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Everything posted by Kolor

  1. So if your device fails and you need to replace it, you're fecked basically. This would have be made very apparent before purchase otherwise I can see how this would be legal, and we all know how Americans love class action suits.
  2. Welcome the forum Yoshiro
  3. Security fixes inc WebGL OOB exploit, Array.reduceRight() int. overflow, a use after free in XUL parser and some memory corruption bugs. 5.0 is mostly bugs fixes.
  4. A lot of 'older' people are going to buy this and be massively disappointed. Should have stayed vapourware IMO.
  5. You sir are in the VERY wrong place. The door is that way >>
  6. Ah nice, been waiting for the android client to drop.
  7. I voted no. While I loved the beta and the game after initial release I got too frustrated with the pace of play, the players (beyond the game devs' control but non the less...) and the engine felt sluggish, especially being a hardcore CoD4 player.
  8. Multiple instances of the rendering engine loaded, often a new instance is loaded by screen recording / overlay software.
  9. Kolor

    ArmA 3

    I enjoyed ARMA however 2 and the new expansion suffered constant CTD for me, I even changed system completely and it persisted.
  10. Windows key & R %APPDATA% (or type in any explorer address bar)
  11. EA wants
  12. Worse still if they knew they had an external breach at _least_ 7 days ago but felt a small comment buried in a blog would suffice. Hombrew rootkits, data protection and a failure to inform ... Sony is going from bad to worse. The fact they are "not sure" if credit card details have also been stolen would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.
  13. Was the server streaming to PBBans? EvenBalances' default punishment for violations is a 2 minute kick, meaning if the ban is not enforced by a 3rd party streaming services such as PBBans then the player is free to rejoin.
  14. Recent lag seems to be caused by the latest PunkBuster update.
  15. Kolor

    Help plz..

    Probably hardware related (but due to specific game setting). I'm guessing those screenshots we're taken on a stock server? Is there anyway you could attempt getting them of a promod server? I have a clan member who has the same issue on stock servers but all his pbss from our promod servers come back fine. I'm guessing on of the forced server variable but we are yet to narrow it down.
  16. Will probably be even cheaper on CoolShop.
  17. Been using Playclaw for a long time now (primarily for GPU/TS overlay) and have been very happy with it.
  18. In other news I hear eSuba are now doing a weekly gardening show on BBC2. Should be fun.
  19. +1, +1. Game devs are basically failed procedural programmers who think their user base are about as dumb as they are. Their holier than thou attitude stinks.
  20. Kolor


    As I was watching that my work colleague commented "oh TF3 is being released?" Says it all I think.
  21. Sounds like justification to make future games even weaker content and gameplay wise, just to appease these "causual gamers". Spin Doctors everywhere these days ...
  22. As stated this is an EvenBalance violation that is enforced by PBBans. Only EB know exactly which violation # correlates to which hack and this information is not disclosed. If your member believes the violation was triggered in error he will need to appeal the ban by clicking the "Appeal This Ban" tab on the actual ban link and following the simple instructions provided. As this was a direct detection of a cheat violation made by evenbalance themselves, the appeal will also include a troubleticket link. The ticket should include all processes that were running at the same time as the cheat violation was raised. This will help evenbalance staff determine if a mistake has been made or not, as the case maybe, although with 1,458 bans issued for #70819, and rising, I think its safe to assume that your member was indeed detected by PB software with cheat related files on his pc. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-02ce9b3c-vb201640.html
  23. That would be the solder melting.
  24. Firefox 4 triggered a bug in my GFX drivers (ATI 11.2) causing GPU usage to stay @ 99 - 100%. Reproducible by viewing https://demos.mozilla.org/en-US/ hardware acceleration on or off.
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