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Everything posted by DHGreeny

  1. Im pretty sure that will change in time. What if it goes the way of HL?
  2. Some people just don't want to take the chance and tbh I don't blame them. It could even tarnish their reputation and is it up to them to use their time and energy to defend their past?
  3. :D A log is also a part of the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off. Just jesting.. Sorry that we cannot assist you any further.
  4. If the server isn't streaming or wasnt at the time the most you can do is add the player to your local ban list and share it with all your admin friends so they can add the player as well. Streaming logs are needed to add dirty pbss's to the MBI.
  5. Again a question to field to evenbalance themselves as the ban has nothing to do with us. Locking topic. Edit: please note that the info on your screenshot is likely not accurate. The web browser global ban checker is not working correctly. Also understand that the ban is still in force I have checked it. My browser still has the Global ban cached data message unlike your screenshot also.
  6. I think he ended up fielding the question in the private section after this.
  7. More details here.. https://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php
  8. p00fage LOL! Thats freakin' funny, I like it! You can only use that from now on (and in big letters).. A handy e-mail address for sure
  9. As its a global ban and not a ban on our MBI currently, heres some info on global bans. Global bans are maintain soley by Evenbalance themselves and they are who you need to contact.. https://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php
  10. I personally think its bad practice by a business. Every customer should be valued equally I don't think its in their best interest to annoy customers to the point they don't come back after all its the customer that pays the business and those involved and they need them. The message they are sending by doing this is we value you as a new customer but after a while we don't care anymore. What they should do is think about reducing their prices to be able to factor in an affordable cost reduction of their existing services as well as being able to make a profit on lower prices for new customers too. If the prices werent public and made on an individual basis then I can understand but to make it public for all to see? Can they not see it could be harmful to them due to upsetting existing customers. I would certainly avoid them now for what I consider bad practice.
  11. Merry christmas to everyone. I hope you are all having an amazing time!
  12. Its too quick imo, we just start to get settled in bf4 then they release another. I don't think its a very smart move and whats happening with the sequel to bf2142? Perhaps battlefront it is. I'm not sure how much further with the bf series I am going to go, I just don't like the way they are shaping the game towards those that complain about the fun things in the games.
  13. Get bf2 as well.. Free download for vanilla at www.battlelog.co :)
  14. We live and learn. Glad to see a resolution. You're welcome Guitarskater.
  15. Check tomorrow and let us know if its still showing after midday.
  16. Ok glad you had a response from them and the issue resolved.
  17. Please bear with us someone in the know should be around soon.
  18. I guess only they know, we dont know the reasons for the ban here.
  19. Don't worry I did that the other day, it too me a while to spot. I even left 1 digit out. Happens to the best of us :D
  20. Oooh nice, looks good, some old cast in it too.
  21. I'm pretty sure I've had this happen to me in general occasionally (in other words I'm not spectating a suspect cheater and this happens) so I would say it probably isn't cheat related.
  22. I don't think changing any of the settings does anything to the pbss if I remember correctly. They are all the same. Go to pbscreens.com to see how they look for everyone. Its really good to stream to pbscreens.
  23. ooh nice avatar lol :D Anyway, Metabans is not pbbans but it is something that admins can use on their server so that when they issue a ban the player is banned from a number of servers to whom have followed the admin that banned you this way. So basically instead of an admin passing on your info to his other admin friends so that they can add you to their ban list on their servers they just use metabans to ban said player and you are banned from the other servers also instantly. Some admins may just follow someone for the sake of it and may not even be their friends. I see you have found where to appeal. Obviously someone is suspicious of your play and have banned you for it. Metabans for me is only as good as the admin that uses it and that radiates to those who follows them. I don't use it myself. Edit: Ugg that avatar grosses me out lol!
  24. Few ip's and lots of linked guids possible mistake, amateurs etc. Or they might have some more info we don't know about.
  25. If you still struggle and you dont want to wait you could use the rcon commands, just need to copy and paste the lines 1 by 1. Its in the hub streaming guide and pretty straight forward if your server still doesn't stream then scroll down to troubleshooting where there is extra commands that can be sent for stubborn servers, alternatively you could upload to ftp as well if you have access.
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