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Everything posted by DHGreeny

  1. Notice the GUID its a known spoofed GUID, doesn't matter whats in the SS the GUID is linked to a known cheat. Its quite common too.
  2. lol me too :-)
  3. It gets posted regularly on the bf3 forums :D
  4. Not even a couple of weeks before release? Holding up on pre-order myself just in case it isn't pb and dedicated servers!
  5. Thought the probability of the OP having been caught in the past would be high with a question like that and the reluctance to pre-order BF4 without knowing the answer. I hope to god it won't go the same way as MWpoo I mean 2.
  6. All good news.
  7. if it is for violation #50120 bf2 after the 27th of may it will be lifted not if you are lucky Eb have said some were caused by non cheat software so all bans with that violation will be removed.
  8. Sounds like a great anti cheat system for those paranoid players that always accuse people for cheating cause they are doing well and killing them lots. Maybe they will get their own servers so they can feel content now lol. Cheaters are being punished the right way and that's by having their accounts banned permanently, they should know not to cheat in the first place and deserve more than just a niggly punishment.
  9. Yay! I'll fly over right this minute :)
  10. I can't really afford to donate at the moment but I make sure I have a server to stream to pbbans with, to help in the fight against cheaters and it would not be as possible without the hard work of the pbbans staff and putting themselves in the line of fire for a better cheat free game. Thanks to all the staff, those that donate to keep pbbans running and have servers streaming for the want of a cheat free game! I decided to make #pbbans on uk.quakenet.org my irc home. Pop in for a chat anytime, my nick is DIRTYGreeny :) To everyone involved in pbbans especially the staff.. Good work!! :party0049: :woot: :bigsmile3:
  11. Elongated vertical crosshair hack!.. I wouldn't put it passed that admin :D All good with that and if he had any other screenshots then I'm sure he would have quickly shown them to you.
  12. Yeah I speak like the many! WB you were really missed! I will be helping at times by donating a little too!
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