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Everything posted by DHGreeny

  1. Merry christmas all! Have a great time.
  2. HSMagnet Reputation 666 'Has a brilliant future' Man that's evil! Lol
  3. How much profits do blizzard get?
  4. Have you checked the pbbans.dat file? Open it with notepad to see if he is listed there. Use pb_sv_unbanguid guid - do this anyway to see what happens. Does sound like a local ban to me. ^ one method for nulling the entry, it will still be there but with a ; before the information.
  5. I only knew Sabret for a short time but if I were to sum up my experience of her I would describe her as kind, friendly, helpful, positive and polite at the very least. This news is a total shock and is extremely unexpected. She will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who has been affected by the loss.
  6. Thanks to you raww and to everyone else who has donated.
  7. Yes, have a merry christmas all of you! Thanks Maydax and anyone else who contributes to making pbbans a great third party anticheat support site!
  8. Perhaps they've been more than happy with their initial sales
  9. An Announcement from Alexander Hassoon Regarding RSP.. https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/61545/an-announcement-from-alexander-hassoon-regarding-rsp I also found a community saying there were no more EU servers to rent at that time and that there is no unlimited rental possibilities.
  10. A similar price you would usually expect to pay for a server with functionality similar to what BF3 and BF4 has.
  11. A thread which was started yesterday about server rental. Some bullet points I have drawn out of OPs post.. 20 players to start 6 map limit in the rotation You cannot see a list of players unless ingame Server setup very restricted or the dreaded CUSTOM mode toggles No admin privelages for you and your friends As we know already no kick/ban unable to balance teams No VIP https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/59055/do-not-rent-a-server-heres-everything-it-lacks#latest
  12. Cod awful, I guess they will never change. I stopped buying this ages ago after making the mistake of buying COD MW3 because of the host, migration and no dedi servers amongst other things. A console game to the masses and it continues.
  13. I appreciate that we're in the small minority I see it clearly. To reiterate what I said in my previous reply that those plugins that admins use for BF4 etc helped to make the game better than how it was originally made. A good example is the autobalancer that you set to true in your startup.txt doesn't do shit to balance the players not even by numbers. Official servers show it very well. At least there were some non official game Devs trying to do it for them so we could use a balancer that at least does do something to try and balance the game. For so long they didn't even bother trying to take the issue into their own hands so about time however.. They design a full game, release it for the money but something that could really help the release and gaming experience I'm sure can't be as taxing as developing the game itself still has to be done some way into the release of the game. Again I appreciate games usually develop after release with patches I can't see any issue with that but I think their priorities should be rearranged in the right order. Having said that I guess they've made shitloads of money anyway so I guess why should they care now. I think you're being just a little insensitive here, people like myself have supported the game for years and have persevered through thick and thin to bring the best we can for the players that have passed through our servers. To now have the door closed on us without at least a little acknowledgement of our past and ongoing efforts is just sad, not to mention the monthly costs that we have paid to do so. We all do it cause we get something out of running servers that we enjoy, for me its a hobby and has been a hobby for many years. Its understandable that some of us are going to be upset by the move. For the last couple of months its been cloak and daggers, its been rumours, speculation etc so it hasn't been finalised until very recently and now the game is out and we can see the outcome we can start dealing with it in our heads. I'm sorry though, you can laugh about as you call it "lamenting" over the game as much as you want but we need to get these things off our chest before we can move on. Well I do anyway, anyone else? Maybe its just me.
  14. Our voices will never be loud enough to change their minds on the decision they've made. My opinion is not going to make any difference as well as my decision to stop my support for the new BF games whilst they continue on their current path. I'm not happy with it, its a shame and its moving further away from what I thought Battlefield stood for but I have to accept the fact that it isn't going to change unless they decide to change it sometime in the future likely or not. I still enjoy BF4 and other previous BF titles, if it wasn't for BF2 crashing to desktop everytime I try to connect to a server I would be playing that occasionally also (just need to work out a solution to the problem). Tbh it has been frustrating even with BF4 and what they have forced us to enable even on ranked servers over the duration like the silly DICE balancer that doesn't work anyway and it forces seeds to be on the same side. Gaming time is limited and the variety that past BF titles has to offer still entertains me enough to play them when I get a chance. Perhaps in the near future another franchise will come out of the woodwork and offer us what we really want and challenge both the COD and BF franchises.
  15. Yet they could help those players that don't care to have a more fair and balanced game.
  16. They can dress it up all they like, it won't cover up the wound of leaving out the most important part of renting a server. Besides, why cant they get these things developed before release. Those 'plugins' should have been sorted before the release of the game. Just typical.
  17. Probably its a.. "Lets see how it goes without first as we prefer it, can we get enough money through server rental as it currently is? If not we got that as an option to increase rental sales." I'm more than happy to bide my time.
  18. Oh dear
  19. A lot of lols in there! Haha!
  20. Ah yes of course, he obviously posted it before he became RU, we may see him post in there any way. At least I got a copy and paste now :)
  21. hi bardiii, What you are getting is a global punkbuster GUID ban and they are maintained solely by Evenbalance and there is nothing we can do here about global bans. You will need to open a trouble ticket at evenbalance and post the kick line within it so they can investigate it. Click the link below and it will take you straight to evenbalance support.. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/
  22. The more the merrier and the more = more protection as they all work in different ways but I guess they want it to be "their baby". Communities like us who voluntarily like to be proactive in the fight against anticheat will have to put their total faith in "their baby" to keep cheaters out of their games so we can all play on an even balance, on an even playing field. Communties like us were happy to be part of anticheat and use our own spare time to help all clean players get a clean game, looks like this is going to be killed off once and for all unless a new blockbuster game takes advantage of what we have built in community anticheat today. That sad end is looking to be getting closer and closer unless new anticheat will incorporate community driven anticheat.
  23. Its scepticism that if the anti cheat in place doesn't work that well who is going to tolerate gaming with more cheaters around? We all know there will be some waiting to be caught, will likely apply in any game cause no game is 100% cheater proof but it'll be how many that actual number is. Without third party anti cheat a plus side (yeah right) is that the undetected or uncaught cheaters will be spread over all servers (its not really a plus for us, just a point saying that they won't be squeezed into non streaming servers that is if they don't have a global pb ban anyway) the downside is that more will go undetected and uncaught and there will be no streaming servers to give extra protection.
  24. Im pretty sure I'm accurate with my assumption that the daily online player count will go down in time. The online player count is the open beta after all and not the full retail release. Im merely speculating, it could keep a decent count but even you dont know how it will turn out. Just the opinions on here aint all that positive. I personally don't think it will go the way of HL as cops and robbers was always an unusual theme for the BF franchise.
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