalling the PB services with this: http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
  8. Nur Evenbalance hat die genauen daten
  9. There's nothing you can do but buy a new game... If this is for CoD4 or CoD5, then your CD-Key might have been stolen by malware/keyloggers, that is/are installed on your PC. Run some checks... and if you really want to be sure, format your hard drive.... If the violation happened on a server, which does not stream to any AC organisation (PBB, PsB, GV, AON etcetc), then you just can't find any info on those violations....
  10. Diese 'fehlercodes' geh
  11. Farewell ;) Don't let the door hit you on your way out :P
  12. First of all, I don't see how hard can possibly be to just kick this person out of your clan... Second of all... your loss... Streaming is a privilege, not a right.
  13. Yeh :/ R.I.P...
  14. FYI, only new team account applications are auto-posted by the bot. If you add a server to your already-existing team account via the server manager, it will only show up for staff members.
  15. I'll second Duality's decision..... (and just when I was hoping for a new free game with PB....)
  16. Ein "Underground Team" mit genau diesem tag existiert schon. Und du scheinst in ihrer memberliste zu sein. Unser Buffnuggles w
  17. Im moment streamt er jedenfalls prima :P herzlichen gl
  18. Jo, nur die eine Zeile darunter schreiben und es sollte prima funzen. Wenn du schon in der config buddelst, kannst du auch pb_sv_USessionLimit h
  19. Sicher kann man das... (die anderen verstehen nur kein deutsch :P) finde in der config die linien von ggc die mit pb_sv_uconadd anfangen und schreib dies vor oder nach ihnen: pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub
  20. Namehacking in BF2 is so goddamn common, that it could happen to anyone. Having your "Account" on some banned guid means absolutely nothing. As a bonus, those two guids have been used all over the world... meaning that they're very leaked... // 5 mins later Actually... on the b48f739eb3f549cbe657d81417811086 guid... the someone who used "AgentRevolution" has a very similar IP to yours... It was either you or someone using your ISP, maybe even living near you... Been playing with any leaked guids lately? :D
  21. Since the server is streaming... Only people in your clan's team account can submit PBSS'. You can contact your team account's master so he can add you to it. ( det0x )
  22. Du musst dich jetzt nochmal anmelden. ( http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php ) Und noch was... Duality hat in dem post gesagt er w
  23. Anleitung zum streamen auf Englisch: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html PB configs als beispiel: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...s&showcat=3 Anmeldung um zu streamen: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php Der webtool, mit dem du deinen server zum streamen konfigurieren kannst: http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php Um bei PBBans zu streamen, m
  24. Maybe you'd be better off asking it in the ShitStorm forums... http://forums.shitstorm.org/index.php Hint: the keyword you're looking for is weaponscripts
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