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MaydaX last won the day on December 31 2024

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About MaydaX

  • Birthday 12/17/1981

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    Software Web Development
  • Location
    Regina SK, Canada

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    MaydaX Designs
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    Battlefield 2142
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  1. As 2024 comes to an end, we wish to extend our best wishes to our community members this holiday season. This year we switched hosting providers as our old host deemed our server hardware end of life and would shut them down in Sept 2024. We found a new host for 25% less and the hardware is considerably faster than our previous host. Sadly this year our co-founder RodeoBob lost his battle with cancer. While he stepped away from PBBans years ago to focus on his personal life and family, he always checked in from time to time. To our donors, streaming admins and other supporters, we wish to thank you for all your support throughout this past year. A big thank you to RedKilla, CU - DizzyKipper and }TG{TommyGun for going above and beyond to help keep our community online this year. We hope others will consider donating in 2025 if they are in a position to do so. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at PBBans.
  2. Today, RodeoBob one of the co-founders of PBBans lost his battle with cancer after 4 years. Robert served his country in the United States Air Force for 23 years as an information manager and continued serving as a Government Financial Analyst for 13 years. In his spare time he enjoyed playing video games and from that found a desire to do something about cheaters in video games that use Punk Buster. He co-foundered PBBans as part of that goal. Bob hasn't been involved as much in the last 5 years but I'm sure many of our long time members know of him and likely delt with him directly at some point.
  3. Some may have noticed we were offline for a few hours yesterday as the DB server OS was upgraded. It went off without any issues. However our main server was done today but had some upgrade issues and took a lot longer to get back online. Long story short the old OS version 7 is hitting end of life status next month and will not be receiving any more updates. Therefore our servers needed to be updated to a newer version which is now complete.
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  4. As 2023 comes to an end, we wish to extend our best wishes to our community members this holiday season. This year marked our 20th anniversary of fighting cheaters. Hard to believe it's been 20 years and so much as changed from anti-cheat software to the games themselves. To our donors, streaming admins and other supporters, we wish to thank you for all your support to keep PBBans alive throughout this past year. A big thank you to RedKilla, CU – DizzyKipper and }TG{TommyGun for going above and beyond to help keep our community online this year. We hope others will consider donating in 2024 if they are in a position to do so. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at PBBans.
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  5. God afternoon, this is the message i get when I try to login to the Accp:



  6. Good afternoon! To this day, I don't know the reason for this ban, as I have never used any kind of cheat on my PC and I would like you to inspect my PC to find out why I was banned as a gamehack.


    Violation information from PBBans.com:
    Ban Date: Oct 03, 2019 at 12:00:34 am -03
    PBBans Ban Link: https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-423863.html
    GUID: 42607179850f70fa49226128d80fabde
    Game: Battlefield 3
    Violation: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 84181

    How can we solve this unfair problem?

  7. As 2022 comes to an end, we wish to extend our best wishes to our community members this holiday season. There is not much to post about this year again unfortunately but we will continue to be here in 2023. To our donors, streaming admins and other supporters, we wish to thank you for all your support to keep PBBans alive throughout this past year. A big thank you to CU – DizzyKipper and }TG{TommyGun for going above and beyond to help keep our community online this year. We hope others will consider donating in 2023 if they are in a position to do so. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at PBBans.
  8. Account is active again. Just re-add the servers and they should be good to go when approved.
  9. https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-ebl-details.html
  10. https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-314319.html https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-external-ban-search-f5b0b87cc9aa7dd24c5a21f9fd0bc34c.html
  11. March 6, 2022 - Replaced external ban links for sites that are no longer online with a local webpage with the data of the ban when it was imported.
  12. Since GGC is gone I've removed the ban from the ebl.
  13. That's why our site has the message "PBBans caches global ban data therefore this check may not reflect the correct global ban status.". When normal users search a guid it does not check the pb ban servers to see if it's globally banned. It doesn't matter what our site states, if a player is globally banned by punk buster they will be kicked from any pb enabled server for that game. It has nothing to do with the global ban information listed or not listed on our website.
  14. That guid is still globally banned by Even Balance (The developers of Punk Buster). We check if a global ban exists when our members look up guids and when servers show a global ban message in the server logs but we have no power over the bans themselves. If our site doesn't show a global ban doesn't mean it is not banned. It just means it's not in our cache of globally banned guids.
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