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Everything posted by Kite

  1. Nothing to worry about, you're clean :) Throwing the GUID through the MBi search bar on the front page or clicking on the GUID itself in the results brings up this. At one point or another in your BF2142 (re-)installing(s), you probably input your key in wrong or it got saved wrong/corrupt for some reason. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/global-punkbuster-guid-ban-8a02f1f0-t24118.html
  2. don't forget single player http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RULv6HbgEjY although +1 for the guy being a PC gamer and totally dissing console gamers lol
  3. The ban he's planning to do, per se, is a local ban, meaning it'll only apply to their servers only and no one elses. While it won't be added to the Master Ban Index, PBBans has no control over how admins decide to ban people from their own servers for whatever reason. I agree with Renegade, imo you should probably just find another clan before drama ensues.
  4. Happy birthday Taz! :lol: I got you some leet hax.
  5. To add on to that: http://www.vg247.com/2011/01/17/assassins-creed-brotherhood-patch-disables-xbox-360-multiplayer/ Epic Fail?
  6. Let me google that for you
  7. Your GUID is currently banned by GGC-Stream; you'll need to take up your ban with them. http://www.ggc-stream.com/search/server/guid/gid/e0f8508e2565182a694d35f60a167803
  8. Awesome addition, now I don't have to scroll through every page of the MBi and CTRL+F everything to find PBSS bans :P
  9. http://twitter.com/#!/pcdev/status/17377737148731392
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrzMhU_4m-g What all these "witch-hunting" banlists remind me of.
  11. Can't even play the first SP level due to stuttering. MP isn't as bad as I thought, but it still lags like shit. Might as well just play Nuketown 24/7 to level up. Well on the plus side, the Steam code I won in the PlanetCoD contest was a retail one, so now that retarded requesting friends restriction I've had for so long (because I've never had a whatever "true/non-promotion/non-free game") is finally gone for good.
  12. http://twitter.com/pcdev/status/5487675083587584 http://twitter.com/Joker_X4/status/5492524235886593 Well said Joker.
  13. http://twitter.com/jockyitch/status/2202863249915904
  14. It seems every thread on either the official CoD forums or Steam forums has this. "OMG BLACK OPS IS LAGGIN HERE MY SPECS" "DUDE IT'S UR COMPUTER NOW STFU" "I RUN OTHER GAMES FINE SO STFU" "NO U STFU" Well ok, before GameServer's official statement came out about it. http://gamers-underground.com/content/809-gameservers-com-respond-black-ops-lag-complaints.html Still, glad I haven't touched it yet. Maybe I should start looking towards those free Steam code giveaways just for the heck of it :P
  15. Yeah, figured it was coming sooner or later. Sad thing is that the first NA players haven't even gotten the game yet. http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2665/firsteveraimbothack.jpg http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/9748/smileybo.jpg
  16. Server browser revealed by JD_2020 http://twitpic.com/34zzc9 On an unrelated note, with all this mayhem going about what time(s) the game truly unlocks on Steam, which makes a mess for both Steam AND retail buyers (considering both require Steam), it makes me wonder why I still stay with the minority that refuses to "move on". If this keeps up, midnight releases for retail PC gamers will be a thing of the past.
  17. As said on another gaming site: BF2.5: The Freeification.
  18. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=18123185&postcount=17 Yet he says a few posts back... What an idiot.
  19. Nope, because CoD: Black Ops is using VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat).
  20. GameTrailers' MoH review. Mostly focuses on SP, not much in the way of MP in it; most of the MP issues mentioned have already been...known for some time already. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-medal-of/705962 A few points: - Confusing story and no real connection w/ characters. - Pathetic AI. - Extremely short and easy SP. - Hit detection great in SP; iffy in MP.
  21. ...ugh, it's still not getting the $60 from me. I honestly tried hard to like it, but I couldn't. All I see Sector Control as is a clustered CoD Domination with horrible spawn points. You spawn at random points in the maps for no reason. Enemies spawn behind you in your base for no reason. Teams just randomly switch sides on the map for no reason. The maps seriously need to be expanded more. It's WAY too easy to gain/lose all 3 capture points/sectors/whatevers. I mean, sure it WAS possible in CoD4 to dominate all three points, but that usually never stayed for long. Well on the good side, I never ran into any teleport hackers or cheaters.
  22. Just to note that PBBans is in no way related to SteamBans in any way. They may have the same name as us and whatnot, but they support a different anti-cheat and have different staff. :) And from their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/steambans#!/steambans?v=wall&story_fbid=156325837718848&ref=mf
  23. http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/09/16/reports-apb-to-close-servers-tomorrow/ http://eu.apb.com/en/news/announcements/2010/09/16/end-of-an-era June 29 to September 16 = 2 months and 17 days lifespan. Ouch.
  24. Post-MP event PC FAQ posted by JD_2020 and pcdev on the CoD:BO Forums. http://callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=270441&sid=0lu3rtauutb89t1ckv61n4v193
  25. If the player count is raised to maybe at least around 40-ish or more max, I may consider buying. (Hey, I actually ENJOY 50-player TDM chaos XD)
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