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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. http://www.game-monitor.com/codwaw_GameSer...-Variables.html Look at the value of sv_punkbuster... It's definitely disabled. ;) Try asking your gameserver provider to reinstall and/or enable PB for you if it doesn't work via the command line. ~ /*Pisi*/
  2. 1) sv_punkbuster 0 Punkbuster is disabled on the server. No PB commands will work with it disabled ;) 2) If enabling Punkbuster doesn't restore streaming, you might have forgotten to copy the pbucon.use file from the old pb folder. Check if there's a pbucon.use in the pb folder. It needs to be present for streaming to work. It does not matter what it contains though. The easiest way to create it is to do a pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use via rcon. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  3. He wasn't added to the banlist because bans for the game have been suspended due to spoofing issues. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=88256 It's a kick for a hack. More specifically a hack that interferes with / blocks the PB client. ~ /*Pisi*/
  4. PBBans only receives PB server logs from the gameserver. Those do not contain anything about a player's stats/kills/deaths/etc. There is probably some way to do it without "adminmap" but PBBans is not that way. ;) The only variable you can use in the PBBans welcome messages, is $CURRENT_NICK. :) Perhaps an admin with more knowledge of BF2's mods will reply... For example surfy ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  5. Well if it didn't work before... it sure does now :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  6. Are you sure you put in the correct ip and port? Double-check those. If it's a BF series game, you need to put the rcon port instead of the connect port. If above fails, try a manual setup: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html ~ /*Pisi*/
  7. That's true most of the time... but... The violation may in some cases be accompanied by a Global GUID Ban by EvenBalance themselves. That means the player will not be able to play on any server that has PB enabled. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  8. If you provide us with the last 8 characters of the guid in question, a staff member can remove the greeting. ;) ~ /*Pisi*/
  9. According to MPI data, it's not stolen... but the thief might be playing on a non-streaming server :/ ~ /*Pisi*/
  10. In your first pic, http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/5554/1410.png , I can see the ucon user being 'pbhub1'. The correct value would be 'pbbhub1'. ;) That's what happens when you manually type in commands instead of copying them :D ~ /*Pisi*/
  11. Danke sehr ^^
  12. Welches spiel? IP+port? Wann genau kommt die meldung?
  13. Did you delete the server from the Server Manager and re-add it as a CoD4 one? MSi says you didn't, so that's the reason... If a server would stream as the wrong game, data from the wrong game would be added to the MPi and that would cause a lot of confusion. Go to http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php . Delete the server and re-add it as a cod4 one. ~ /*Pisi*/
  14. You need a mod for that... Since I don't play CoD4, I can't really recommend anything. Could you explain this a bit more thoroughly please? ~ /*Pisi*/
  15. Put the file Roady uploaded into the server's pb folder(s) and either restart PB (by doing pb_sv_restart via rcon) or restart the whole server. Um... the same way you upload other kinds of files? Usually the ftp program let's you drag the file into the target window. ~ /*Pisi*/
  16. Punkbuster does not yet support Windows 7. The reason for that is that it's not released yet. The RTM might be out but it's not retail yet so it's technically not released. Some games work fine on Win7, others don't. It just depends on your luck. You can try xp/vista compability modes. They work for some. Otherwise, play on non-pb servers (or on ones with pb_sv_restrictions 0) or switch to xp/vista. ~ /*Pisi*/
  17. Only EvenBalance knows for sure... and they very probably won't tell anybody :P
  18. No problem. Enjoy your stay at PBBans. :P
  19. http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php -> press the E button on your server -> turn off "Announce Hub Bans" ^^ ~ /*Pisi*/
  20. The cdkey was used to cheat. Therefore it got banned... That's actually everything PBBans, as a private anti-cheat organisation, has to care about. If it would be unbanned so that you could use it, the dude from germany could use it to cheat again and get banned a second time. So... this will not happen. Multiple people have explained it to you thouroughly. If you want to play again, buy a new game. The End.
  21. There is probably a line saying pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets in 100 in either the server config or the pbsv.cfg or pbsvuser.cfg. The last two are located in the PB folder inside the game folder (usually anyway). Remove that line or replace it with pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets in 30 100, restart PB (by using pb_sv_restart through rcon) or just restart the whole server and the kicks will stop. FYI, a higher cl_maxpackets means that the client will send more packets to the server. Players with a fast internet connection should have it at 100, which is also the max. ~ /*Pisi*/
  22. Unlike you might perhaps think... we're not psychic... We can't read your thoughts to figure out what game you're talking about. Hey... here's an idea... you could simply tell us instead. Awesome idea, eh? ^^
  23. Just wanted to say you stole my cookies! Enjoy them while you can.....

  24. Your application was accepted on sept 5th but the server was not configured to stream at that time. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...mp;hl=heavyD370 Also there are so many phoenix teams here... could you be more precise? :P
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