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Everything posted by stymie

  1. Nice Job. Thanks for sharing
  2. ROFL ....... :o Ya see that's the beauty of it. We can add and remove any violation at anytime we choose. The greatest part of it all is, I can empty the banlist .... and it will continue to fill up. Whether we dismiss a certain violation or not, it is still in the vault. Again, I ask the same question as others have; what server, what guid, what clan ect. We are not making any global "stance" untill all software tools through EvenBalance are supported. Its all just data pal. Peace,
  3. I love when the answers that one seeks are not good enough, so they turn to "flaming" the admin who gave them the answer. The file was where it did not belong, how it got there is not our concern. The fact that it was there and detected, well now that's his problem.
  4. i think he was talking about screen number 2 where you see red writing above the dude ..... maybe
  5. Your correct ... I am the dumbass When I looked at it in the banlist it looked "short" ... I counted and counted and counted and I always came up short. Thanks to all that looked into this, I will crawl back under my rock.
  6. speaking of 32 characters in a guid is this FEAR ban not strange.... maybe its just me, but it looks like its missing some numbers too http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=10009
  7. Always looking for good configs and people willing to post them.
  8. I am sure you can use this for a start ;Auto Generated by PunkBuster Server pb_sv_MsgPrefix "PunkBuster Server" //[PB Message Prefix (default=^3PunkBuster Client)] pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)] pb_sv_MaxConDls 1 //[concurrent downloads (default=1)] pb_sv_KickLen 2 //[minutes (default=2)] pb_sv_CvarFreq 6 //[# of range checks per minute] pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_CvarWalk 1 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists] pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarUser command] pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 99 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarChanged command] pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_LogCeiling 5000 //[High log filename serial #] pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 1000 //[High screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots] pb_sv_SsWidth 320 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsHeight 240 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[Sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 60 //[Minimum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 //[Maximum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSs 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_Sleep 60 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)] pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[power points] pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[power points] pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[minutes (default=5)] pb_sv_httpPort 0 //[port #] pb_sv_httpAddr "" //[external IP Address] pb_sv_httpRefresh 30 //[seconds] pb_sv_httpKey "" //[key] pb_sv_httpMaps "" //[map list (separate by spaces)] pb_sv_scoreKick -10 //[minimum score (negative)] pb_sv_changePeriod 99 //[seconds] pb_sv_changeMax 4 //[max name changes allowed] pb_sv_dupNameGrace 0 //[seconds] pb_sv_autoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_extChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_guidRelax 1 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)] pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg //load remote logging settings (if pbsvlog.cfg exists) ;Badname List - pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text] ;Cvar Range List - pb_sv_cvar [cvar_name] [type] [value(s)] pb_sv_cvarempty
  9. stymie

    SF Mod

    :woot: done it myself :blink:
  10. wow .... a computer picks up violations and filters em out, a few turn out to be defected by the makers of the software and we remove them. Whats the problem ??? Itchy .... I have never had a problem with you, and nor am I interested, but let me say this.... If you think that "Quality over Quanity" means we make "snap decisions" your sadly mistaken. An Error on somebody elses part, does not constitute an emergency on ours. We have a fully functioning ban system with a built in appeal system. We have safe guards, and procedures as well as site and game server admins who are here to help, listen and learn. Many people dedicate a lot of time and effort to the cause instead of puffin up their feathers and beating their chests. When the concern arose, people received the answers they required and they completed the process. (TSS)Hidinfury .... just to say welcome, and thanks for the leg work
  11. me thinks your at the wrong place, it seems like you and PsB are a much better fit that you and PBBans. Just a thought, but who the fuk cares what PsB does ??? certainly not anyone here. There is a reason why PBBans was formed.
  12. stymie

    Latest Bans

    that brought tears to my eyes.... truly a work of art. ;)
  13. stymie


    set rate to 2 ... it help me out, a lot better return
  14. stymie


    Problem being, is I do not have FTP to upload the configs, therefore I have to type commands through a console, just like the old SoF2 Rcon. I can not get the SCMD console to recognize the PunkBuster Commands. Does anyone know the correct format for typing a PB command into the SCMD console.
  15. stymie


    Okay here is the deal, I do not have access to teh pb folder for my FEAR server. I have tried several times to key PB commands through the SCMD. I am having no luck. Can somebody please respond with an example of what the command will look like. I know the scmd login password but scmd pb_sv set up for streaming will not work. Thanks in advance, is the manual out yet ?? last time I looked it was not. I see a ban in the list, so somebody is streaming B)
  16. Its only free if it works ..... and from what I see... it dont work.
  17. $10 for a new game will allow you to play again, unless of course its a hardware ban .... then its a little more expensive. here's a hint though .... dont buy ysed parts on ebay ;)
  18. this is my favorite .... but I have to agree with above, when we played TWL this script was forbidden. bottom line is your playing on a quake 3 engine, you can do what ever you like on your server. Just remember that even though you scan for this in a players config, DONT mean the player is not using a N54 Nostromo game pad or other device that they can create macro's, to do the exact same thing plus add a few bunny hopps and a shot here and there. Having these scripts dont make you an eleet player, hell some gamerz only have 3 fingers on each hand ..... why should they not be able to duck lean and slide with 1 ...lmao :blink: I hope that script can be useful for your detection, if you choose to do that. IMO its not a 'cheat' its just dirty .... but fun ;)
  19. lmao
  20. weapon showing has nothing to do with it. Its simple finger movement If you have your weapon switch on a mouse wheel and your fire button on a mouse button you are doing 2 seperate moves with one finger, hense you miss the window of opportunity and you end up recocking your weapon. If you have a weapon bind on your keyboard (left hand) and your fire button on the mouse (right hand) you can switch weapon and fire before the "game" recocks your weapon, hense making it a fast weapon change and a fast shot. Try it and you will see. The weapon draw, is just so I know what weapon I am using.
  21. I have talked to people in the past about some different things, I know it sounds silly but if we had a way to display in the 'members' signature their number of bans they have, that are kinda updated on a regular basis, it would improve streaming admins membership. Like I said, I know it sounds crazy ... but trust me, their are a lot of admins that wear their bans on their chest. Kinda a status thing?? So here is my question: "Is their any way you computer guru's can make a PBBans signature for your streaming members to wear stating their number of cheaters they have caught." .....burn stymie at the stake ;)
  22. what would be illegal about it ??
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