Effective immediately, we are no longer banning ET guids. The reason being innocent players are falling victim to GUID spoofing and being falsely banned by other players.
We have seen many spoofed GUIDs over the last few days which will be removed shortly. All prior bans will remain on the MBi.
However this does not mean streaming servers will be unprotected. All of the Hub scanning features are still active for ET. The only difference is when violations are found the player is kicked but not added to the MBi.
EvenBalance has updated the PB client and server to prevent GUID spoofing however it only works if pb_sv_guidrelax is set to 0 and pb_sv_guidauth is set to 1. Therefore we can not resume banning as spoofing is still possible.
Update 2
We have coded the Hub to check if a GUID is verified and if so it will be banned when bannable violations are raised. If not, it will be added to the unofficial banlist.