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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=85297
  2. Uninstall and then reinstall the game first, or you will still get the message ;)
  3. Glad to hear it got sorted. :) Out of curiosity btw, what GSP is this?
  4. Exterminator is right. If it's an automated subscription in Paypal, you can cancel it by following these steps:
  5. Is it possible to have those two words together in one sentence? :P
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  7. Make sure pbucon.use is present in your server's PB folder, I've had trouble with this at Multiplay in the past.
  8. You can remove the greetings yourself by going to your Team Account and selecting 'Greetings'. I've gone ahead and removed the greetings for you.
  9. I've got a normal mobile-phone, never felt the need for anything fancier. Sony Ericsson K550i with T-Mobile
  10. And they have to have been taken at a time your server was streaming, not before.
  11. For it to be added to our MBI, the server it was taken on had to be streaming to us at the time the SS was taken.
  12. ding ding ding ding ding ding ding :P
  13. I'm afraid not. A valid violation is a valid violation. Keep in mind btw, that we are not the creators of the Punkbuster software; Evenbalance is. PBBans is a separate organization entirely, who simply enforces the bans. In all likeliness, he is still able to play on non-streaming servers. To be able to play on streaming servers again, he will have to purchase a new copy of the game.
  14. I assume you have also tried reinstalling PB completely using pbsvc.exe and updating afterwards using PBSetup?
  15. :o -> :blink: -> :lol:
  16. Good stuff. Let me know how it works out so others can possibly benefit from it as well ;)
  17. profile lurker...


  18. PSU: 700W Corsair GameXStream Mobo: Asus P5N-E SLI CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 (Stock speed = 2,13GHZ, overclocked it to 3,2GHZ) RAM: 4GB DDR2 800 of various brands :P GFX: NVIDIA Geforce 8800GT Sound: Realtek HD Case: NZXT HUSH
  19. Usersettings.con is a stock file (not folder) that is installed with BF2142, you can find it in Battlefield 2142/mods/bf2142 for normal BF2142 and mods/clanmod for clanmod IIRC. Some people 'tweak' their usersettings.con file to improve hit registration, although it's never been proven that this actually works. Because some server admins consider this an unfair advantage, they run MD5-checks for stock files, including usersettings.con The problem with this is that it's very unreliable, as there are many more factors that can cause the usersettings.con file to be altered; it's possible that the file is different on the deluxe version of the game. Basically, if your version of usersettings.con differs from what the server running these checks considers 'normal', you will get kicked. As this only happens on a handful of servers that run these extra checks, all I can recommend is contacting the server admins and talking to them about it; updates often get released for this check to reduce the chances of an innocent player being kicked. This is exactly why PBB does not run MD5-checks on these stock files ;)
  20. != means 'not equal to', so what your GS is saying is most likely true.
  21. Tried using the webtool? Fully automated streaming-setup, it's the easiest way ;)
  22. Only Evenbalance knows exactly what triggers their violations, and they won't give that information away. Running two games at the same time however, does not cause a game hack or multihack violation. What is your friend's GUID?
  23. TA 3459 still doesn't have any servers added to it, and you don't appear to be part of any team account either. Are you sure?
  24. No, we only accept evidence from streaming servers; this way we have logs to prove the validity of the screenshot. May I ask why you don't want to stream?
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